Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum






em element
_em element_
i element
_i element_
strong element
**strong element**
b element
**b element**
code element
`code element`
There is a literal backtick (`) here
``There is a literal backtick (`) here``
here are three ``` here are four ```` that's it
`here are three ``` here are four ```` that's it`
here are three ``` here are four ```` here is one ` that's it
``here are three ``` here are four ```` here is one ` that's it``
`starting with a backtick
`` `starting with a backtick ``

Level One Heading

Level One Heading
A sentence containing =
A sentence containing =

Level One Heading with ATX

# Level One Heading with ATX

Level Two Heading

Level Two Heading

Level Two Heading with ATX

## Level Two Heading with ATX

Level Three Heading

### Level Three Heading

Level Four Heading with child

#### Level Four Heading with `child`
Level Seven Heading?
Level Seven Heading?

* * *

* * *

- - -
after the break
after the break
after the break
after the break
img with alt
![img with alt](logo.png)

img with
![img with
img with
![img with
![](logo.png "the
An anchor
[An anchor](http://example.com)
An anchor
[An anchor](http://example.com "Title for link")
An anchor
[An anchor](http://example.com "Title for
An anchor
[An anchor](http://example.com "\"hello\"")
An anchor
[An anchor](http://example.com?\(query\))
Anchor without a title
Anchor without a title
Some code
[Some `code`](http://example.com/code)
Reference link
[Reference link][1]

[1]: http://example.com
Reference link with collapsed style
[Reference link with collapsed style][]

[Reference link with collapsed style]: http://example.com
Reference link with shortcut style
[Reference link with shortcut style]

[Reference link with shortcut style]: http://example.com
def code_block
  # 42 < 9001
  "Hello world!"
    def code_block
      # 42 < 9001
      "Hello world!"
def first_code_block
  # 42 < 9001
  "Hello world!"


def second_code_block
  # 42 < 9001
  "Hello world!"
    def first_code_block
      # 42 < 9001
      "Hello world!"


