# httpsig-rs > **Work in Progress** [![httpsig](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/httpsig.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/httpsig) [![httpsig](https://docs.rs/httpsig/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/httpsig) [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue.svg)](LICENSE) ![Unit Test](https://github.com/junkurihara/httpsig-rs/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg) Implementation of [IETF RFC 9421](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9421) of http message signatures. This crates provides a basic library [httpsig](./httpsig) and [its extension](./httpsig-hyper/) of [`hyper`](https://github.com/hyperium/hyper)'s http library. At this point, our library can sign and verify request and response messages of only `hyper`. ## Supported Signature Algorithms - [x] HMAC using SHA-256 - [x] Ed25519 - [x] ECDSA-P256 using SHA-256 - [ ] ECDSA-P384 using SHA-384 ~~- [ ] RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512~~ ~~- [ ] RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256~~ At this point, we have no plan to support RSA signature due to [the problem related to the non-constant time operation](https://github.com/RustCrypto/RSA/issues/19), i.e., [Mervin Attack](https://people.redhat.com/~hkario/marvin/). ## Usage of Extension for `hyper` (`httpsig-hyper`) This is a case signing and verifying a signature generated with asymmetric cryptography (like EdDSA), where `PUBLIC_KEY_STRING` and `SECRET_KEY_STRING` is a public and private keys in PEM format, respectively. Generating and verifying a MAC through symmetric crypto (HMAC-SHA256) is also supported. ### Signing and Verifying a Request ```rust use http::Request; use http_body_util::Full; use httpsig_hyper::{prelude::*, *}; type SignatureName = String; const COVERED_COMPONENTS: &[&str] = &["@method", "date", "content-type", "content-digest"]; /// Signer function that generates a request with a signature async fn signer(&mut req: Request) -> HttpSigResult<()> { // build signature params that indicates objects to be signed let covered_components = COVERED_COMPONENTS .iter() .map(|v| message_component::HttpMessageComponentId::try_from(*v)) .collect::, _>>() .unwrap(); let mut signature_params = HttpSignatureParams::try_new(&covered_components).unwrap(); // set signing/verifying key information, alg and keyid let secret_key = SecretKey::from_pem(SECRET_KEY_STRING).unwrap(); signature_params.set_key_info(&secret_key); req .set_message_signature(&signature_params, &secret_key, Some("custom_sig_name")) .await } /// Validation function that verifies a request with a signature async fn verifier(req: &Request) -> HttpSigResult { let public_key = PublicKey::from_pem(PUBLIC_KEY_STRING).unwrap(); let key_id = public_key.key_id(); // verify signature with checking key_id req.verify_message_signature(&public_key, Some(&key_id)).await } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let mut request_from_sender = ...; let res = signer(request_from_sender).await; assert!(res.is_ok()) // receiver verifies the request with a signature let verified_message = receiver(&request_from_sender).await; assert!(verification_res.is_ok()); // if needed, content-digest can be verified separately let verified_request = request_from_sender.verify_content_digest().await; assert!(verified_request.is_ok()); } ``` ### Signing and Verifying a Response ```rust use http::{Request, Response}; use http_body_util::Full; use httpsig_hyper::{prelude::*, *}; type SignatureName = String; /// This includes the method of the request corresponding to the request (the second element) const COVERED_COMPONENTS: &[&str] = &["@status", "\"@method\";req", "date", "content-type", "content-digest"]; /// Signer function that generates a response with a signature from response itself and corresponding request async fn signer(&mut res: Response, corresponding_req: &Request) -> HttpSigResult<()> { // build signature params that indicates objects to be signed let covered_components = COVERED_COMPONENTS .iter() .map(|v| message_component::HttpMessageComponentId::try_from(*v)) .collect::, _>>() .unwrap(); let mut signature_params = HttpSignatureParams::try_new(&covered_components).unwrap(); // set signing/verifying key information, alg and keyid let secret_key = SecretKey::from_pem(SECRET_KEY_STRING).unwrap(); signature_params.set_key_info(&secret_key); req .set_message_signature(&signature_params, &secret_key, Some("custom_sig_name"), Some(corresponding_req)) .await } /// Validation function that verifies a response with a signature from response itself and sent request async fn verifier(res: &Response, sent_req: &Request) -> HttpSigResult { let public_key = PublicKey::from_pem(PUBLIC_KEY_STRING).unwrap(); let key_id = public_key.key_id(); // verify signature with checking key_id res.verify_message_signature(&public_key, Some(&key_id), Some(sent_req)).await } ``` ## Examples See [./httpsig-hyper/examples](./httpsig-hyper/examples/) for detailed examples with `hyper` extension.