use crate::ns::*; use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell}; use std::hash::Hash; use std::ops::Deref; use std::rc::{Rc, Weak}; use bitflags::bitflags; /// An union data type that represents one of several symbols of the /// Jet semantics. /// /// The several `is` prefix methods are used to test a `Symbol` reference /// against a symbol kind. The miscellaneous structures that wrap a `Symbol` such as `ClassType` /// and `Package` are used both for kind assertions and to describe supported methods. /// Methods that are not compatible with a symbol kind result in a panic. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Symbol(pub(crate) Weak); impl Eq for Symbol {} impl PartialEq for Symbol { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.0.ptr_eq(&other.0) } } impl Hash for Symbol { /// Performs hashing of the symbol by reference. fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.0.as_ptr().hash(state) } } impl Symbol { pub fn is_unresolved(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Unresolved) } pub fn is_block_statement(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::BlockStatement(_)) } pub fn is_type(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Type(_)) } pub fn is_any_type(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::AnyType)) } pub fn is_void_type(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::VoidType)) } pub fn is_class_type(&self) -> bool { match self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(_)) => true, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(ref t)) => t.origin.is_class_type(), _ => false, } } pub fn is_enum_type(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(_))) } pub fn is_interface_type(&self) -> bool { match self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(_)) => true, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(ref t)) => t.origin.is_interface_type(), _ => false, } } pub fn is_function_type(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::FunctionType(_))) } pub fn is_tuple_type(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TupleType(_))) } pub fn is_nullable_type(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::NullableType(_))) } pub fn is_type_parameter_type(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeParameterType(_))) } pub fn is_type_after_explicit_type_substitution(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(_))) } pub fn is_alias(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Alias(_)) } pub fn is_package(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Package(_)) } pub fn is_package_set(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::PackageSet(_)) } pub fn is_variable_property(&self) -> bool { matches!( self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::VariableProperty(_) | SymbolKind::VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(_) ) } pub fn is_origin_variable_property(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::VariableProperty(_)) } pub fn is_variable_property_after_indirect_type_substitution(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(_)) } pub fn is_virtual_property(&self) -> bool { matches!( self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(_) | SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(_) ) } pub fn is_origin_virtual_property(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(_)) } pub fn is_virtual_property_after_indirect_type_substitution(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(_)) } pub fn is_function(&self) -> bool { matches!( self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Function(_) | SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(_) ) } pub fn is_origin_function(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Function(_)) } pub fn is_function_after_explicit_or_indirect_type_substitution(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(_)) } pub fn is_scope(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Scope(_, _)) } pub fn is_with_scope(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::With { .. }))) } pub fn is_filter_operator_scope(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::FilterOperator { .. }))) } pub fn is_activation_scope(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::Activation(_)))) } pub fn is_class_scope(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::Class { .. }))) } pub fn is_enum_scope(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::Enum { .. }))) } pub fn is_interface_scope(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::Interface { .. }))) } pub fn is_package_scope(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::Package { .. }))) } pub fn is_value(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), SymbolKind::Value(_, _)) } pub fn is_import_meta(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::ImportMeta) } pub fn is_import_meta_env(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::ImportMetaEnv) } pub fn is_constant(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::Constant(_)) } pub fn is_undefined_constant(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::Constant(ConstantKind::Undefined)) } pub fn is_null_constant(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::Constant(ConstantKind::Null)) } pub fn is_string_constant(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::Constant(ConstantKind::String(_))) } pub fn is_char_constant(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::Constant(ConstantKind::Char(_))) } pub fn is_char_index_constant(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::Constant(ConstantKind::CharIndex(_, _))) } pub fn is_boolean_constant(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::Constant(ConstantKind::Boolean(_))) } pub fn is_number_constant(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::Constant(ConstantKind::Number(_))) } pub fn is_enum_constant(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::Constant(ConstantKind::Enum(_))) } pub fn is_this_value(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::This) } pub fn is_conversion_value(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::Conversion(_)) } pub fn is_import_meta_output(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::ImportMetaOutput) } pub fn is_reference_value(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::Reference(_)) } pub fn is_xml_reference_value(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; let ValueKind::Reference(data) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ReferenceValueKind::Xml { .. }) } pub fn is_dynamic_reference_value(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; let ValueKind::Reference(data) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ReferenceValueKind::Dynamic { .. }) } pub fn is_static_reference_value(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; let ValueKind::Reference(data) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ReferenceValueKind::Static { .. }) } pub fn is_instance_reference_value(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; let ValueKind::Reference(data) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ReferenceValueKind::Instance { .. }) } pub fn is_proxy_reference_value(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; let ValueKind::Reference(data) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ReferenceValueKind::Proxy { .. }) } pub fn is_tuple_reference_value(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; let ValueKind::Reference(data) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ReferenceValueKind::Tuple { .. }) } pub fn is_scope_reference_value(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; let ValueKind::Reference(data) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ReferenceValueKind::Scope { .. }) } pub fn is_dynamic_scope_reference_value(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; let ValueKind::Reference(data) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ReferenceValueKind::DynamicScope { .. }) } pub fn is_package_reference_value(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; let ValueKind::Reference(data) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ReferenceValueKind::Package { .. }) } pub fn is_function_value(&self) -> bool { let data = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); let SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) = data.as_ref() else { return false; }; matches!(data.as_ref(), ValueKind::Function { .. }) } /// Performs type substitution. Invoking this method is equivalent to /// `TypeSubstitution(&mut host).execute(&symbol, &type_parameters, &substitute_types)`. pub fn type_substitution(&self, host: &SymbolHost, type_parameters: &SharedArray, substitute_types: &SharedArray) -> Self { TypeSubstitution(host).execute(self, type_parameters, substitute_types) } pub fn name(&self) -> String { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) =>, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) =>, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(data)) =>, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeParameterType(data)) =>, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) =>, SymbolKind::Alias(data) =>, SymbolKind::Package(data) =>, SymbolKind::PackageSet(data) =>, SymbolKind::VariableProperty(data) =>, SymbolKind::VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) =>, SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(data) =>, SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) =>, SymbolKind::Function(data) =>, SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) =>, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn fully_qualified_name(&self) -> String { self.fully_qualified_name_list().join(".") } pub fn fully_qualified_name_list(&self) -> Vec { if let SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(ref t)) = self.0.