use std::path::PathBuf; use axum::{routing::get, Router}; use bytes::Bytes; use clap::{Args, Parser}; use http_body_util::{BodyExt, Full}; use http_mitm_proxy::{DefaultClient, MitmProxy}; use hyper::{service::service_fn, Response}; use moka::sync::Cache; #[derive(Parser)] struct Opt { #[clap(flatten)] external_cert: Option, } #[derive(Args, Debug)] struct ExternalCert { #[arg(required = false)] cert: PathBuf, #[arg(required = false)] private_key: PathBuf, } fn make_root_cert() -> rcgen::CertifiedKey { let mut param = rcgen::CertificateParams::default(); param.distinguished_name = rcgen::DistinguishedName::new(); param.distinguished_name.push( rcgen::DnType::CommonName, rcgen::DnValue::Utf8String("".to_string()), ); param.key_usages = vec![ rcgen::KeyUsagePurpose::KeyCertSign, rcgen::KeyUsagePurpose::CrlSign, ]; param.is_ca = rcgen::IsCa::Ca(rcgen::BasicConstraints::Unconstrained); let key_pair = rcgen::KeyPair::generate().unwrap(); let cert = param.self_signed(&key_pair).unwrap(); rcgen::CertifiedKey { cert, key_pair } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let opt = Opt::parse(); let port = 3333; let app = Router::new().route("/", get(|| async { "Hello, World!" })); let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(("", port)) .await .unwrap(); tokio::spawn(async { axum::serve(listener, app).await }); let root_cert = if let Some(external_cert) = opt.external_cert { // Use existing key let param = rcgen::CertificateParams::from_ca_cert_pem( &std::fs::read_to_string(&external_cert.cert).unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); let key_pair = rcgen::KeyPair::from_pem(&std::fs::read_to_string(&external_cert.private_key).unwrap()) .unwrap(); let cert = param.self_signed(&key_pair).unwrap(); rcgen::CertifiedKey { cert, key_pair } } else { make_root_cert() }; let root_cert_pem = root_cert.cert.pem(); let root_cert_key = root_cert.key_pair.serialize_pem(); let proxy = MitmProxy::new( // This is the root cert that will be used to sign the fake certificates Some(root_cert), Some(Cache::new(128)), ); let client = DefaultClient::new().unwrap(); let proxy = proxy .bind( ("", 3003), service_fn(move |mut req| { let client = client.clone(); async move { // Forward connection from http/https dev.example to if req.uri().host() == Some("dev.example") { // Return a response created by the proxy if req.uri().path() == "/test.json" { let res = Response::builder() .header(hyper::header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json") .body( Full::new(Bytes::from("{data: 123}")) .map_err(|e| match e {}) .boxed(), ) .unwrap(); return Ok(res); } req.headers_mut().insert( hyper::header::HOST, hyper::header::HeaderValue::from_maybe_shared(format!( "{}", port )) .unwrap(), ); let mut parts = req.uri().clone().into_parts(); parts.scheme = Some(hyper::http::uri::Scheme::HTTP); parts.authority = Some( hyper::http::uri::Authority::from_maybe_shared(format!( "{}", port )) .unwrap(), ); *req.uri_mut() = hyper::Uri::from_parts(parts).unwrap(); } let (res, _upgrade) = client.send_request(req).await?; Ok::<_, http_mitm_proxy::default_client::Error>(|b| b.boxed())) } }), ) .await .unwrap(); println!("HTTP Proxy is listening on"); println!(); println!("Trust this cert if you want to use HTTPS"); println!(); println!("{}", root_cert_pem); println!(); /* Save this cert to ca.crt and use it with curl like this: curl -x --cacert ca.crt */ println!("Private key"); println!("{}", root_cert_key); proxy.await; }