This project is a 🚧 work in progress 🚧. Currently it is designed around the goals of [rspc]( but feel free to reach to me if you want to collaborate on using it in your own project.
## Usage
// Define your a single HTTP handler which is supported by all major Rust webservers.
let endpoint = GenericEndpoint::new(
// Set URL prefix
// Set the supported HTTP methods
[Method::GET, Method::POST],
// Define the handler function
|_req: Request| async move {
.header("Content-Type", "text/html")
.body(b"Hello httpz World!".to_vec())?)
// Attach your generic endpoint to Axum
let app = axum::Router::new().route("/", endpoint.axum());
// Attach your generic endpoint to Actix Web
let endpoint = endpoint.actix();
move || App::new().service(web::scope("/prefix").service(endpoint.mount()))
// and so on...
Check out the rest of the [examples](/examples)!
## Features
- Write your HTTP handler once and support [Axum](, [Actix Web](, [Poem](, [Rocket](, [Warp]( and more.
- Support for websockets on compatible webservers.
## Projects using httpz
httpz is primarily designed to make life easier for library authors. It allows a library author to write and test a HTTP endpoint once and know it will work for all major Rust HTTP servers.
Libraries using httpz:
- [rspc](
If you are interested in using httpz and have questions jump in [the Discord](!