// Copyright 2014 The html5ever Project Developers. See the // COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. #![feature(plugin, start, rt, test)] #![plugin(string_cache_plugin)] extern crate test; extern crate string_cache; extern crate tendril; extern crate html5ever; extern crate html5ever_dom_sink; extern crate html5ever_test_util; use html5ever_test_util::foreach_html5lib_test; use std::{fs, io, env, rt}; use std::io::BufRead; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::iter::repeat; use std::mem::replace; use std::default::Default; use std::path::Path; use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap}; use test::{TestDesc, TestDescAndFn, DynTestName, DynTestFn}; use test::ShouldPanic::No; use html5ever::{parse, parse_fragment, one_input}; use html5ever_dom_sink::common::{Document, Doctype, Text, Comment, Element}; use html5ever_dom_sink::rcdom::{RcDom, Handle}; use string_cache::Atom; use tendril::StrTendril; fn parse_tests>(mut lines: It) -> Vec> { let mut tests = vec!(); let mut test = HashMap::new(); let mut key: Option = None; let mut val = String::new(); macro_rules! finish_val ( () => ( match key.take() { None => (), Some(key) => { assert!(test.insert(key, replace(&mut val, String::new())).is_none()); } } )); macro_rules! finish_test ( () => ( if !test.is_empty() { tests.push(replace(&mut test, HashMap::new())); } )); loop { match lines.next() { None => break, Some(line) => { if line.starts_with("#") { finish_val!(); if line == "#data" { finish_test!(); } key = Some(line[1..].to_string()); } else { val.push_str(&line); val.push('\n'); } } } } finish_val!(); finish_test!(); tests } fn serialize(buf: &mut String, indent: usize, handle: Handle) { buf.push_str("|"); buf.push_str(&repeat(" ").take(indent).collect::()); let node = handle.borrow(); match node.node { Document => panic!("should not reach Document"), Doctype(ref name, ref public, ref system) => { buf.push_str("\n"); } Text(ref text) => { buf.push_str("\""); buf.push_str(&text); buf.push_str("\"\n"); } Comment(ref text) => { buf.push_str("\n"); } Element(ref name, ref attrs) => { buf.push_str("<"); match name.ns { ns!(SVG) => buf.push_str("svg "), ns!(MathML) => buf.push_str("math "), _ => (), } buf.push_str(&*name.local); buf.push_str(">\n"); let mut attrs = attrs.clone(); attrs.sort_by(|x, y| x.name.local.cmp(&y.name.local)); // FIXME: sort by UTF-16 code unit for attr in attrs.into_iter() { buf.push_str("|"); buf.push_str(&repeat(" ").take(indent+2).collect::()); match attr.name.ns { ns!(XLink) => buf.push_str("xlink "), ns!(XML) => buf.push_str("xml "), ns!(XMLNS) => buf.push_str("xmlns "), _ => (), } buf.push_str(&format!("{}=\"{}\"\n", attr.name.local, attr.value)); } } } for child in node.children.iter() { serialize(buf, indent+2, child.clone()); } } // Ignore tests containing these strings; we don't support these features yet. static IGNORE_SUBSTRS: &'static [&'static str] = &[", ignores: &HashSet, filename: &str, idx: usize, fields: HashMap) { let get_field = |key| { let field = fields.get(key).expect("missing field"); field.trim_right_matches('\n').to_string() }; let data = get_field("data"); let expected = get_field("document"); let context = fields.get("document-fragment") .map(|field| Atom::from_slice(field.trim_right_matches('\n'))); let name = format!("tb: {}-{}", filename, idx); let ignore = ignores.contains(&name) || IGNORE_SUBSTRS.iter().any(|&ig| data.contains(ig)); tests.push(TestDescAndFn { desc: TestDesc { name: DynTestName(name), ignore: ignore, should_panic: No, }, testfn: DynTestFn(Box::new(move || { // Do this here because Tendril isn't Send. let data = StrTendril::from_slice(&data); let mut result = String::new(); match context { None => { let dom: RcDom = parse(one_input(data.clone()), Default::default()); for child in dom.document.borrow().children.iter() { serialize(&mut result, 1, child.clone()); } }, Some(ref context) => { let dom: RcDom = parse_fragment(one_input(data.clone()), context.clone(), Default::default()); // fragment case: serialize children of the html element // rather than children of the document let doc = dom.document.borrow(); let root = doc.children[0].borrow(); for child in root.children.iter() { serialize(&mut result, 1, child.clone()); } }, }; let len = result.len(); result.truncate(len - 1); // drop the trailing newline if result != expected { panic!("\ninput: {}\ngot:\n{}\nexpected:\n{}\n", data, result, expected); } })), }); } fn tests(src_dir: &Path, ignores: &HashSet) -> Vec { let mut tests = vec!(); foreach_html5lib_test(src_dir, "tree-construction", OsStr::new("dat"), |path, file| { let buf = io::BufReader::new(file); let lines = buf.lines() .map(|res| res.ok().expect("couldn't read")); let data = parse_tests(lines); for (i, test) in data.into_iter().enumerate() { make_test(&mut tests, ignores, path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), i, test); } }); tests } #[start] fn start(argc: isize, argv: *const *const u8) -> isize { unsafe { rt::args::init(argc, argv); } let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect(); let src_dir = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).parent().unwrap(); let mut ignores = HashSet::new(); { let f = fs::File::open(&src_dir.join("data/test/ignore")).unwrap(); let r = io::BufReader::new(f); for ln in r.lines() { ignores.insert(ln.unwrap().trim_right().to_string()); } } test::test_main(&args, tests(src_dir, &ignores)); 0 }