+++ draft = false slug = "board-gaming-and-me" tags = ["board-games"] banner = "" aliases = ["/board-games-and-me/","/a-brief-history-of-my-board-gaming"] date = "2017-01-10" title = "Board Gaming and Me" +++ Playing and collecting board (and card) games is one of my favourite hobbies. For the vast majority of people, 'board game' is synonymous with Monopoly, Risk, and Cluedo but in 2012 my eyes were opened to a much more satisfying understanding of the term. My journey started when I asked Reddit for suggestions on how best to tackle introducing my girlfriend at the time, who wasn't particularly socially confident, to my family. A number of responses suggested board games as an easy way to break the ice and forwarded me to [/r/boardgames](https://reddit.com/r/boardgames). There I discovered a host of games that went beyond the typical circus of family classics that are dusted off each Christmas and I became immediately hooked on the concept; investing the majority of my Christmas money on some of the recommended and popular games at the time.