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This crate is a wrapper around the [core Rust regex library](https://crates.io/crates/regex). # Example usage If you want to match a date of the format `2021-10-30`, you could use the following code to generate a regex: ```rust use human_regex::{beginning, digit, exactly, text, end}; let regex_string = beginning() + exactly(4, digit()) + text("-") + exactly(2, digit()) + text("-") + exactly(2, digit()) + end(); assert!(regex_string.to_regex().is_match("2014-01-01")); ``` The `to_regex()` method returns a [standard Rust regex](https://docs.rs/regex/1.5.4/regex/struct.Regex.html). We can do this another way with slightly less repetition though! ```rust use human_regex::{beginning, digit, exactly, text, end}; let first_regex_string = text("-") + exactly(2, digit()); let second_regex_string = beginning() + exactly(4, digit()) + exactly(2, first_regex_string) + end(); assert!(second_regex_string.to_regex().is_match("2014-01-01")); ``` For a more extensive set of examples, please see [The Cookbook](crate::cookbook). # Features This crate currently supports the vast majority of syntax available in the [core Rust regex library](https://crates.io/crates/regex) through a human-readable API. ## Single Character | Implemented? | Expression | Description | |:-------------------------------------------:|:-------------------:|:--------------------------------------------------------------| | `any()` | `.` | any character except new line (includes new line with s flag) | | `digit()` | `\d` | digit (`\p{Nd}`) | | `non_digit()` | `\D` | not digit | | `unicode_category(UnicodeCategory)` | `\p{L}` | Unicode non-script category | | `unicode_script(UnicodeScript)` | `\p{Greek}` | Unicode script category | | `non_unicode_category(UnicodeCategory)` | `\P{L}` | Negated one-letter name Unicode character class | | `non_unicode_script(UnicodeCategory)` | `\P{Greek}` | negated Unicode character class (general category or script) | ## Character Classes | Implemented? | Expression | Description | |:---------------------------:|:--------------:|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `or(&['x', 'y', 'z']) ` | `[xyz]` | A character class matching either x, y or z (union). | | `nor(&['x', 'y', 'z'])` | `[^xyz]` | A character class matching any character except x, y and z. | |`within('a'..='z')` | `[a-z]` | A character class matching any character in range a-z. | |`without('a'..='z')` | `[^a-z]` | A character class matching any character outside range a-z. | | See below | `[[:alpha:]]` | ASCII character class (`[A-Za-z]`) | | `non_alphanumeric()` | `[[:^alpha:]]` | Negated ASCII character class (`[^A-Za-z]`) | | `or()` | `[x[^xyz]]` | Nested/grouping character class (matching any character except y and z) | | `and(&[])`/`&` | `[a-y&&xyz]` | Intersection (a-y AND xyz = xy) | | `(or[1,2,3,4] & nor(3))` | `[0-9&&[^4]]` | Subtraction using intersection and negation (matching 0-9 except 4) | | `subtract(&[],&[])` | `[0-9--4]` | Direct subtraction (matching 0-9 except 4). Use .collect::> to use ranges.| | `xor(&[],&[])` | `[a-g~~b-h]` | Symmetric difference (matching `a` and `h` only). Requires .collect() for ranges. | |`or(&escape_all(&['[',']']))`| `[\[\]]` | Escaping in character classes (matching `[` or `]`) | ## Perl Character Classes | Implemented? | Expression | Description | |:------------------:| :--------: |:---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `digit()` | `\d` | digit (`\p{Nd}`) | | `non_digit()` | `\D` | not digit | | `whitespace()` | `\s` | whitespace (`\p{White_Space}`) | | `non_whitespace()` | `\S` | not whitespace | | `word()` | `\w` | word character (`\p{Alphabetic} + \p{M} + \d + \p{Pc} + \p{Join_Control}`) | | `non_word()` | `\W` | not word character | ## ASCII Character Classes | Implemented? | Expression | Description | |:----------------:|:--------------:|:----------------------------------| | `alphanumeric()` | `[[:alnum:]]` | alphanumeric (`[0-9A-Za-z]`) | | `alphabetic()` | `[[:alpha:]]` | alphabetic (`[A-Za-z]`) | | `ascii()` | `[[:ascii:]]` | ASCII (`[\x00-\x7F]`) | | `blank()` | `[[:blank:]]` | blank (`[\t ]`) | | `control()` | `[[:cntrl:]]` | control (`[\x00-\x1F\x7F]`) | | `digit()` | `[[:digit:]]` | digits (`[0-9]`) | | `graphical()` | `[[:graph:]]` | graphical (`[!