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref() { return t.origin.fully_qualified_name_list(); } let mut r: Vec = vec![]; let mut p = Some(self.clone()); while let Some(p1) = p { let name =; if !name.is_empty() { r.insert(0, name); } p = p1.parent_definition(); } r } pub fn is_set_enumeration(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => { let EnumTypeData { is_set_enumeration, .. } = data.as_ref(); *is_set_enumeration }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn is_abstract(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => data.flags.borrow().contains(ClassTypeFlags::IS_ABSTRACT), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => data.origin.is_abstract(), SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.flags.borrow().contains(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_ABSTRACT), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.is_abstract(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_is_abstract(&self, value: bool) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { data.flags.borrow_mut().set(ClassTypeFlags::IS_ABSTRACT, value); }, SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.flags.borrow_mut().set(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_ABSTRACT, value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn is_final(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => data.flags.borrow().contains(ClassTypeFlags::IS_FINAL), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => data.origin.is_final(), SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.flags.borrow().contains(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_FINAL), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.is_final(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_is_final(&self, value: bool) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { data.flags.borrow_mut().set(ClassTypeFlags::IS_FINAL, value); }, SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.flags.borrow_mut().set(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_FINAL, value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn is_static(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => data.flags.borrow().contains(ClassTypeFlags::IS_STATIC), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => data.origin.is_static(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_is_static(&self, value: bool) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { data.flags.borrow_mut().set(ClassTypeFlags::IS_STATIC, value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn allow_literal(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => data.flags.borrow().contains(ClassTypeFlags::ALLOW_LITERAL), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => data.origin.allow_literal(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_allow_literal(&self, value: bool) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { data.flags.borrow_mut().set(ClassTypeFlags::ALLOW_LITERAL, value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn is_generator(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.flags.borrow().contains(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_GENERATOR), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.is_generator(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_is_generator(&self, value: bool) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.flags.borrow_mut().set(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_GENERATOR, value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn is_async(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.flags.borrow().contains(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_ASYNC), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.is_async(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_is_async(&self, value: bool) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.flags.borrow_mut().set(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_ASYNC, value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn is_native(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.flags.borrow().contains(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_NATIVE), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.is_native(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_is_native(&self, value: bool) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.flags.borrow_mut().set(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_NATIVE, value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn is_optional_interface_method(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.flags.borrow().contains(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_OPTIONAL_INTERFACE_METHOD), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.is_optional_interface_method(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_is_optional_interface_method(&self, value: bool) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.flags.borrow_mut().set(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_OPTIONAL_INTERFACE_METHOD, value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn is_overriding(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.flags.borrow().contains(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_OVERRIDING), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.is_overriding.get(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_is_overriding(&self, value: bool) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.flags.borrow_mut().set(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_OVERRIDING, value); }, SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => { data.is_overriding.set(value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn is_constructor(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.flags.borrow().contains(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_CONSTRUCTOR), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.is_constructor(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_is_constructor(&self, value: bool) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.flags.borrow_mut().set(FunctionSymbolFlags::IS_CONSTRUCTOR, value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn implements(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { let ClassTypeData { ref implements, .. } = data.as_ref(); implements.clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => { if let Some(r) = data.implements.borrow().as_ref() { return r.clone(); } let r: SharedArray = data.origin.implements(host).iter().map(|t| TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&t, &data.origin.type_parameters().unwrap(), &data.substitute_types)).collect(); data.implements.replace(Some(r.clone())); r }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn extends_interfaces(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(data)) => { let InterfaceTypeData { ref extends_interfaces, .. } = data.as_ref(); extends_interfaces.clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => { if let Some(r) = data.extends_interfaces.borrow().as_ref() { return r.clone(); } let r: SharedArray = data.origin.extends_interfaces(host).iter().map(|t| TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&t, &data.origin.type_parameters().unwrap(), &data.substitute_types)).collect(); data.extends_interfaces.replace(Some(r.clone())); r }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn parent_definition(&self) -> Option { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => data.parent_definition.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => data.parent_definition.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(data)) => data.parent_definition.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => data.origin.parent_definition(), SymbolKind::Alias(data) => data.parent_definition.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::Package(data) => data.parent_definition.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::PackageSet(data) => data.parent_definition.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::VariableProperty(data) => data.parent_definition.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.parent_definition(), SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(data) => data.parent_definition.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.parent_definition(), SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.parent_definition.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.parent_definition(), _ => None, } } pub fn set_parent_definition(&self, value: Option<&Symbol>) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { data.parent_definition.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => { data.parent_definition.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(data)) => { data.parent_definition.