    def second_code_block
      # 42 < 9001
      "Hello world!"
Multiple new lines

should not be

    Multiple new lines
    should not be
def a_fenced_code block; end
def a_fenced_code block; end
def a_fenced_code block; end
def a_fenced_code block; end
~~~ foo
\~~~ foo
A sentence containing ~~~
A sentence containing ~~~
def a_fenced_code block; end
def a_fenced_code block; end


  1. Ordered list item 1
  2. Ordered list item 2
  3. Ordered list item 3
1.  Ordered list item 1
2.  Ordered list item 2
3.  Ordered list item 3
  1. Ordered list item 42
  2. Ordered list item 43
  3. Ordered list item 44
42.  Ordered list item 42
43.  Ordered list item 43
44.  Ordered list item 44

A paragraph.

  1. Ordered list item 1
  2. Ordered list item 2
  3. Ordered list item 3

Another paragraph.

A paragraph.

1.  Ordered list item 1
2.  Ordered list item 2
3.  Ordered list item 3

Another paragraph.

*   Unordered list item 1
*   Unordered list item 2
*   Unordered list item 3
*   Unordered list item 1
*   Unordered list item 2
*   Unordered list item 3
-   Unordered list item 1
-   Unordered list item 2
-   Unordered list item 3
*   List item with paragraph
*   List item without paragraph
  1. This is a paragraph in a list item.

    This is a paragraph in the same list item as above.

  2. A paragraph in a second list item.

1.  This is a paragraph in a list item.
    This is a paragraph in the same list item as above.
2.  A paragraph in a second list item.
*   This is a list item at root level
*   This is another item at root level
*   *   This is a nested list item
    *   This is another nested list item
    *   *   This is a deeply nested list item
        *   This is another deeply nested list item
        *   This is a third deeply nested list item
*   This is a third item at root level
*   This is a list item at root level
*   This is another item at root level
*   1.  This is a nested list item
    2.  This is another nested list item
    3.  *   This is a deeply nested list item
        *   This is another deeply nested list item
        *   This is a third deeply nested list item
*   This is a third item at root level
*   A list item with a blockquote:
    > This is a blockquote inside a list item.

This is a paragraph within a blockquote.

This is another paragraph within a blockquote.

> This is a paragraph within a blockquote.
> This is another paragraph within a blockquote.

This is the first level of quoting.

This is a paragraph in a nested blockquote.

Back to the first level.

> This is the first level of quoting.
> > This is a paragraph in a nested blockquote.
> Back to the first level.

This is a header.

  1. This is the first list item.
  2. This is the second list item.

A code block:

return 1 < 2 ? shell_exec('echo $input | $markdown_script') : 0;
> This is a header.
> -----------------
> 1.  This is the first list item.
> 2.  This is the second list item.
> A code block:
>     return 1 < 2 ? shell_exec('echo $input | $markdown_script') : 0;
A div
Another div
A div

Another div
A div
Another div
A div

Another div

Hello world
    Hello world

h3 with leading whitespace

### h3 with leading whitespace
  1. Chapter One
    1. Section One
    2. Section Two with trailing whitespace
    3. Section Three with trailing whitespace
  2. Chapter Two
  3. Chapter Three with trailing whitespace
1.  Chapter One
    1.  Section One
    2.  Section Two with trailing whitespace
    3.  Section Three with trailing whitespace
2.  Chapter Two
3.  Chapter Three with trailing whitespace
*   Indented li with leading/trailing newlines
*   **Strong with trailing space inside li with leading/trailing whitespace**
*   li without whitespace
*   Leading space, text, lots of whitespace … text

I need more spaces!

I [need](http://example.com/need) [more](http://www.example.com/more) spaces!
Text with no space after the period. Text in em with leading/trailing spaces text in strong with trailing space
Text with no space after the period. _Text in em with leading/trailing spaces_ **text in strong with trailing space**
Text at root link text with trailing space in strong more text at root
Text at root **[link text with trailing space in strong](http://www.example.com)** more text at root
Text before blank em … text after blank em
Text before blank em … text after blank em
Text before blank div …
text after blank div
Text before blank div …

text after blank div

Content in a nested div
Content in another div
Content in a nested div

Content in another div
backslash \
backslash \\
### This is not a heading
\### This is not a heading
#This is not # a heading
#This is not # a heading
To add emphasis, surround text with *. For example: *this is emphasis*
To add emphasis, surround text with \*. For example: \*this is emphasis\*
To add emphasis, surround text with _. For example: _this is emphasis_
To add emphasis, surround text with \_. For example: \_this is emphasis\_
def this_is_a_method; end;
    def this_is_a_method; end;
To add strong emphasis, surround text with **. For example: **this is strong**
To add strong emphasis, surround text with \*\*. For example: \*\*this is strong\*\*
To add strong emphasis, surround text with __. For example: __this is strong__
To add strong emphasis, surround text with \_\_. For example: \_\_this is strong\_\_
* * *
\* \* \*
- - -
\- - -
_ _ _
\_ \_ \_
* * * * *
\* \* \* \* \*
1984. by George Orwell
1984\. by George Orwell
1984.George Orwell wrote 1984.
1984.George Orwell wrote 1984.
* An unordered list item
\* An unordered list item
- An unordered list item
\- An unordered list item
+ An unordered list item
\+ An unordered list item
Hello-world, 45 - 3 is 42
Hello-world, 45 - 3 is 42
+1 and another +
+1 and another +
You can use * for multiplication
You can use \* for multiplication
> Blockquote in markdown
\> Blockquote in markdown
>Blockquote in markdown
\>Blockquote in markdown
42 > 1
42 > 1
`not code`
\`not code\`
[This] is a sentence with brackets
\[This\] is a sentence with brackets
fasdf *883 asdf wer qweasd fsd asdf asdfaqwe rqwefrsdf
fasdf \*883 asdf wer qweasd fsd asdf asdfaqwe rqwefrsdf

* * ** It aims to be*

\* \* \*\* It aims to be\*

_Really_? Is that what it _is_? A **2000** year-old computer?

\_Really\_? Is that what it \_is\_? A \*\*2000\*\* year-old computer?


Foo Bar
Foo Bar
Hello world
Hello world



Foo Bar

Foo Bar

Foo Bar

Foo Bar





Foo   Bar

Foo   Bar
 1. First
 2. Second
 1. First  
 2. Second
foo bar
_foo_ bar
foo  bar
_foo_  bar
foo  bar
_foo_  bar
foo  bar
_foo_  bar
foo bar
foo _bar_
foo  bar
foo  _bar_
foo  bar
foo  _bar_
foo  bar
foo  _bar_
Four spaces make an indented code block in Markdown
Four spaces `    make an indented code block in Markdown`
A line break note the spaces
`A line break  ` **note the spaces**
not so tight code wrap
**not so tight** `code` **wrap**
nasty code
`    nasty code   `