import { $ } from "bun"; import * as fs from "fs/promises"; import * as path from "path"; const htmlDir = process.argv[2]; if (htmlDir == null) { throw new Error("No html dir provided"); } if (!(await fs.exists(htmlDir))) { throw new Error(`Html dir does not exist: ${htmlDir}`); } const start =; async function convert(filepath: string, outputDir: string) { const outFile = path.join( outputDir, path.parse(path.basename(filepath)).name + ".md" ); await $`pandoc ${filepath} --from html --to markdown --output ${outFile}`; } async function promisePool( tasks: (() => Promise)[], poolSize: number ): Promise { const results: Promise[] = []; const executing: Promise[] = []; for (const task of tasks) { const p = Promise.resolve().then(() => task()); results.push(p); if (poolSize <= tasks.length) { const e = p.then(() => { executing.splice(executing.indexOf(e), 1); }); executing.push(e); if (executing.length >= poolSize) { await Promise.race(executing); } } } return Promise.all(results); } const outputDir = path.join(path.dirname(__filename), "bench-out", "pandoc"); if (!(await fs.exists(outputDir))) { await fs.mkdir(outputDir, { recursive: true }); } const isHtmlDirAbsolutePath = path.isAbsolute(htmlDir); const htmlFiles = (await fs.readdir(htmlDir)) .map((name) => { if (isHtmlDirAbsolutePath) { return path.join(htmlDir, name); } else { return path.join(process.cwd(), htmlDir, name); } }) .filter(async (filepath) => { return filepath.endsWith(".html"); }); const promises: (() => Promise)[] = []; for (const file of htmlFiles) { promises.push(() => convert(file, outputDir)); } await promisePool(promises, 50); console.log(`Converted ${htmlFiles.length} files in ${ - start}ms.`);