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[Horust](https://github.com/FedericoPonzi/Horust) is a supervisor / init system written in rust and designed to be run inside containers.
# Table of contents
* [Goals](#goals)
* [Status](#status)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [License](#license)
## Goals
* **Supervision**: Be a fully-featured supervision system, designed to be run in containers (but not only).
* **Easy to Grasp**: Have code that is easy to understand, modify _and remove_ when the situation calls for it.
* **Completeness**: Be a drop-in replacement for your own `init` system.
* **Rock Solid**: Be your favorite Egyptian God, to trust across all use cases.
## Status
At this point, this should be considered Alpha software. As in, you can (and should) use it, but under your own discretion.
## Usage
Assume you'd like to create a website health monitoring system. You can create one using Horust and a small python script.
#### 1. Create a new directory:
That will contain our services:
mkdir -p /etc/horust/services
#### 2. Create your first Horust service:
> **Pro Tip:** You can also bootstrap the creation of a new service, by using `horust --sample-service > new_service.toml`.
Create a new configuration file for Horust under `/etc/horust/services/healthchecker.toml`:
command = "/tmp/healthcheck.py"
start-delay = "10s"
strategy = "never"
A couple of notes are due here:
* This library uses [TOML](https://github.com/toml-lang/toml) for configuration, to go along nicely with Rust's chosen configuration language.
* There are many [_supported_](https://github.com/FedericoPonzi/Horust/blob/master/DOCUMENTATION.md) properties for your service file, but only `command` is _required_.
On startup, Horust will read this service file, and run the `command`. According to the restart strategy "`never`", as soon as the service has carried out its task it _will not restart_, and Horust will exit.
As you can see, it will run the `/tmp/healthcheck.py` Python script, which doesn't exist yet. Let's create it!
#### 3. Create your Python script:
Create a new Python script under `/tmp/healthcheck.py`:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import urllib.request
import sys
req = urllib.request.Request("https://www.google.com", method="HEAD")
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
if resp.status == 200:
Don't forget to make it executable:
chmod +x /tmp/healthcheck.py
#### 4. Build Horust:
This step is only required because we don't have a release yet, or if you like to live on the edge.
For building Horust, you will need [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/learn/get-started). As soon as it's installed, you can build Horust with Rust's `cargo`:
cargo build --release
#### 4. Run Horust:
Now you can just:
By default Horust searches for services inside the `/etc/horust/services` folder (which we have created in step 1).
Every 10 seconds from now on, Horust will send an HTTP `HEAD` request to https://google.it. If the response is different than `200`, then there is an issue!
In this case, we're just exiting with a different exit code (i.e. a `1` instead of a `0`). But in real life, you could trigger other actions - maybe storing this information in a database for long-term analysis, or sending an e-mail to the website's owner.
#### 5. Finish up:
Use Ctrl+C to stop Horust. Horust will send a `SIGTERM` signal to all the running services, and if it doesn't hear back for a while - it will terminate them by sending an additional `SIGKILL` signal.
Check out the [documentation](https://github.com/FedericoPonzi/Horust/blob/master/DOCUMENTATION.md) for a complete reference of the options available on the service config file. A general overview is available below as well:
command = "/bin/bash -c 'echo hello world'"
start-delay = "2s"
start-after = ["database", "backend.toml"]
stdout = "STDOUT"
stderr = "/var/logs/hello_world_svc/stderr.log"
user = "root"
working-directory = "/tmp/"
strategy = "never"
backoff = "0s"
attempts = 0
http-endpoint = "http://localhost:8080/healthcheck"
file-path = "/var/myservice/up"
successful-exit-code = [ 0, 1, 255]
strategy = "ignore"
signal = "TERM"
wait = "10s"
die-if-failed = ["db.toml"]
keep-env = false
re-export = [ "PATH", "DB_PASS"]
additional = { key = "value"}
## Contributing
Thanks for considering contributing to horust! To get started have a look on [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/FedericoPonzi/Horust/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
## License
Horust is provided under the MIT license. Please read the attached [license](https://github.com/FedericoPonzi/horust/blob/master/LICENSE) file.