# `html-node` HTML nodes in Rust. \[powered by [rstml](https://github.com/rs-tml/rstml)\]. ## Features - Text escaping - Pretty-printing - Customizable compile-time type-checked elements and attributes ([docs](https://docs.rs/html-node/latest/html_node/typed/index.html)) - completely optional, and can be mixed with untyped elements when needed! ## Projects Using `html-node` - [vidhan.io](https://github.com/vidhanio/site) - `html-node` used alongside `axum` and `tree-sitter` for a personal site. ## Example ```rust let shopping_list = vec!["milk", "eggs", "bread"]; let shopping_list_html = html! {

Shopping List

}; ```
HTML Output ```rust // the `#` flag enables pretty-printing println!("{shopping_list_html:#}"); ``` ```html

Shopping List

Rust Output ```rust println!("{shopping_list_html:#?}"); ``` ```rust Element( Element { name: "div", attributes: [], children: Some( [ Element( Element { name: "h1", attributes: [], children: Some( [ Text( Text { text: "Shopping List", }, ), ], ), }, ), Element( Element { name: "ul", attributes: [], children: Some( [ Fragment( Fragment { children: [ Element( Element { name: "li", attributes: [ ( "class", Some( "item", ), ), ], children: Some( [ Element( Element { name: "input", attributes: [ ( "type", Some( "checkbox", ), ), ( "id", Some( "item-1", ), ), ], children: None, }, ), Element( Element { name: "label", attributes: [ ( "for", Some( "item-1", ), ), ], children: Some( [ Text( Text { text: "milk", }, ), ], ), }, ), ], ), }, ), Element( Element { name: "li", attributes: [ ( "class", Some( "item", ), ), ], children: Some( [ Element( Element { name: "input", attributes: [ ( "type", Some( "checkbox", ), ), ( "id", Some( "item-2", ), ), ], children: None, }, ), Element( Element { name: "label", attributes: [ ( "for", Some( "item-2", ), ), ], children: Some( [ Text( Text { text: "eggs", }, ), ], ), }, ), ], ), }, ), Element( Element { name: "li", attributes: [ ( "class", Some( "item", ), ), ], children: Some( [ Element( Element { name: "input", attributes: [ ( "type", Some( "checkbox", ), ), ( "id", Some( "item-3", ), ), ], children: None, }, ), Element( Element { name: "label", attributes: [ ( "for", Some( "item-3", ), ), ], children: Some( [ Text( Text { text: "bread", }, ), ], ), }, ), ], ), }, ), ], }, ), ], ), }, ), ], ), }, ) ```