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, SymbolKind::Alias(data) => { data.parent_definition.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, SymbolKind::Package(data) => { data.parent_definition.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, SymbolKind::PackageSet(data) => { data.parent_definition.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, SymbolKind::VariableProperty(data) => { data.parent_definition.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(data) => { data.parent_definition.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.parent_definition.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, _ => panic!(), } } /// The class which a class extends. This field may possibly be /// `Unresolved`. pub fn extends_class(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Option { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => data.extends_class.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(_)) => Some(host.object_type()), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => { if let Some(r) = data.extends_class.borrow().as_ref() { return Some(r.clone()); } let r = data.origin.extends_class(host); if r.is_none() { return None; } let r = r.unwrap(); if r.is_unresolved() { return Some(r.clone()); } let r = TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&r, &data.origin.type_parameters().unwrap(), &data.substitute_types); data.extends_class.replace(Some(r.clone())); Some(r) }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_extends_class(&self, value: Option<&Symbol>) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { data.extends_class.replace(|c| c.clone())); }, _ => panic!(), } } /// Enumeration representation type. It may be `Unresolved` in certain occasions. /// /// **Default**: `None`. pub fn enumeration_representation_type(&self) -> Option { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => { let EnumTypeData { ref representation_type, .. } = data.as_ref(); representation_type.borrow().clone() }, _ => panic!(), } } /// Enumeration representation type. It may be `Unresolved` in certain occasions. /// /// **Default**: `None`. pub fn set_enumeration_representation_type(&self, value: Option<&Symbol>) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => { let EnumTypeData { ref representation_type, .. } = data.as_ref(); representation_type.replace(|t| t.clone())); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn type_parameters(&self) -> Option> { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => data.type_parameters.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(data)) => data.type_parameters.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.type_parameters.borrow().clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_type_parameters(&self, value: Option<&SharedArray>) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { data.type_parameters.replace(|p| p.clone())); }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(data)) => { data.type_parameters.replace(|p| p.clone())); }, SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.type_parameters.replace(|p| p.clone())); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn static_properties(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> SharedMap { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { let ClassTypeData { ref static_properties, .. } = data.as_ref(); static_properties.clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => { let EnumTypeData { ref static_properties, .. } = data.as_ref(); static_properties.clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => { let TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitutionData { ref static_properties, .. } = data.as_ref(); if let Some(r) = static_properties.borrow().as_ref() { return r.clone(); } let r: SharedMap = data.origin.static_properties(host).borrow().iter().map(|(name, p)| { let p = TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&p, &data.origin.type_parameters().unwrap(), &data.substitute_types); (name.clone(), p) }).collect(); static_properties.replace(Some(r.clone())); r }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn prototype(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> SharedMap { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { let ClassTypeData { ref prototype, .. } = data.as_ref(); prototype.clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => { let EnumTypeData { ref prototype, .. } = data.as_ref(); prototype.clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(data)) => { let InterfaceTypeData { ref prototype, .. } = data.as_ref(); prototype.clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => { let TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitutionData { ref prototype, .. } = data.as_ref(); if let Some(r) = prototype.borrow().as_ref() { return r.clone(); } let r: SharedMap = data.origin.prototype(host).borrow().iter().map(|(name, p)| { let p = TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&p, &data.origin.type_parameters().unwrap(), &data.substitute_types); (name.clone(), p) }).collect(); prototype.replace(Some(r.clone())); r }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn proxies(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> SharedMap { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { let ClassTypeData { ref proxies, .. } = data.as_ref(); proxies.clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => { let EnumTypeData { ref proxies, .. } = data.as_ref(); proxies.clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => { let TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitutionData { ref proxies, .. } = data.as_ref(); if let Some(r) = proxies.borrow().as_ref() { return r.clone(); } let r: SharedMap = data.origin.proxies(host).borrow().iter().map(|(kind, p)| { let p = TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&p, &data.origin.type_parameters().unwrap(), &data.substitute_types); (*kind, p) }).collect(); proxies.replace(Some(r.clone())); r }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn list_of_to_proxies(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { let ClassTypeData { ref list_of_to_proxies, .. } = data.as_ref(); list_of_to_proxies.clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => { let EnumTypeData { ref list_of_to_proxies, .. } = data.as_ref(); list_of_to_proxies.clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => { let TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitutionData { ref list_of_to_proxies, .. } = data.as_ref(); if let Some(r) = list_of_to_proxies.borrow().as_ref() { return r.clone(); } let type_parameters = data.origin.type_parameters().unwrap(); let r: SharedArray = data.origin.list_of_to_proxies(host).iter().map(|proxy_function| { TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&proxy_function, &type_parameters, &data.substitute_types) }).collect(); list_of_to_proxies.replace(Some(r.clone())); r }, _ => panic!(), } } /// Members of an enumeration type as (*string*, *number*) groups. pub fn enumeration_members(&self) -> SharedMap { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => { let EnumTypeData { ref enumeration_members, .. } = data.as_ref(); enumeration_members.clone() }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn constructor_function(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Option { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { let ClassTypeData { ref constructor_function, .. } = data.as_ref(); constructor_function.borrow().clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => { if let Some(r) = data.constructor_function.borrow().as_ref() { return Some(r.clone()); } let r = data.origin.constructor_function(host); if r.is_none() { return None; } let r = r.unwrap(); let r = TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&r, &data.origin.type_parameters().unwrap(), &data.substitute_types); data.constructor_function.replace(Some(r.clone())); Some(r) }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_constructor_function(&self, value: Option<&Symbol>) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { let ClassTypeData { ref constructor_function, .. } = data.as_ref(); constructor_function.replace(|f| f.clone())); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn limited_subclasses(&self) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { let ClassTypeData { ref limited_subclasses, .. } = data.as_ref(); limited_subclasses.clone() }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn limited_implementors(&self) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(data)) => { let InterfaceTypeData { ref limited_implementors, .. } = data.as_ref(); limited_implementors.clone() }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn plain_metadata(&self) -> SharedArray> { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { let ClassTypeData { ref plain_metadata, .. } = data.as_ref(); plain_metadata.clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => { let EnumTypeData { ref plain_metadata, .. } = data.as_ref(); plain_metadata.clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(data)) => { let InterfaceTypeData { ref plain_metadata, .. } = data.as_ref(); plain_metadata.clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => data.origin.plain_metadata(), SymbolKind::Alias(data) => data.plain_metadata.clone(), SymbolKind::VariableProperty(data) => data.plain_metadata.clone(), SymbolKind::VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.plain_metadata(), SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.plain_metadata.clone(), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.plain_metadata(), SymbolKind::BlockStatement(data) => data.plain_metadata.