use crate::{people, Decode, Encode, Opts, CONTACTS_ADDR, DIAGNOSES_ADDR}; use std::time::Duration; use hydroflow::compiled::pull::SymmetricHashJoin; use hydroflow::lang::collections::Iter; use hydroflow::pusherator::{IteratorToPusherator, PusheratorBuild}; use hydroflow::scheduled::graph::Hydroflow; use hydroflow::scheduled::graph_ext::GraphExt; use hydroflow::scheduled::handoff::VecHandoff; use hydroflow::scheduled::net::Message; use hydroflow::tokio::net::TcpListener; use hydroflow::var_expr; use rand::Rng; pub(crate) async fn run_database(opts: Opts) { let all_people = people::get_people(); let mut df = Hydroflow::new(); let (notifs, notif_sink) = df.make_edge::<_, VecHandoff<(String, usize)>>("notifs"); let (encode_contacts_out, contacts_merge) = df.make_edge::<_, VecHandoff>("encoded contacts"); let (encode_diagnoses_out, diagnoses_merge) = df.make_edge::<_, VecHandoff>("encoded diagnoses"); let (contacts_send, contacts_recv) = df.make_edge::<_, VecHandoff<(&'static str, &'static str, usize)>>("contacts"); let contacts_send = df.add_channel_input("contacts input", contacts_send); let (diagnosed_send, diagnosed_recv) = df.make_edge::<_, VecHandoff<(&'static str, (usize, usize))>>("diagnosed"); let diagnosed_send = df.add_channel_input("diagnosed input", diagnosed_send); let (people_send, people_recv) = df.make_edge::<_, VecHandoff<(String, (String, String))>>("people"); let people_send = df.add_channel_input("people input", people_send); let stream = TcpListener::bind(format!("localhost:{}", opts.port)) .await .unwrap(); let (stream, _) = stream.accept().await.unwrap(); let (network_in, network_out) = df.add_tcp_stream(stream); df.add_subgraph_in_out( "decode messages", network_out, notifs, |_ctx, recv, send| { for message in recv.take_inner().into_iter() { send.give(Iter( >::decode(message.batch).into_iter(), )); } }, ); std::thread::spawn(move || { let mut t = 0; let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); for (id, (name, phone)) in all_people.clone() { people_send.give(Some((id.to_owned(), (name.to_owned(), phone.to_owned())))); } people_send.flush(); loop { t += 1; match rng.gen_range(0..2) as usize { 0 => { // New contact. if all_people.len() >= 2 { let p1 = rng.gen_range(0..all_people.len()); let p2 = rng.gen_range(0..all_people.len()); if p1 != p2 { contacts_send.give(Some((all_people[p1].0, all_people[p2].0, t))); contacts_send.flush(); } } } 1 => { // Diagnosis. if !all_people.is_empty() { let p = rng.gen_range(0..all_people.len()); diagnosed_send.give(Some((all_people[p].0, (t, t + 14)))); diagnosed_send.flush(); } } _ => unreachable!(), } std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } }); df.add_subgraph_2in_out( "merge contacts and diagnoses", contacts_merge, diagnoses_merge, network_in, |_ctx, recv1, recv2, send| { send.give(Iter( recv1.take_inner().into_iter().chain(recv2.take_inner()), )); }, ); df.add_subgraph_in_out( "encode contacts", contacts_recv, encode_contacts_out, |_ctx, recv, send| { let mut buf = Vec::new(); recv.take_inner().encode(&mut buf); send.give(Some(Message { address: CONTACTS_ADDR, batch: buf.into(), })); }, ); df.add_subgraph_in_out( "encode diagnoses", diagnosed_recv, encode_diagnoses_out, |_ctx, recv, send| { let mut buf = Vec::new(); recv.take_inner().encode(&mut buf); send.give(Some(Message { address: DIAGNOSES_ADDR, batch: buf.into(), })); }, ); let mut join_state = Default::default(); df.add_subgraph( "join people and notifs", var_expr!(notif_sink, people_recv), var_expr!(), move |_ctx, var_expr!(notifs, people), var_expr!()| { let pivot = SymmetricHashJoin::new( notifs.take_inner().into_iter(), people.take_inner().into_iter(), &mut join_state, ) .map(|(_id, (t, (name, phone)))| (name, phone, t)) .pull_to_push() .for_each(|(name, phone, t)| println!("notifying {}, {}@{}", name, phone, t));; }, ); df.run_async().await.unwrap(); }