set dotenv-load # List all just receipes default: @just --list # Install require tools requirements: @echo "Install Rust nightly for formatting" rustup toolchain add nightly @echo "Install cargo-nextest to run test" cargo install cargo-nextest @echo "Install "bacon for tdd" cargo install bacon @echo "Install cargo-audit for audit" cargo install cargo-audit @echo "Install cargo-deny for audit" cargo install cargo-deny # Run TDD mode tdd: bacon nextest # Launch tests test: @echo "๐Ÿงช Testing..." cargo nextest run cargo test --doc # Format the code format: cargo +nightly fmt # Format the code lint: @echo "๐ŸŽฉ Linting..." cargo check --all-features cargo clippy --all-features # Check the code (formatting, lint, and tests) check: @echo "๐Ÿฆ€ Check formatting..." cargo +nightly fmt --all -- --check @just lint @just test # Audit (security issue, licences) audit: @echo "๐Ÿšจ Audit CVE..." cargo audit @echo "๐Ÿชช Check licences..." cargo deny check # Build the documentation doc: cargo doc # Build in production mode build: @just check echo "โš™๏ธ Build" cargo build --release