# hpm-data & hpm-metapac [![CI Status][badge-actions]][actions-build] [![Crates.io][badge-crates-io]][crates-io] [![Docs.rs][badge-docs-rs]][docs-rs] [badge-actions]: https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/andelf/hpm-data/build.yml?style=for-the-badge&label=CI&20Tests [actions-build]: https://github.com/andelf/hpm-data/actions/workflows/build.yml [badge-crates-io]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/hpm-metapac.svg?style=for-the-badge [crates-io]: https://crates.io/crates/hpm-metapac [badge-docs-rs]: https://img.shields.io/docsrs/hpm-metapac?style=for-the-badge [docs-rs]: https://docs.rs/hpm-metapac The structured MCU DB of HPM MCUs. The home of [hpm-metapac][docs-rs]. All PRs and Issues are handled in [andelf/hpm-data](https://github.com/andelf/hpm-data). ## MCU Family (in order of release date) - HPM6700/HPM6400 - high performance - HPM6300 - general purpose - HPM6200 - high performance, real-time, mixed signal - HPM5300 - general purpose, motion control - HPM6800 - display, user interface - HPM6E00 (announced) - EtherCAT ### Support status - [x] HPM5300 - [x] HPM6700/HPM6400 - [x] HPM6300 - [x] HPM6800 - [x] HPM6200 - [ ] HPM6E00 ### Metadata patch The `hpm-metapac` crate has a `metadata` feature, when enabled, it will provide the basic metadata of the currrent MCU: - Core name, basic info - All resources, for `SYSCTL` - All clocks, for `SYSCTL.CLOCK` - All GPIOs and it's PADs, for `IOC` - Patch vectored interrupt mode, add `CORE_LOCAL` for Non-External Interrupts ## Data Source - - - -