=head1 NAME css - search HTML documents by CSS selectors =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<-c0h>] [B<-m> I] I [I...] =head1 DESCRIPTION Foo. =head1 FLAGS =over =item B<-c> Count hits, rather than enumerating them. =item B<-0> Use a C terminator for interoperability with other programs. =item B<-m> I Limit search to I hits. =back =head1 EXIT STATUS =over =item B<0> Success. =item B<64> Indicates a usage problem, such as passing an invalid flag or using a malformed selector. =item B<70> An internal program error occurred whilst grepping the document. =item B<74> An I/O error caused by failure to read or write to disk. =back =head1 EXAMPLE Given the followig HTML document, I: My first blog post To find all occurrences of C<> elements: % css meta blog.html And to only look for C<> elements with a name attribute equal to "I" and a content attribute containing "I" in a space-separated list: % css meta[name=keywords][content~=blog] blog.html It can also receive streaming content from stdin: % curl -L https://sny.no/ | css title Andreas Tolfsen =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L