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn visibility(&self) -> Visibility { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => data.visibility.get(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => data.visibility.get(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(data)) => data.visibility.get(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => data.origin.visibility(), SymbolKind::Alias(data) => data.visibility.get(), SymbolKind::PackageSet(data) => data.visibility.get(), SymbolKind::VariableProperty(data) => data.visibility.get(), SymbolKind::VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.visibility(), SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(data) => data.visibility.get(), SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.visibility(), SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.visibility.get(), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.visibility(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_visibility(&self, value: Visibility) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { data.visibility.set(value); }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => { data.visibility.set(value); }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(data)) => { data.visibility.set(value); }, SymbolKind::Alias(data) => { data.visibility.set(value); }, SymbolKind::PackageSet(data) => { data.visibility.set(value); }, SymbolKind::VariableProperty(data) => { data.visibility.set(value); }, SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(data) => { data.visibility.set(value); }, SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.visibility.set(value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn jetdoc(&self) -> Option> { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { let ClassTypeData { ref jetdoc, .. } = data.as_ref(); jetdoc.borrow().clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => { let EnumTypeData { ref jetdoc, .. } = data.as_ref(); jetdoc.borrow().clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(data)) => { let InterfaceTypeData { ref jetdoc, .. } = data.as_ref(); jetdoc.borrow().clone() }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => data.origin.jetdoc(), SymbolKind::Alias(data) => data.jetdoc.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::Package(data) => data.jetdoc.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::PackageSet(data) => data.jetdoc.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::VariableProperty(data) => data.jetdoc.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.jetdoc(), SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(data) => data.jetdoc.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.jetdoc(), SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.jetdoc.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.jetdoc(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_jetdoc(&self, value: Option>) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(data)) => { let ClassTypeData { ref jetdoc, .. } = data.as_ref(); jetdoc.replace(value); }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(data)) => { let EnumTypeData { ref jetdoc, .. } = data.as_ref(); jetdoc.replace(value); }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(data)) => { let InterfaceTypeData { ref jetdoc, .. } = data.as_ref(); jetdoc.replace(value); }, SymbolKind::Alias(data) => { data.jetdoc.replace(value); }, SymbolKind::Package(data) => { data.jetdoc.replace(value); }, SymbolKind::PackageSet(data) => { data.jetdoc.replace(value); }, SymbolKind::VariableProperty(data) => { data.jetdoc.replace(value); }, SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(data) => { data.jetdoc.replace(value); }, SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.jetdoc.replace(value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn parameters(&self) -> SharedArray> { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::FunctionType(data)) => { let FunctionTypeData { ref parameters, .. } = data.as_ref(); parameters.clone() }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn result_type(&self) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::FunctionType(data)) => { let FunctionTypeData { ref result_type, .. } = data.as_ref(); result_type.clone() }, _ => panic!(), } } /// Element types of a tuple type. pub fn element_types(&self) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TupleType(data)) => { let TupleTypeData { ref element_types } = data.as_ref(); element_types.clone() }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn base(&self) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::NullableType(ref base)) => base.clone(), SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::FilterOperator { base, .. })) => base.clone(), SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Conversion(data) => data.base.clone(), ValueKind::Reference(data) => { match data.as_ref() { ReferenceValueKind::Xml { base, .. } => base.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::Dynamic { base, .. } => base.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::Static { base, .. } => base.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::Instance { base, .. } => base.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::Proxy { base, .. } => base.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::Tuple { base, .. } => base.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::Scope { base, .. } => base.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::DynamicScope { base, .. } => base.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::Package { base, .. } => base.clone(), } }, _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } /// Indicates whether a type includes the `undefined` value or not. pub fn includes_undefined(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::AnyType) | SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::VoidType) => { return true; }, _ => { if self.is_type() { return false; } panic!(); }, } } /// Indicates whether a type includes the `null` value or not. pub fn includes_null(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::AnyType) | SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::NullableType(_)) => { return true; }, _ => { if self.is_type() { return false; } panic!(); }, } } pub fn origin(&self) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => data.origin.clone(), SymbolKind::VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.clone(), SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.clone(), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn substitute_types(&self) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(data)) => data.substitute_types.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn indirect_type_parameters(&self) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.indirect_type_parameters.clone(), SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.indirect_type_parameters.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn indirect_substitute_types(&self) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.indirect_substitute_types.clone(), SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.indirect_substitute_types.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn explicit_or_indirect_type_parameters(&self) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.explicit_or_indirect_type_parameters.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn explicit_or_indirect_substitute_types(&self) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.explicit_or_indirect_substitute_types.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } /// The symbol aliased by an `Alias` symbol. Possibly `Unresolved`. pub fn alias_of(&self) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Alias(data) => data.alias_of.borrow().clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_alias_of(&self, alias_of: &Symbol) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Alias(data) => { data.alias_of.replace(alias_of.clone()); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn resolve_alias(&self) -> Symbol { if self.is_alias() { return self.alias_of().resolve_alias(); } return self.clone(); } pub fn resolve_property(&self, base: &Symbol, qual: Option, key: SemanticPropertyKey, host: &SymbolHost) -> Result, PropertyResolutionError> { PropertyResolution(host).resolve_property(base, qual, key) } pub fn properties(&self, _host: &SymbolHost) -> SharedMap { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Package(data) =>, SymbolKind::Scope(data, _) =>, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn redirect_packages(&self) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Package(data) => data.redirect_packages.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } /// Indicates subpackages of a package from their unqualified name to their `Package` symbol. pub fn subpackages(&self) -> SharedMap { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Package(data) => data.subpackages.