//! Modifies the state of a specific light.

use huelib2::resource::{light, Adjust, Alert};
use huelib2::{bridge, Bridge};

fn main() {
    // Discover bridges in the local network and save the first IP address as `bridge_ip`.
    let bridge_ip = bridge::discover_nupnp().unwrap().pop().unwrap();

    // Register a new user.
    let username = bridge::register_user(bridge_ip, "huelib-rs example").unwrap();

    // Create a new bridge.
    let bridge = Bridge::new(bridge_ip, username);

    // Creates a new light modifier to turn on the light, set the saturation to 10 and decrement
    // the brightness by 40.
    let light_modifier = light::StateModifier::new()

    // Modify the attributes declared in `light_modifier` on the light with the id 1.
    let response = bridge.set_light_state("1", &light_modifier).unwrap();
    println!("{:?}", response);