use hreq::prelude::*; use hreq::Error; use std::fs::File; use std::io::BufReader; mod common; #[test] fn from_charset_iso8859_ok() -> Result<(), Error> { common::setup_logger(); let server = iso8859_server(); let (shut, addr) = server.listen(0).block()?; let uri = format!("{}/path", addr.port()); let mut agent = hreq::Agent::new(); agent.retries(0); let req = http::Request::get(uri).body(())?; let res = agent.send(req).block()?; assert_eq!( res.header("content-type"), Some("text/plain; charset=iso8859-1") ); let body = String::from_utf8(res.into_body().read_to_vec().block()?).unwrap(); assert_eq!(body, "and in the river is an island. åiåaäeöÅIÅAÄEÖ.\n"); shut.shutdown().block(); Ok(()) } #[test] fn from_charset_iso8859_disable() -> Result<(), Error> { common::setup_logger(); let server = iso8859_server(); let (shut, addr) = server.listen(0).block()?; let uri = format!("{}/path", addr.port()); let res = http::Request::get(uri) // turns off charset decoding .charset_decode(false) .call() .block()?; let vec = res.into_body().read_to_vec().block()?; // ÄEÖ. assert_eq!(&vec[42..], &[196, 69, 214, 46, 10]); shut.shutdown().block(); Ok(()) } #[test] fn from_charset_shift_jis() -> Result<(), Error> { common::setup_logger(); let server = shiftjis_server(); let (shut, addr) = server.listen(0).block()?; let uri = format!("{}/path", addr.port()); let res = http::Request::get(uri) .charset_decode_target("EUC-JP") .call() .block()?; assert_eq!( res.header("content-type"), Some("text/plain; charset=Shift_JIS") ); let vec = res.into_body().read_to_vec().block()?; assert_eq!( vec, &[164_u8, 170, 164, 207, 164, 232, 164, 166, 192, 164, 179, 166, 10] ); shut.shutdown().block(); Ok(()) } #[test] fn to_charset_iso8859() -> Result<(), Error> { common::setup_logger(); let mut server = Server::new(); server .at("/path") .all(|req: http::Request| async move { let req = req.charset_decode_target("iso8859-1"); let x = req.into_body().read_to_vec().await?; assert_eq!(x, vec![111, 99, 104, 32, 229, 105, 229, 97, 228, 101, 246]); Result::<_, Error>::Ok(()) }); let req = http::Request::post("/path") .header("content-type", "text/plain; charset=iso8859-1") .body("och åiåaäeö")?; server.handle(req).block()?; Ok(()) } // おはよう世界 in EUC-JP. const EUC_JP: &[u8] = &[ 164_u8, 170, 164, 207, 164, 232, 164, 166, 192, 164, 179, 166, ]; #[test] fn charset_euc_jp_to_shift_jis() -> Result<(), Error> { common::setup_logger(); let mut server = Server::new(); server .at("/path") .all(|req: http::Request| async move { let req = req.charset_decode(false); let x = req.into_body().read_to_vec().await?; assert_eq!( x, vec![130, 168, 130, 205, 130, 230, 130, 164, 144, 162, 138, 69] ); Result::<_, Error>::Ok(()) }); let (shut, addr) = server.listen(0).block()?; let uri = format!("{}/path", addr.port()); let res = http::Request::post(uri) .charset_encode_source("EUC-JP") .header("content-type", "text/plain; charset=Shift_JIS") .send(Body::from_bytes(EUC_JP)) .block()?; assert_eq!(res.status(), 200); shut.shutdown().block(); Ok(()) } #[test] fn to_charset_shift_jis_disable() -> Result<(), Error> { common::setup_logger(); let mut server = Server::new(); server .at("/path") .all(|req: http::Request| async move { let req = req.charset_decode(false); let x = req.into_body().read_to_vec().await?; assert_eq!(x, EUC_JP); Result::<_, Error>::Ok(()) }); let req = http::Request::post("/path") .charset_encode_source("EUC-JP") .charset_encode(false) // should have no effect now .header("content-type", "text/plain; charset=Shift_JIS") .body(Body::from_bytes(EUC_JP))?; let res = server.handle(req).block()?; assert_eq!(res.status(), 200); Ok(()) } #[test] fn to_charset_shift_jis_string() -> Result<(), Error> { common::setup_logger(); let mut server = Server::new(); server .at("/path") .all(|req: http::Request| async move { let req = req.charset_decode(false); let x = req.into_body().read_to_vec().await?; assert_eq!( x, vec![130, 168, 130, 205, 130, 230, 130, 164, 144, 162, 138, 69] ); Result::<_, Error>::Ok(()) }); let req = http::Request::post("/path") // this should be ignored since the body is given as a UTF-8 string .charset_encode_source("EUC-JP") .header("content-type", "text/plain; charset=Shift_JIS") .body("おはよう世界")?; let res = server.handle(req).block()?; assert_eq!(res.status(), 200); Ok(()) } fn iso8859_server() -> Server<()> { common::setup_logger(); let mut server = Server::new();"/path").all(|_: http::Request| async move { let file = File::open("tests/data/iso8859.txt").unwrap(); let buf_reader = BufReader::new(file); http::Response::builder() .charset_encode_source("iso8859-1") .header("content-type", "text/plain; charset=iso8859-1") .body(Body::from_sync_read(buf_reader, None)) .unwrap() }); server } fn shiftjis_server() -> Server<()> { common::setup_logger(); let mut server = Server::new();"/path").all(|_: http::Request| async move { let file = File::open("tests/data/shiftjis.txt").unwrap(); let buf_reader = BufReader::new(file); http::Response::builder() .charset_encode_source("Shift_JIS") .header("content-type", "text/plain; charset=Shift_JIS") .body(Body::from_sync_read(buf_reader, None)) .unwrap() }); server }