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } /// The packages of a package set. pub fn packages(&self) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::PackageSet(data) => data.packages.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } /// Static type of a value or property. Possibly `Unresolved`. pub fn static_type(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::VariableProperty(data) => data.static_type.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => { if let Some(r) = data.static_type.borrow().as_ref() { return r.clone(); } let r = data.origin.static_type(host); if r.is_unresolved() { return r.clone(); } let r = TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&r, &data.indirect_type_parameters, &data.indirect_substitute_types); data.static_type.replace(Some(r.clone())); r }, SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(data) => { if let Some(r) = data.static_type.borrow().as_ref() { return r.clone(); } let mut deduced_type: Option = None; // Deduce [[Type]] from getter let getter = data.getter.borrow(); let getter = getter.as_ref(); if let Some(getter) = getter { let signature: Symbol = getter.signature(host); if !signature.is_unresolved() { deduced_type = Some(signature.result_type()); } } // Deduce [[Type]] from setter let setter = data.setter.borrow(); let setter = setter.as_ref(); if let Some(setter) = setter { let signature: Symbol = setter.signature(host); if !signature.is_unresolved() { deduced_type = Some(signature.parameters().get(0).unwrap().static_type.clone()); } } if deduced_type.is_none() { return host.unresolved(); } data.static_type.replace(deduced_type.clone()); deduced_type.unwrap() }, SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => { if let Some(r) = data.static_type.borrow().as_ref() { return r.clone(); } let r = data.origin.static_type(host); if r.is_unresolved() { return r.clone(); } let r = TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&r, &data.indirect_type_parameters, &data.indirect_substitute_types); data.static_type.replace(Some(r.clone())); r }, SymbolKind::Value(data, _) => data.static_type.borrow().clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_static_type(&self, value: &Symbol) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::VariableProperty(data) => { data.static_type.replace(value.clone()); }, SymbolKind::Value(data, _) => { data.static_type.replace(value.clone()); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn read_only(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::VariableProperty(data) => data.read_only.get(), SymbolKind::VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.read_only(host), SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(data) => data.setter.borrow().is_none(), SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.read_only(host), SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Reference(data) => { match data.as_ref() { ReferenceValueKind::Xml { .. } => false, ReferenceValueKind::Dynamic { .. } => false, ReferenceValueKind::Static { property, .. } => property.read_only(host), ReferenceValueKind::Instance { property, .. } => property.read_only(host), ReferenceValueKind::Proxy { base, .. } => { let r = base.static_type(host).has_set_property_proxy(host); if r.is_err() { return true; } r.unwrap() }, ReferenceValueKind::Tuple { .. } => true, ReferenceValueKind::Scope { property, .. } => property.read_only(host), ReferenceValueKind::DynamicScope { .. } => false, ReferenceValueKind::Package { property, .. } => property.read_only(host), } } _ => true, } }, _ => true, } } pub fn set_read_only(&self, value: bool) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::VariableProperty(data) => { data.read_only.set(value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn write_only(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(data) => data.getter.borrow().is_none(), SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.write_only(host), SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Reference(data) => { match data.as_ref() { ReferenceValueKind::Xml { .. } => false, ReferenceValueKind::Dynamic { .. } => false, ReferenceValueKind::Static { property, .. } => property.write_only(host), ReferenceValueKind::Instance { property, .. } => property.write_only(host), ReferenceValueKind::Proxy { .. } => false, ReferenceValueKind::Tuple { .. } => false, ReferenceValueKind::Scope { property, .. } => property.write_only(host), ReferenceValueKind::DynamicScope { .. } => false, ReferenceValueKind::Package { property, .. } => property.write_only(host), } } _ => true, } }, _ => false, } } /// If a type is a nullable type, return it as a non nullable type. pub fn non_null_type(&self) -> Symbol { if self.is_nullable_type() { self.base() } else { self.clone() } } /// Finds proxy in the class inheritance. pub fn find_proxy(&self, kind: ProxyKind, host: &SymbolHost) -> Result, DeferVerificationError> { if self.is_unresolved() { return Ok(None); } for class in self.non_null_type().descending_class_hierarchy(host).collect::>() { class.throw_if_unresolved()?; let proxy = class.proxies(host).get(&kind); if proxy.is_some() { return Ok(proxy); } } Ok(None) } /// Indicates whether a `class` or `enum` defines the `setProperty()` proxy. pub fn has_set_property_proxy(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Result { Ok(self.find_proxy(ProxyKind::SetProperty, host)?.is_some()) } pub fn constant_initializer(&self) -> Option { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::VariableProperty(data) => data.constant_initializer.borrow().clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_constant_initializer(&self, value: Option<&Symbol>) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::VariableProperty(data) => { data.constant_initializer.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, _ => panic!(), } } /// Indicates whether a variable property is optional for an object initializer. pub fn is_optional_variable(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Result { let st = self.static_type(host); if st.is_unresolved() { Err(DeferVerificationError) } else { Ok(st.includes_null() || st.includes_undefined()) } } pub fn getter(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Option { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(data) => data.getter.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => { if let Some(r) = data.getter.borrow().as_ref() { return Some(r.clone()); } let r = data.origin.getter(host); if r.is_none() { return r; } let r = TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&r.unwrap(), &data.indirect_type_parameters, &data.indirect_substitute_types); data.getter.replace(Some(r.clone())); Some(r) }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_getter(&self, value: Option<&Symbol>) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(data) => { data.getter.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn setter(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Option { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(data) => data.setter.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => { if let Some(r) = data.setter.borrow().as_ref() { return Some(r.clone()); } let r = data.origin.setter(host); if r.is_none() { return r; } let r = TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&r.unwrap(), &data.indirect_type_parameters, &data.indirect_substitute_types); data.setter.replace(Some(r.clone())); Some(r) }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_setter(&self, value: Option<&Symbol>) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(data) => { data.setter.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, _ => panic!(), } } /// Signature of a function symbol as a structural function type. /// Possibly `Unresolved`. pub fn signature(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.signature.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => { if let Some(r) = data.signature.borrow().as_ref() { return r.clone(); } let r = data.origin.signature(host); if r.is_unresolved() { return r.clone(); } let r = TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&r, &data.explicit_or_indirect_substitute_types, &data.explicit_or_indirect_substitute_types); data.signature.replace(Some(r.clone())); r }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_signature(&self, value: &Symbol) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.signature.replace(value.clone()); }, _ => panic!(), } } /// The virtual property to which a function symbol belongs. pub fn of_virtual_property(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Option { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.of_virtual_property.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => { if let Some(r) = data.of_virtual_property.borrow().as_ref() { return Some(r.clone()); } let r = data.origin.of_virtual_property(host); if r.is_none() { return None; } let r = TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&r.unwrap(), &data.explicit_or_indirect_substitute_types, &data.explicit_or_indirect_substitute_types); data.of_virtual_property.replace(Some(r.clone())); Some(r) }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_of_virtual_property(&self, value: Option<&Symbol>) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.of_virtual_property.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, _ => panic!