+++ date = "2016-03-26" draft = false title = """Keeping the Secret Safe""" slug = "keeping-the-secret-safe" tags = ['itad', 'isthereanydeal', 'joel', 'git', 'tutorial', 'technology'] banner = "" aliases = ['/keeping-the-secret-safe/'] +++ Joel, my best bud, and I are working on an Android application for [IsThereAnyDeal](https://isthereanydeal.com), a service that helps users track the price of PC games across a number of digital distribution stores. We're both big believers in open source and so right at the start we made the decision to open up development and host our source code on [Github](https://github.com/arranf/IsThereAnyDeal), a site which lets users share, distribute, and collaborate on code.