Minimalistic HTTP Client Test Utilities. - Built on top of [reqwest]( - Optimized for testing convenience, not for performance. - Do not use for production/application code, just for testing. - For production code (apps, services, ...) use the underlying [reqwest]( library and its utilities. # Thanks - Thanks to [@joeftiger]( for dependencies update (#23) - Thanks to [@Manubi]( for the `colored_json` update. - Thanks to [@JamesGuthrie]( for - [PR #17 + Allow building client with custom reqwest::ClientBuilder]( - [PR #16 + Make rustc_http::Client public]( - Thanks to [@cyril-marpaud]( for the [PR #9 - feat: provide Response's StatusCode]( - Thanks to [@eboody]( for the [PR #7 - Add colors to output]( (enable with `features = ["color-output"]`) - Thanks to [@defic]( for the type client `get/post/put/patch/delete` and the response `body...` APIs. # Example ```rs use anyhow::Result; use serde_json::{json, Value}; #[tokio::test] async fn test_simple_base() -> httpc_test::Result<()> { // Create a new httpc test client with a base URL (will be prefixed for all calls) // The client will have a cookie_store. let hc = httpc_test::new_client("http://localhost:8080")?; //// do_get, do_post, do_put, do_patch, do_delete return a httpc_test::Response // Simple do_get let res = hc.do_get("/hello").await?; // httpc_test::Response let status = res.status(); // Pretty print the result (status, headers, response cookies, client cookies, body) res.print().await?; let auth_token = res.res_cookie_value("auth-token"); // Option let content_type = res.header("content_type"); // Option<&String> // Another do_get let res = hc.do_get("/").await?; // Pretty print but do not print the body res.print_no_body().await?; //// get, post, put, patch, delete return a DeserializeOwned // a get (return a Deserialized) let json_value = hc.get::("/api/tickets").await?; // Another post (with the cookie store updated from the login request above ) let res = hc .do_post( "/api/tickets", json!({ "subject": "ticket 01" }), ) .await?; res.print().await?; // Post with text content and specific content type let res = hc .do_post( "/api/tickets", (r#"{ "subject": "ticket bb" } "#, "application/json"), ) .await?; res.print().await?; // Same woth do_patch, do_put. Ok(()) } ```

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