(), } } /// Set of function symbols used to override a function symbol. pub fn overriden_by(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.overriden_by.clone(), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => { if let Some(r) = data.overriden_by.borrow().as_ref() { return r.clone(); } let r = data.origin.overriden_by(host); let r: SharedArray = r.iter().map(|r| TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&r, &data.explicit_or_indirect_substitute_types, &data.explicit_or_indirect_substitute_types)).collect(); data.overriden_by.replace(Some(r.clone())); r }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn overrides_method(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Option { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.overrides_method.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => { if let Some(r) = data.overrides_method.borrow().as_ref() { return Some(r.clone()); } let r = data.origin.overrides_method(host); if r.is_none() { return None; } let r = TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&r.unwrap(), &data.explicit_or_indirect_substitute_types, &data.explicit_or_indirect_substitute_types); data.overrides_method.replace(Some(r.clone())); Some(r) }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_overrides_method(&self, value: Option) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.overrides_method.replace(value); }, SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => { data.overrides_method.replace(value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn parent_scope(&self) -> Option { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(data, _) => data.parent_scope.borrow().clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_parent_scope(&self, value: Option<&Symbol>) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(data, _) => { data.parent_scope.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn imports(&self) -> SharedMap { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(data, _) => data.imports.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn open_packages(&self) -> SharedArray { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(data, _) => data.open_packages.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn package_aliases(&self) -> SharedMap { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(data, _) => data.package_aliases.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn local_variable_scope_count(&self) -> usize { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(data, _) => data.local_variable_scope_count.get(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_local_variable_scope_count(&self, value: usize) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(data, _) => { data.local_variable_scope_count.set(value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn object(&self) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::With { object, .. })) => object.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn function(&self) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::Activation(data))) => data.function.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn this(&self) -> Option { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::Activation(data))) => data.this.borrow().clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_this(&self, value: Option<&Symbol>) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::Activation(data))) => { data.this.replace(|v| v.clone())); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn class(&self) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::Class { class, .. })) => class.clone(), SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::Enum { class, .. })) => class.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn interface(&self) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::Interface { interface, .. })) => interface.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn package(&self) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::Package { package, .. })) => package.clone(), _ => panic!(), } } pub fn string_value(&self) -> String { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Constant(ConstantKind::String(v)) => v.clone(), _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn char_value(&self) -> char { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Constant(ConstantKind::Char(v)) => v.clone(), _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn char_index_value(&self) -> (String, f64) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Constant(ConstantKind::CharIndex(s, i)) => (s.clone(), i.clone()), _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn boolean_value(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Constant(ConstantKind::Boolean(v)) => v.clone(), _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn number_value(&self) -> AbstractRangeNumber { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Constant(ConstantKind::Number(v)) => v.clone(), ValueKind::Constant(ConstantKind::Enum(v)) => v.clone(), _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn conversion_relationship(&self) -> TypeConversionRelationship { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Conversion(data) => data.relationship.clone(), _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn conversion_is_optional(&self) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Conversion(data) => data.optional.clone(), _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn conversion_target(&self) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Conversion(data) =>, _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn qualifier(&self) -> Option { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Reference(data) => { match data.as_ref() { ReferenceValueKind::Xml { qualifier, .. } => qualifier.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::Dynamic { qualifier, .. } => qualifier.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::DynamicScope { qualifier, .. } => qualifier.clone(), _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn key(&self) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Reference(data) => { match data.as_ref() { ReferenceValueKind::Xml { key, .. } => key.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::Dynamic { key, .. } => key.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::DynamicScope { key, .. } => key.clone(), _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn property(&self) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Reference(data) => { match data.as_ref() { ReferenceValueKind::Static { property, .. } => property.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::Instance { property, .. } => property.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::Scope { property, .. } => property.clone(), ReferenceValueKind::Package { property, .. } => property.clone(), _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn proxy(&self) -> Symbol { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Reference(data) => { match data.as_ref() { ReferenceValueKind::Proxy { proxy, .. } => proxy.clone(), _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn tuple_index(&self) -> usize { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Reference(data) => { match data.as_ref() { ReferenceValueKind::Tuple { index, .. } => index.clone(), _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn property_is_visible(&self, scope: &Symbol, host: &SymbolHost) -> bool { let mut prop = self.clone(); if prop.is_value() { if prop.is_static_reference_value() { prop =; } else if prop.is_instance_reference_value() { prop =; } else if prop.is_package_reference_value() { prop =; } else { return true; } } match prop.visibility() { Visibility::Public => true, Visibility::Internal => { let mut p: Option = None; if let Some(p1) = prop.parent_definition() { for p1 in p1.descending_definition_hierarchy() { if p1.is_package() { p = Some(p1); break; } } } if p.is_none() { return true; } let p = p.unwrap(); for scope in scope.descending_scope_hierarchy() { if scope.is_package_scope() && scope.package() == p { return true; } } return false; }, Visibility::Private => { let mut t: Option = None; if let Some(p) = prop.parent_definition() { for p in p.descending_definition_hierarchy() { if p.is_class_type() || p.is_enum_type() { t = Some(p); break; } } } if t.is_none() { return false; } let t = t.unwrap(); for scope in scope.descending_scope_hierarchy() { if (scope.is_class_scope() || scope.is_enum_scope()) && scope.class() == t { return true; } } return false; }, Visibility::Protected => { let mut t: Option = None; if let Some(p) = prop.parent_definition() { for p in p.descending_definition_hierarchy() { if p.is_class_type() || p.is_enum_type() { t = Some(p); break; } } } if t.is_none() { return false; } let t = t.unwrap(); for scope in scope.descending_scope_hierarchy() { if (scope.is_class_scope() || scope.is_enum_scope()) && scope.class().is_equals_or_subtype_of(&t, host) { return true; } } return false; }, } } pub fn is_ascending_type_of(&self, possibly_subtype: &Symbol, host: &SymbolHost) -> bool { possibly_subtype.is_subtype_of(self, host) } pub fn is_subtype_of(&self, possibly_ascending_type: &Symbol, host: &SymbolHost) -> bool { possibly_ascending_type.is_any_type() || self.all_ascending_types(host).contains(possibly_ascending_type) } pub fn is_equals_or_subtype_of(&self, other: &Symbol, host: &SymbolHost) -> bool { self == other || self.is_subtype_of(other, host) } /// Returns all ascending types of a type in ascending type order. pub fn all_ascending_types(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Vec { let mut r = vec![]; let mut r2 = vec![]; for type_symbol in self.direct_ascending_types(host) { if !type_symbol.is_unresolved() { for type_symbol in type_symbol.all_ascending_types(host) { if !r.contains(&type_symbol) { r.push(type_symbol.clone()); } } } if !r.contains(&type_symbol) { r2.push(type_symbol.clone()); } } r.extend(r2); r } /// Returns direct ascending types of a type. pub fn direct_ascending_types(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Vec { if self.is_class_type() { let mut r: Vec = self.implements(host).iter().collect(); if let Some(ascending_class) = self.extends_class(host) { r.push(ascending_class); } return r; } else if self.is_enum_type() { return vec![self.extends_class(host).unwrap()]; } else if self.is_interface_type() { return self.extends_interfaces(host).iter().collect(); } else if self.is_function_type() { return vec![host.function_type()]; } else if self.is_tuple_type() { return vec![host.object_type()]; } return vec![]; } pub fn expect_type(&self) -> Result { if self.is_package_reference_value() || self.is_scope_reference_value() { return; } if self.is_type() { Ok(self.clone()) } else { Err(ExpectedTypeError) } } /// Given a type base, returns its default value. pub fn type_default_value(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Option { if self.is_void_type() { Some(host.factory().create_undefined_constant(self)) } else if self.is_nullable_type() { Some(host.factory().create_null_constant(self)) } else if host.is_numeric_type(self) { let v = AbstractRangeNumber::zero(self, host); Some(host.factory().create_number_constant(v, self)) } else if self == &host.boolean_type() { Some(host.factory().create_boolean_constant(false, self)) } else if self == &host.string_type() { Some(host.factory().create_string_constant(String::new(), self)) } else if self == &host.char_type() { Some(host.factory().create_char_constant('\x00', self)) } else if self == &host.char_index_type() { Some(host.factory().create_char_index_constant((String::new(), 0.0), self)) } else if self.is_enum_type() && self.is_set_enumeration() { let v = AbstractRangeNumber::zero(&self.enumeration_representation_type().unwrap(), host); Some(host.factory().create_enum_constant(v, self)) } else { None } } /// The internal *PropertyStaticType*() function. pub fn property_static_type(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Symbol { if self.is_variable_property() || self.is_virtual_property() { return self.static_type(host); } if self.is_function() { return self.signature(host); } assert!(self.is_type()); return host.class_type(); } /// Throws `DeferVerificationError` error if the symbol is `Unresolved`. pub fn throw_if_unresolved(&self) -> Result<(), DeferVerificationError> { if self.is_unresolved() { Err(DeferVerificationError) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Iterator over a descending class hierarchy. pub fn descending_class_hierarchy<'a>(&self, host: &'a SymbolHost) -> DescendingClassHierarchy<'a> { DescendingClassHierarchy(Some(self.clone()), host) } /// Iterator over a descending scope hierarchy. pub fn descending_scope_hierarchy(&self) -> DescendingScopeHierarchy { DescendingScopeHierarchy(Some(self.clone())) } /// Iterator over a descending definition hierarchy. pub fn descending_definition_hierarchy(&self) -> DescendingDefinitionHierarchy { DescendingDefinitionHierarchy(Some(self.clone())) } /// The internal *WrapPropertyReference*() function. pub fn wrap_property_reference(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> Symbol { let parent = self.parent_definition().unwrap(); if parent.is_class_type() || parent.is_enum_type() { return host.factory().create_static_reference_value(&parent, &self); } if parent.is_package() { return host.factory().create_package_reference_value(&parent, &self); } assert!(self.is_scope()); return host.factory().create_scope_reference_value(&parent, &self); } pub fn is_floating_point_type_of_wider_range_than(&self, other: &Symbol, host: &SymbolHost) -> bool { let number_type = host.number_type(); let single_type = host.single_type(); if self == &number_type { other == &single_type } else if self == &single_type { false } else { false } } pub fn is_integer_type_of_wider_range_than(&self, other: &Symbol, host: &SymbolHost) -> bool { let byte_type = host.byte_type(); let short_type = host.short_type(); let int_type = host.int_type(); let long_type = host.long_type(); let unsigned_byte_type = host.unsigned_byte_type(); let unsigned_short_type = host.unsigned_short_type(); let unsigned_int_type = host.unsigned_int_type(); let unsigned_long_type = host.unsigned_long_type(); let big_int_type = host.big_int_type(); if self == &byte_type { false } else if self == &short_type || self == &unsigned_short_type { [byte_type, unsigned_byte_type].contains(other) } else if self == &int_type || self == &unsigned_int_type { [byte_type, unsigned_byte_type, short_type, unsigned_short_type].contains(other) } else if self == &long_type || self == &unsigned_long_type { [byte_type, unsigned_byte_type, short_type, unsigned_short_type, int_type, unsigned_int_type].contains(other) } else if self == &big_int_type { [byte_type, unsigned_byte_type, short_type, unsigned_short_type, int_type, unsigned_int_type, long_type, unsigned_long_type].contains(other) } else { false } } pub fn type_after_substitution_has_origin(&self, origin: &Symbol) -> bool { self.is_type_after_explicit_type_substitution() && &self.origin() == origin } pub(crate) fn not_overriden_abstract_getter(&self, getter_from_base_class: &Symbol, subclass: &Symbol, host: &SymbolHost) -> bool { if getter_from_base_class.is_abstract() { let prop2 = subclass.prototype(host).get(&; prop2.is_none() || !prop2.clone().unwrap().is_virtual_property() || prop2.unwrap().getter(host).is_none() } else { false } } pub(crate) fn not_overriden_abstract_setter(&self, setter_from_base_class: &Symbol, subclass: &Symbol, host: &SymbolHost) -> bool { if setter_from_base_class.is_abstract() { let prop2 = subclass.prototype(host).get(&; prop2.is_none() || !prop2.clone().unwrap().is_virtual_property() || prop2.unwrap().setter(host).is_none() } else { false } } pub fn activation_scope(&self) -> Option { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => data.activation_scope.borrow().clone(), SymbolKind::Value(_, Some(data)) => { match data.as_ref() { ValueKind::Function { activation_scope } => Some(activation_scope.clone()), _ => panic!(), } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_activation_scope(&self, value: Option) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Function(data) => { data.activation_scope.replace(value); }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn find_activation(&self) -> Option { for scope in self.descending_scope_hierarchy() { if scope.is_activation_scope() { return Some(scope); } } return None } pub fn property_has_capture(&self, property: &Symbol) -> bool { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::Activation(data))) => { if let Some(set) = data.property_has_capture.borrow().as_ref() { set.includes(property) } else { false } }, _ => panic!(), } } pub fn set_property_has_capture(&self, property: &Symbol, value: bool) { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Scope(_, Some(ScopeKind::Activation(data))) => { if let Some(set) = data.property_has_capture.borrow_mut().as_mut() { if value { if !set.includes(property) { set.push(property.clone()); } } else { let i = set.index_of(property); if let Some(i) = i { set.remove(i); } } } else if value { data.property_has_capture.replace(Some(shared_array![property.clone()])); } }, _ => panic!(), } } /// Assuming a `Scope` base, if the specified reference is a property that has been captured by another /// activation in the base *current scope*, `check_property_has_capture()` /// marks this property as captured in its respective activation. /// /// `check_property_has_capture` performs the following action: /// /// ``` /// let current_scope = self; /// if reference.is_scope_reference_value() && reference.base().find_activation().unwrap() != current_scope.find_activation().unwrap() { /// reference.base().find_activation().unwrap().set_property_has_capture(, true); /// } /// ``` /// /// # Example /// /// ```ignore /// current_scope.check_property_has_capture(&reference); /// ``` pub fn check_property_has_capture(&self, reference: &Symbol) { let current_scope = self; if reference.is_scope_reference_value() && reference.base().find_activation().unwrap() != current_scope.find_activation().unwrap() { reference.base().find_activation().unwrap().set_property_has_capture(&, true); } } pub fn is_array_type_of_any(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> bool { self.type_after_substitution_has_origin(&host.array_type()) && self.substitute_types().get(0).unwrap().is_any_type() } pub fn is_map_type_of_any_any(&self, host: &SymbolHost) -> bool { self.type_after_substitution_has_origin(&host.map_type()) && self.substitute_types().get(0).unwrap().is_any_type() && self.substitute_types().get(1).unwrap().is_any_type() } } impl ToString for Symbol { fn to_string(&self) -> String { let symbol = self.0.upgrade().unwrap(); match symbol.as_ref() { SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::AnyType) => "*".into(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::VoidType) => "void".into(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::ClassType(_)) | SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::InterfaceType(_)) => { let name_1 = self.fully_qualified_name(); let mut p = String::new(); if let Some(type_parameters) = self.type_parameters() { p = ".