import {defineConfig} from 'astro/config'; import starlight from '@astrojs/starlight'; // export default defineConfig({ site: '', base: 'httpmock', // so that '' will be set as the base path integrations: [ starlight({ title: 'httpmock Tutorial', logo: { light: './src/assets/logo-light.svg', dark: './src/assets/logo-dark.svg', replacesTitle: true, }, social: { github: '', discord: '' }, sidebar: [ { label: 'Getting Started', items: [ // Each item here is one entry in the navigation menu. {label: 'Quick Introduction', link: '/getting_started/quick_introduction/'}, {label: 'Fundamentals', link: '/getting_started/fundamentals/'}, {label: 'Resources', link: '/getting_started/resources/'}, ], }, { label: 'Mocking', items: [ // Each item here is one entry in the navigation menu. { label: 'Matching Requests', items: [ // Each item here is one entry in the navigation menu. {label: 'Path', link: '/matching_requests/path/'}, {label: 'Method', link: '/matching_requests/method/'}, {label: 'Query Parameters', link: '/matching_requests/query/'}, {label: 'Headers', link: '/matching_requests/headers/'}, {label: 'Body', link: '/matching_requests/body/'}, {label: 'Cookie', link: '/matching_requests/cookies/'}, {label: 'Host', link: '/matching_requests/host/'}, {label: 'Port', link: '/matching_requests/port/'}, {label: 'Scheme', link: '/matching_requests/scheme/'}, {label: 'Custom Matchers', link: '/matching_requests/custom/'}, ], }, { label: 'Mocking Responses', items: [ // Each item here is one entry in the navigation menu. {label: 'Response Values', link: '/mocking_responses/all/'}, {label: 'Network Delay', link: '/mocking_responses/delay/'}, ], }, ], }, { label: 'Record and Playback', badge: 'New', items: [ {label: 'Recording', link: '/record-and-playback/recording/'}, {label: 'Playback', link: '/record-and-playback/playback/'}, ], }, { label: 'Server', items: [ {label: 'Standalone Server', link: '/server/standalone/'}, {label: 'HTTPS', link: '/server/https/', badge: 'New'}, {label: 'Debugging', link: '/server/debugging/'}, ], }, { label: 'Miscellaneous', items: [ {label: 'FAQ', link: '/miscellaneous/faq/'}, {label: 'License', link: ''}, ], }, ], customCss: ['./src/assets/landing.css'], }), ], });