-~]`) | | `uppercase()` | `[[:lower:]]` | lower case (`[a-z]`) | | `printable()` | `[[:print:]]` | printable (`[ -~]`) | | `punctuation()` | `[[:punct:]]` | punctuation (``[!-/:-@\[-`{-~]``) | | `whitespace()` | `[[:space:]]` | whitespace (`[\t\n\v\f\r ]`) | | `lowercase()` | `[[:upper:]]` | upper case (`[A-Z]`) | | `word()` | `[[:word:]]` | word characters (`[0-9A-Za-z_]`) | | `hexdigit()` | `[[:xdigit:]]` | hex digit (`[0-9A-Fa-f]`) | ## Repetitions | Implemented? | Expression | Description | |:-------------------------:|:----------:|:---------------------------------------------| | `zero_or_more(x)` | `x*` | zero or more of x (greedy) | | `one_or_more(x)` | `x+` | one or more of x (greedy) | | `zero_or_one(x)` | `x?` | zero or one of x (greedy) | | `zero_or_more(x)` | `x*?` | zero or more of x (ungreedy/lazy) | | `one_or_more(x).lazy()` | `x+?` | one or more of x (ungreedy/lazy) | | `zero_or_more(x).lazy()` | `x??` | zero or one of x (ungreedy/lazy) | | `between(n, m, x)` | `x{n,m}` | at least n x and at most m x (greedy) | | `at_least(n, x)` | `x{n,}` | at least n x (greedy) | | `exactly(n, x)` | `x{n}` | exactly n x | | `between(n, m, x).lazy()` | `x{n,m}?` | at least n x and at most m x (ungreedy/lazy) | | `at_least(n, x).lazy()` | `x{n,}?` | at least n x (ungreedy/lazy) | ## Composites | Implemented? | Expression | Description | |:------------:|:----------:|:--------------------------------| | `+` | `xy` | concatenation (x followed by y) | | `or()` | `x\|y` | alternation (x or y, prefer x) | ## Empty matches | Implemented? | Expression | Description | |:---------------------:|:----------:|:--------------------------------------------------------------------| | `beginning()` | `^` | the beginning of text (or start-of-line with multi-line mode) | | `end()` | `$` | the end of text (or end-of-line with multi-line mode) | | `beginning_of_text()` | `\A` | only the beginning of text (even with multi-line mode enabled) | | `end_of_text()` | `\z` | only the end of text (even with multi-line mode enabled) | | `word_boundary()` | `\b` | a Unicode word boundary (\w on one side and \W, \A, or \z on other) | | `non_word_boundary()` | `\B` | not a Unicode word boundary | ## Groupings | Implemented? | Expression | Description | |:-------------------------------------------------:|:---------------:|:--------------------------------------------------------| | `capture(exp)` | `(exp)` | numbered capture group (indexed by opening parenthesis) | | `named_capture(exp, name)` | `(?Pexp)` | named (also numbered) capture group | | Handled implicitly through functional composition | `(?:exp)` | non-capturing group | | See below | `(?flags)` | set flags within current group | | See below | `(?flags:exp)` | set flags for exp (non-capturing) | ## Flags | Implemented? | Expression | Description | |:-----------------------------------:|:----------:|:--------------------------------------------------------------| | `case_insensitive(exp)` | `i` | case-insensitive: letters match both upper and lower case | | `multi_line_mode(exp)` | `m` | multi-line mode: `^` and `$` match begin/end of line | | `dot_matches_newline_too(exp)` | `s` | allow `.` to match `\n` | | will not be implemented1 | `U` | swap the meaning of `x*` and `x*?` | | `disable_unicode(exp)` | `u` | Unicode support (enabled by default) | | will not be implemented2 | `x` | ignore whitespace and allow line comments (starting with `#`) | 1. With the declarative nature of this library, use of this flag would just obfuscate meaning. 2. When using `human_regex`, comments should be added in source code rather than in the regex string.