BINARY_NAME := http_file_parser SRC := src LIB := MAIN := run: @cargo run -- $(ARGS) build: @cargo build --release test: @cargo test -- --nocapture format: @cargo fmt lint: @cargo clippy pre-commit: format lint test @echo "All checks passed!" clean: @cargo clean doc: @cargo doc --open release: pre-commit @cargo build --release help: @echo "Makefile commands:" @echo " run - Run the program, e.g make run ARGS="parse --file src/test.http"" @echo " build - Build the project" @echo " test - Run tests" @echo " format - Format the code" @echo " lint - Lint the code using Clippy" @echo " pre-commit - Run formatting, linting, and tests before committing" @echo " clean - Clean up build artifacts" @echo " doc - Generate and open documentation" @echo " release - Build the project in release mode with checks"