Honest JWT Library ================== Implementation of [JSON Web Tokens](http://jwt.io) in Rust. Honest about its feature set and actively maintained. Support for all claim checks and JWEs is a goal. Fork of [frank_jwt](https://github.com/GildedHonour/frank_jwt). ## Algorithms and features supported - [x] HS256 - [x] HS384 - [x] HS512 - [x] RS256 - [x] RS384 - [x] RS512 - [x] ES256 - [x] ES384 - [x] ES512 - [x] Sign - [x] Verify - [ ] iss check (issuer) - [ ] sub check (subject) - [ ] aud check (audience) - [ ] exp check (expiration time) - [ ] nbf check (not before time) - [ ] iat check (issued at) - [ ] jti check (JWT id) ## Usage Put this into your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] honest_jwt = "0.1" ``` And this in your crate root: ```rust extern crate honest_jwt; extern crate #[macro_use] serde_json; use honest_jwt::{Algorithm, encode, decode}; ``` ## Example ```rust //HS256 let mut payload = json!({ "key1" : "val1", "key2" : "val2" }); let mut header = json!({}); let secret = "secret123"; let jwt = encode(&header, secret.to_string(), &payload, Algorithm::HS256); //RS256 use std::env; let mut payload = json!({ "key1" : "val1", "key2" : "val2" }); let mut header = json!({}); let mut keypath = env::current_dir().unwrap(); keypath.push("some_folder"); keypath.push("my_rsa_2048_key.pem"); let jwt = encode(&header, &keypath.to_path_buf(), &payload, Algorithm::RS256); let (header, payload) = decode(&jwt, &keypath.to_path_buf(), Algorithm::RS256); ``` ## License Original project code ([frank_jwt](https://github.com/GildedHonour/frank_jwt)) was licensed under the [Apache 2.0](legal/apache-v2.0.md) license. New code is being written under the [LGPL 3.0](legal/gnu-lgpl-v3.0.md). Eventually all original code will be re-rewitten and entire project will be LGPL'd.