# Html Parser Rs

`html-parser-rs` is a Rust crate for parsing HTML documents. It supports reading HTML documents in an event-based fashion. This allows you to receive events for different elements, attributes, and text content during the parsing process.
## Features
- **Event-Based Parsing:** Receive events for different elements, attributes, and text content during parsing.
## Usage
Add this crate to your `Cargo.toml` file:
html-parser-rs = "0.1.0"
use html_parser_rs::Lexer;
use std::fs;
fn main() {
let contents = fs::read_to_string("./examples/index.html")
.expect("Failed to read file.");
let mut lexer = Lexer::new(contents);
for token in lexer.parse() {
## Events
- `StartElement(TAG_NAME)`: Triggered when an HTML element starts.
- `EndElement(TAG_NAME)`: Triggered when an HTML element ends.
- `TextContent(TEXT)`: Triggered when text content is encountered.
- `Attribute(NAME, VALUE)`: Triggered when an attribute is encountered.
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! I would like you to contribute in this project.
## Roadmap
This project is in its early stages, and there are many missing features that need implementation. Check the [Issues](/issues) section for a list of features, enhancements, and bug fixes that are planned.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](/LICENSE.md) file for details.