use std::{ collections::HashMap, error::Error, ffi::OsStr, fs, io::{Read, Write}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::{Command, Stdio}, }; use hvm::ast::Tree; use insta::assert_snapshot; use TSPL::Parser; #[test] fn test_run_programs() { test_dir(&manifest_relative("tests/programs/")); } #[test] fn test_run_examples() { test_dir(&manifest_relative("examples/")); } fn test_dir(dir: &Path) { insta::glob!(dir, "**/*.hvm", test_file) } fn manifest_relative(sub: &str) -> PathBuf { format!("{}/{}", env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), sub).into() } fn test_file(path: &Path) { let contents = fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap(); if contents.contains("@test-skip = 1") { println!("skipping {path:?}"); return; } if contents.contains("@test-io = 1") { test_io_file(path); return; } println!("testing {path:?}..."); let rust_output = execute_hvm(&["run".as_ref(), path.as_os_str()], false).unwrap(); assert_snapshot!(rust_output); if contents.contains("@test-rust-only = 1") { println!("only testing rust implementation for {path:?}"); return; } println!(" testing {path:?}, C..."); let c_output = execute_hvm(&["run-c".as_ref(), path.as_os_str()], false).unwrap(); assert_eq!(c_output, rust_output, "{path:?}: C output does not match rust output"); if cfg!(feature = "cuda") { println!(" testing {path:?}, CUDA..."); let cuda_output = execute_hvm(&["run-cu".as_ref(), path.as_os_str()], false).unwrap(); assert_eq!( cuda_output, rust_output, "{path:?}: CUDA output does not match rust output" ); } } fn test_io_file(path: &Path) { println!(" testing (io) {path:?}, C..."); let c_output = execute_hvm(&["run-c".as_ref(), path.as_os_str()], true).unwrap(); assert_snapshot!(c_output); if cfg!(feature = "cuda") { println!(" testing (io) {path:?}, CUDA..."); let cuda_output = execute_hvm(&["run-cu".as_ref(), path.as_os_str()], true).unwrap(); assert_eq!(cuda_output, c_output, "{path:?}: CUDA output does not match C output"); } } fn execute_hvm(args: &[&OsStr], send_io: bool) -> Result> { // Spawn the command let mut child = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_hvm")) .args(args) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn()?; // Capture the output of the command let mut stdout = child.stdout.take().ok_or("Couldn't capture stdout!")?; let mut stderr = child.stderr.take().ok_or("Couldn't capture stderr!")?; // Wait for the command to finish and get the exit status if send_io { let mut stdin = child.stdin.take().ok_or("Couldn't capture stdin!")?; stdin.write_all(b"io from the tests\n")?; drop(stdin); } let status = child.wait()?; // Read the output let mut output = String::new(); stdout.read_to_string(&mut output)?; stderr.read_to_string(&mut output)?; Ok(if !status.success() { format!("{status}\n{output}") } else { parse_output(&output).unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("error parsing output:\n{err}\n\n{output}")) }) } fn parse_output(output: &str) -> Result { let mut lines = Vec::new(); for line in output.lines() { if line.starts_with("Result:") { let mut parser = hvm::ast::CoreParser::new(line); parser.consume("Result:")?; let mut tree = parser.parse_tree()?; normalize_vars(&mut tree, &mut HashMap::new()); lines.push(format!("Result: {}",; } else if !line.starts_with("- ITRS:") && !line.starts_with("- TIME:") && !line.starts_with("- MIPS:") && !line.starts_with("- LEAK:") { // TODO: include iteration count in snapshot once consistent lines.push(line.to_string()) } } Ok(lines.join("\n")) } fn normalize_vars(tree: &mut Tree, vars: &mut HashMap) { match tree { Tree::Var { nam } => { let next_var = vars.len(); *nam = format!("x{}", vars.entry(std::mem::take(nam)).or_insert(next_var)); } Tree::Era | Tree::Ref { .. } | Tree::Num { .. } => {} Tree::Con { fst, snd } | Tree::Dup { fst, snd } | Tree::Opr { fst, snd } | Tree::Swi { fst, snd } => { normalize_vars(fst, vars); normalize_vars(snd, vars); } } }