# new suggestion methods of Hunspell 1.7: # dictionary word pairs with spaces or dashes # got top priority, and removes other not # "good" (uppercase, REP, ph:) suggestions: # # "alot" -> "a lot" # # Note: use ph: at the dictionary word pair # with space or dash to keep the other not # "good" suggestions, for example # # a lot ph:alot # # results "alot" -> "a lot", "alto", "slot"... # switch off ngram suggestion for testing MAXNGRAMSUGS 0 KEY qwertzuiop|asdfghjkl|yxcvbnm|aq # Note: TRY with a letter "a" or "-" needs for # checking dictionary word pairs with dashes TRY esianrtolcdugmphbyfvkwz' WORDCHARS .- FORBIDDENWORD ?