use html_types::semantic::{Body, Class, Document, Head, Html, Id, Script}; use html_types::{attributes::Value, text::Text, url::Url}; // This shows the semantic module of // The semantic module is trying to provide strongly typed models of the html data structure // The idea is that you are required to have values in the correct types. Such that the // title element exists as a text node, inside head // // This means html syntax errors == compiler errors // It also means you can much more easily verify your template functions worked as expected. // This sample builds a very minimal document. Using the semantic module fn main() { let title = Some(Text::create("Title")); let styles = vec![]; let url = Url::absolute_unchecked("".into()); let script = Script::External(url); let scripts = vec![script]; let head = Head { title, styles, scripts, }; let content = vec![Text::create("Hello").into()]; let body = Body { content, scripts: vec![], id: Some(Id::create("my-id").unwrap()), class: vec![ Class::create("test").unwrap(), Class::create("body").unwrap(), ], }; let html = Html { head, body, lang: Value::EN, }; let doc = Document { html }; let string: String = doc.into(); println!("{}", string); }