10/05/2024 22:22:28,skill issue 10/05/2024 22:27:58,"vand tema 3 la sda; nu bate, nu troncane, a condus-o o batranica pana la aprozar" 10/05/2024 22:58:54,Cumpar tema 3 la SDA 11/05/2024 20:16:41,"This bard, sir kendrick of lamar you speak of... he hath slain how many drakes, you say? with but the power of song?" 11/05/2024 20:21:34,Congratulations to the Astronauts that left Earth today. Good choice 11/05/2024 20:25:59,marriage is just preordering a milf 11/05/2024 20:34:25,"Sigma hack #28 If your tummy starts hurting while you're on a date... Call your mom. She can pick you up. No need to cry." 11/05/2024 20:46:38,I was born at a very young age 11/05/2024 20:47:38,Success jerks you off in private. Failure fucks you in public... that's life 12/05/2024 13:14:08,stan loona 12/05/2024 13:14:48,SIUUUUUUUUUUUU 12/05/2024 13:14:57,stream girls night by loossemble 12/05/2024 13:16:25,Away from 2 3 4 wonderful wonderful wonderful 12/05/2024 13:16:45,"vreau sa merg la mare si sa stau la soare, dar n-am cu cine si n-am cu ceee, ma am doar pe mine, ia priviti mai bine, hai ca nu-s de coalea breee" 12/05/2024 13:16:45,STEAUA27 12/05/2024 13:17:56,"Doing laundry today, it sucks!!" 12/05/2024 13:18:31,"Visca Barca, Visca Catalunya!" 12/05/2024 13:18:40,You’re not like us 12/05/2024 13:18:53,"Experienta de Content Warning in a nutshell: Ala e cumva Freddy Fazbear? Har har har ha- wtf is that...fugi Sebi, FUGI!!" 12/05/2024 13:19:21,I believe in Doge Coin supremacy 12/05/2024 13:19:45,Batman can’t even compare to Ryan Gosling 12/05/2024 13:20:28,"Luke, I am your father" 12/05/2024 13:21:58,"FCSB e Steaua Travis Scott la hamsii in Costinesti!" 12/05/2024 13:25:05,Sometimes the silliest things happen and silly little tears begin to fall from my silly little eyes 12/05/2024 13:26:33,This month I am doing a challenge called May. It's where I try to make it through every day of May 12/05/2024 13:35:14,she=onika ate=burgers 12/05/2024 13:35:35,onika when the burgers are in plate 12/05/2024 13:39:02,*touches circumcision scar* who did this to you 12/05/2024 13:40:21,you thought i was feelin u? 12/05/2024 13:42:21,whats your eta? 12/05/2024 13:42:54,am o matusa de a mea plecat cu ea in germania la fata ei 12/05/2024 14:01:08,Despite the constant negative press covfefe 12/05/2024 14:24:24,Segmentation fault(core dumped) 12/05/2024 14:49:05,Visi e mare fara creatina 12/05/2024 15:41:03,Nu merge checker ul la IOCLA :( 12/05/2024 15:41:07,Gigi Becali cumpara Dunarea Calarasi 12/05/2024 16:37:14,Going to Apollo who s down? 12/05/2024 16:49:51,Could I have the cheese gyuudon? 12/05/2024 20:40:17,"CUMPAR TEMA LA MN, VA ROOOG dati mi mesaj in privat ASAP" 12/05/2024 20:41:57,"Stati ca Nokia inca face telefoane? Cu butoane? Sunt vreo 100-200 de lei. Am luat trei." 12/05/2024 21:04:04,"Salutare utilizatori X, vreau sa impart cu voi aceasta melodie minunata https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nyXRyVj4Vc " 12/05/2024 21:05:38,"Salutare fratilor, va rog sa ascultati aceasta parodie muzicala, pe care am compus-o pentru fanii mei, astept pareri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1G2tbNpyHg #smallYoutuber" 12/05/2024 21:06:05,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtQGvuuzst0 13/05/2024 13:48:47,erm what the sigma 13/05/2024 13:49:06,head so good she honor roll she riding me like carnival 13/05/2024 13:50:10,god loves you but not enough to save you 13/05/2024 13:50:54,@realDonaldTrump Did you really start mewing to skibidi ohio? Are you a sigma or did you get fandum taxxed 13/05/2024 13:55:24,down on the west coast they got a saying if youre not drinking then youre not playing 13/05/2024 13:55:44,did you know that theres a tunnel under ocean boulevard 13/05/2024 17:12:37,fantastic! 13/05/2024 17:16:24,"O luam de la cap din nou Stii ca sunt dilau-lau-lau Am la mine banii pe show Vagabontii-n dreapta, go go go O sa fie lata Suntem in brigada Atmosfera e ciudata Cand bei apa plata" 14/05/2024 00:54:01,Pamantul este plat! 14/05/2024 00:54:25,Sper ca pot termina facultatea 14/05/2024 00:54:35,"Mor de foame, donati?" 14/05/2024 00:55:00,"Am luat restanta la Ghiu, sigur si voi" 14/05/2024 00:55:10,Ce faci? Bine...ascultam ploaia. Nu o auzi? 14/05/2024 00:55:32,"Roses are red, violets are blue, I think I deleted System32" 14/05/2024 00:56:19,Exploding kittens 14/05/2024 00:57:20,Cine a fost primul? Gaina sau oul? 14/05/2024 00:57:43,Ce e aia Galgoaie? 14/05/2024 00:57:49,"In o lume plina de mizerie, fii tu mop!" 14/05/2024 00:58:13,I'm built different. Incorrectly. 14/05/2024 00:58:15,Sper sa iau licenta anul asta 14/05/2024 00:58:26,The horros persist but so do I 14/05/2024 00:58:47,Tarnafes 14/05/2024 00:58:58,Why does the Java developer wear glasses? He couldn’t C# :p 14/05/2024 00:59:46,Ai incercat cu otel galvanizat? 14/05/2024 01:00:13,Adrian Elicopter vs Selly. Who wins? 14/05/2024 01:00:31,Cine a pus wc-ul in baie a fost un geniu 14/05/2024 01:02:19,"Luke, eu am plecat dupa lapte acum 20 de ani" 14/05/2024 01:03:27,Cine sapa groapa altuia departe ajunge 14/05/2024 01:03:36,Prietenul la nevoie iti ia toata mana 14/05/2024 01:04:01,Tara arde si baba zice ca sunt acri 14/05/2024 01:04:13,"La placinte la razboi, inainte inapoi" 14/05/2024 01:04:43,Citeste asta fara sa vada si ceilalti si prefa-te ca e amuzant si te distrezi copios 14/05/2024 01:05:18,Ati incercat sa ma bagati in orez? Poate asa imi revin 14/05/2024 01:05:38,Cuvintele sunt de prisos 14/05/2024 01:18:19,"Eu sanatate multa am, si asta datorita ii, ca n-am baut si n-am fumat pana in clasa intai." 14/05/2024 01:18:40,Mergem inainte ca inainte era mai bine 14/05/2024 01:18:56,Mai bine 5cm in fata decat 15 din spate 14/05/2024 01:20:22,Trebuia sa cumpar Bitcoin acum 10 ani in loc sa ma loc de-a prinselea. 14/05/2024 20:29:10,"N ai restanta,n ai prestanta verik!"