# `httpose` [![Codefresh build status]( https://g.codefresh.io/api/badges/pipeline/guangie88/public-repos%2Fhttpose?branch=master&key=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.NWM4MjcyMzg3Y2NkOTUzZTcxM2RiMjRl.cTJ8XB8rM4mRl2LmZBHaIVZ92MxdGgb7Mmib1jt8o4E&type=cf-1)]( https://g.codefresh.io/pipelines/httpose/builds?repoOwner=guangie88&repoName=httpose&serviceName=guangie88%2Fhttpose&filter=trigger:build~Build;branch:master;pipeline:5da908bcba23a425e23f2d3f~httpose) A quick and dirty solution to "HTTP-expose" secret meant for Docker build. **Caveat**: This does not employ any SSL over HTTP, and assumes the working networking environment is safe without encryption (e.g. `localhost`). ## Get Started Simply run ```bash # stdin ## Serves at `` by default ./httpose (secret will be consumed via stdin) ## (CTRL-C to terminate) ## Pipe in also works echo xxx | ./httpose ## (CTRL-C to terminate) # env var HTTPOSE_SECRET=xxx ./httpose ## (CTRL-C to terminate) # by file echo xxx > /tmp/secret ./httpose -f /tmp/secret ## (CTRL-C to terminate) rm /tmp/secret ## Serves at interface and port 12345 ## Not recommended to serve out of unless within Docker bridge mode ./httpose -a ## Help details ./httpose -h ``` You can get the secret value by `curl`-ing or `wget` when the service is up: ```bash # curl curl -s # wget wget -qO - ``` ## Changelogs See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) for more details. ## Cargo build You will need to install `cargo` and `rustc`. See (`rustup`)[ for more information. To build in release mode via `cargo`, simply run: ```bash cargo build --release ``` To execute, simply run: ```bash cargo run --release -- [args...] ``` ## Docker build To build the image, simply run: ```bash docker build . -t httpose # Host network mode for simplicity docker run --rm -it --net host httpose # Bridge mode, requires changing of listening address docker run --rm -it -p 2048:2048 httpose -a "" # Secret by env var (not recommended because docker inspect can see the secret) docker run -e HTTPOSE_SECRET=xxx --rm -it --net host httpose # Secret by file docker run -v "`pwd`/xxx:/xxx" --rm -it --net host httpose -f "/xxx" # Help details docker run --rm -it httpose -h ```