import { $ } from "bun"; import * as path from "path"; import * as fs from "fs/promises"; import * as os from "os"; import { fetchBenchPages } from "./fetchBenchmarkPages"; import toml from "toml"; const SOURCE_PAGE_URL = ""; const BENCH_PAGE_COUNT = 200; type InputFilesInfo = { fileCount: number; totalSize: number; }; async function checkCommand(command: string) { try { await $`${command} --version > /dev/null`; } catch (e) { throw new Error(`${command} is not installed.`); } } await checkCommand("hyperfine"); await checkCommand("pandoc"); const sourceFileDir = path.dirname(__filename); if (process.cwd() != path.join(sourceFileDir, "..")) { throw new Error("Please run this script in project's root directory."); } const benchPagesDir = path.join(process.cwd(), "bench/bench-pages"); if (!(await fs.exists(benchPagesDir))) { console.log("Fetching bench pages..."); await fetchBenchPages(SOURCE_PAGE_URL, benchPagesDir, BENCH_PAGE_COUNT); } console.log("Building project (--release)..."); await $`cargo build --release`; const htmdCmd = "cargo run --release -- ./bench/bench-pages -o ./bench/bench-out/htmd"; const turndownCmd = "bun bench/turndownCli.ts ./bench/bench-pages"; const pandocCmd = "bun bench/pandocBatchCli.ts ./bench/bench-pages"; console.log("Benchmarking..."); const output = await $`hyperfine --warmup 3 --runs 5 '${htmdCmd}' '${turndownCmd}' '${pandocCmd}'`.text(); console.log(`Output:\n${output}`); await writeBenchmarkResultReadme(output); async function getInputFilesInfo(): Promise { const filenames = (await fs.readdir(benchPagesDir)).filter((name) => name.endsWith(".html") ); let totalSize = 0; for (const filename of filenames) { totalSize += (await fs.stat(path.join(benchPagesDir, filename))).size; } return { fileCount: filenames.length, totalSize: totalSize, }; } function osCpus(): string { const cpus = new Map(); for (const cpu of os.cpus()) { cpus.set(cpu.model, (cpus.get(cpu.model) ?? 0) + 1); } return [...cpus.entries()] .map(([cpu, count]) => `${cpu} x ${count}`) .join("\n"); } function osMemoryGB(): string { return (os.totalmem() / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)).toFixed(1) + " GB"; } async function htmdCliVersion(): Promise { const tomlString = (await fs.readFile("Cargo.toml")).toString(); const cargo = toml.parse(tomlString); return cargo.package.version; } async function turndownVersion(): Promise { const packageJson = (await fs.readFile("bench/package.json")).toString(); return JSON.parse(packageJson).devDependencies.turndown; } async function writeBenchmarkResultReadme(result: string) { const benchCommand = `hyperfine --warmup 3 --runs 5 \\\n'${htmdCmd}' \\\n'${turndownCmd}' \\\n'${pandocCmd}'`; const inputFilesInfo = await getInputFilesInfo(); const md = `# Benchmark An HTML-to-Markdown benchmark for htmd-cli, [Turndown.js]( and [Pandoc]( ### What does it do? - Fetch ${BENCH_PAGE_COUNT} page links from [Wikipedia - Rust](<${SOURCE_PAGE_URL}>) - Fetch all ${BENCH_PAGE_COUNT} pages and save them as HTML files - Bench using [hyperfine]( and following command: \`\`\` ${benchCommand .split("\n") .map((line) => " " + line) .join("\n")} \`\`\` # Environment System: ${os.platform()} ${os.arch()} ${os.version()} CPUs: ${osCpus()} Memory: ${osMemoryGB()} # Versions Bun: ${(await $`bun -v`.text()).trim()} Hyperfine: ${(await $`hyperfine --version`.text()).split(" ")[1].trim()} htmd-cli: ${await htmdCliVersion()} Turndown.js: ${await turndownVersion()} Pandoc: ${(await $`pandoc -v`.text()).split(" ")[1].split("\n")[0]} # Inputs File count: ${inputFilesInfo.fileCount} Total size: ${(inputFilesInfo.totalSize / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2)} MB # Results \`\`\` ${result} \`\`\` *Updated at ${new Date().toUTCString()}* *Generated by [bench.ts](bench.ts)* `; await fs.writeFile("bench/", md); }