<".to_owned() + &type_parameters.iter().map(|p| p.to_string()).collect::>().join(", ") + ">"; } name_1 + &p }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::EnumType(_)) => self.fully_qualified_name(), SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::FunctionType(ft)) => { let mut p = vec![]; for p_1 in ft.parameters.iter() { match p_1.kind { ParameterKind::Required => { p.push(format!("{}: {}",, p_1.static_type.to_string())); }, ParameterKind::Optional => { p.push(format!("{}?: {}",, p_1.static_type.to_string())); }, ParameterKind::Rest => { p.push(format!("...{}: {}",, p_1.static_type.to_string())); }, } } format!("function({}): {}", p.join(", "), ft.result_type.to_string()) }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TupleType(tt)) => { format!("[{}]", tt.element_types.iter().map(|t| t.to_string()).collect::>().join(", ")) }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::NullableType(base)) => { if base.is_function_type() { format!("?{}", base.to_string()) } else { format!("{}?", base.to_string()) } }, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeParameterType(_)) =>, SymbolKind::Type(TypeKind::TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(t)) => { let name_1 = self.fully_qualified_name(); let p = ".<".to_owned() + &t.substitute_types.iter().map(|t| t.to_string()).collect::>().join(", ") + ">"; name_1 + &p }, SymbolKind::Alias(_) | SymbolKind::Package(_) | SymbolKind::PackageSet(_) | SymbolKind::VariableProperty(_) | SymbolKind::VirtualProperty(_) | SymbolKind::Function(_) => self.fully_qualified_name(), SymbolKind::VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.fully_qualified_name(), SymbolKind::VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.fully_qualified_name(), SymbolKind::FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(data) => data.origin.fully_qualified_name(), _ => panic!(), } } } pub struct DescendingClassHierarchy<'a>(Option, &'a SymbolHost); impl<'a> Iterator for DescendingClassHierarchy<'a> { type Item = Symbol; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if let Some(r) = self.0.clone() { if r.is_unresolved() { self.0 = None; } else { self.0 = r.extends_class(self.1); } Some(r) } else { None } } } pub struct DescendingScopeHierarchy(Option); impl Iterator for DescendingScopeHierarchy { type Item = Symbol; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if let Some(r) = self.0.clone() { self.0 = r.parent_scope(); Some(r) } else { None } } } pub struct DescendingDefinitionHierarchy(Option); impl Iterator for DescendingDefinitionHierarchy { type Item = Symbol; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if let Some(r) = self.0.clone() { self.0 = r.parent_definition(); Some(r) } else { None } } } pub(crate) enum SymbolKind { Unresolved, Type(TypeKind), Alias(Rc), Package(Rc), PackageSet(Rc), VariableProperty(Rc), VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(Rc), VirtualProperty(Rc), VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(Rc), Function(Rc), FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(Rc), Scope(Rc, Option), Value(ValueData, Option>), BlockStatement(Rc), } pub(crate) struct BlockStatementSymbolData { pub plain_metadata: SharedArray>, } pub(crate) enum TypeKind { AnyType, VoidType, ClassType(Rc), EnumType(Rc), InterfaceType(Rc), FunctionType(Rc), TupleType(Rc), NullableType(Symbol), TypeParameterType(Rc), TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(Rc), } pub(crate) struct ClassTypeData { pub name: String, pub visibility: Cell, pub parent_definition: RefCell>, pub extends_class: RefCell>, pub implements: SharedArray, pub flags: RefCell, pub type_parameters: RefCell>>, pub static_properties: SharedMap, pub constructor_function: RefCell>, pub prototype: SharedMap, pub proxies: SharedMap, pub list_of_to_proxies: SharedArray, pub limited_subclasses: SharedArray, pub plain_metadata: SharedArray>, pub jetdoc: RefCell>>, } pub(crate) struct EnumTypeData { pub name: String, pub visibility: Cell, pub parent_definition: RefCell>, pub representation_type: RefCell>, pub is_set_enumeration: bool, pub static_properties: SharedMap, pub prototype: SharedMap, pub proxies: SharedMap, pub list_of_to_proxies: SharedArray, pub enumeration_members: SharedMap, pub plain_metadata: SharedArray>, pub jetdoc: RefCell>>, } pub(crate) struct InterfaceTypeData { pub name: String, pub visibility: Cell, pub parent_definition: RefCell>, pub extends_interfaces: SharedArray, pub type_parameters: RefCell>>, pub prototype: SharedMap, pub limited_implementors: SharedArray, pub plain_metadata: SharedArray>, pub jetdoc: RefCell>>, } pub(crate) struct FunctionTypeData { pub parameters: SharedArray>, pub result_type: Symbol, } pub(crate) struct TupleTypeData { pub element_types: SharedArray, } pub(crate) struct TypeParameterTypeData { pub name: String, } pub(crate) struct TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitutionData { pub origin: Symbol, pub substitute_types: SharedArray, pub extends_class: RefCell>, pub extends_interfaces: RefCell>>, pub implements: RefCell>>, pub static_properties: RefCell>>, pub constructor_function: RefCell>, pub prototype: RefCell>>, pub proxies: RefCell>>, pub list_of_to_proxies: RefCell>>, } bitflags! { #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) struct ClassTypeFlags: u16 { const IS_FINAL = 0b00000001; const IS_STATIC = 0b00000010; const IS_ABSTRACT = 0b00000100; const ALLOW_LITERAL = 0b00001000; } } pub(crate) struct AliasData { pub name: String, pub visibility: Cell, pub alias_of: RefCell, pub parent_definition: RefCell>, pub plain_metadata: SharedArray>, pub jetdoc: RefCell>>, } pub(crate) struct PackageData { pub name: String, pub parent_definition: RefCell>, pub properties: SharedMap, pub redirect_packages: SharedArray, pub subpackages: SharedMap, pub jetdoc: RefCell>>, } pub(crate) struct PackageSetData { pub name: String, pub parent_definition: RefCell>, pub visibility: Cell, pub packages: SharedArray, pub jetdoc: RefCell>>, } pub(crate) struct VariablePropertyData { pub name: String, pub parent_definition: RefCell>, pub visibility: Cell, pub static_type: RefCell, pub read_only: Cell, pub constant_initializer: RefCell>, pub jetdoc: RefCell>>, pub plain_metadata: SharedArray>, } pub(crate) struct VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitutionData { pub origin: Symbol, pub indirect_type_parameters: SharedArray, pub indirect_substitute_types: SharedArray, pub static_type: RefCell>, } pub(crate) struct VirtualPropertyData { pub name: String, pub parent_definition: RefCell>, pub visibility: Cell, pub static_type: RefCell>, pub getter: RefCell>, pub setter: RefCell>, pub jetdoc: RefCell>>, } pub(crate) struct VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitutionData { pub origin: Symbol, pub indirect_type_parameters: SharedArray, pub indirect_substitute_types: SharedArray, pub static_type: RefCell>, pub getter: RefCell>, pub setter: RefCell>, } pub(crate) struct FunctionSymbolData { pub name: String, pub parent_definition: RefCell>, pub visibility: Cell, pub flags: RefCell, pub signature: RefCell, pub type_parameters: RefCell>>, pub of_virtual_property: RefCell>, pub overriden_by: SharedArray, pub overrides_method: RefCell>, pub jetdoc: RefCell>>, pub plain_metadata: SharedArray>, pub activation_scope: RefCell>, } bitflags! { #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) struct FunctionSymbolFlags: u16 { const IS_GENERATOR = 0b0000_0001; const IS_ASYNC = 0b0000_0010; const IS_NATIVE = 0b0000_0100; const IS_OPTIONAL_INTERFACE_METHOD = 0b0000_1000; const IS_OVERRIDING = 0b0001_0000; const IS_FINAL = 0b0010_0000; const IS_ABSTRACT = 0b0100_0000; const IS_CONSTRUCTOR = 0b1000_0000; } } pub(crate) struct FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitutionData { pub origin: Symbol, pub explicit_or_indirect_type_parameters: SharedArray, pub explicit_or_indirect_substitute_types: SharedArray, pub signature: RefCell>, pub of_virtual_property: RefCell>, pub overriden_by: RefCell>>, pub overrides_method: RefCell>, pub is_overriding: Cell, } pub(crate) struct ScopeData { pub parent_scope: RefCell>, pub properties: SharedMap, pub imports: SharedMap, pub open_packages: SharedArray, pub package_aliases: SharedMap, pub local_variable_scope_count: Cell, } pub(crate) struct ActivationScopeData { pub function: Symbol, pub this: RefCell>, pub property_has_capture: RefCell>>, } pub(crate) enum ScopeKind { With { object: Symbol, }, FilterOperator { base: Symbol, }, Activation(Rc), Class { class: Symbol, }, Enum { class: Symbol, }, Interface { interface: Symbol, }, Package { package: Symbol, }, } pub(crate) struct ValueData { pub static_type: RefCell, } pub(crate) enum ValueKind { Constant(ConstantKind), This, Conversion(Rc), ImportMeta, ImportMetaEnv, ImportMetaOutput, Reference(Rc), Function { activation_scope: Symbol, }, } pub(crate) enum ConstantKind { Undefined, Null, String(String), Char(char), CharIndex(String, f64), Boolean(bool), Number(AbstractRangeNumber), Enum(AbstractRangeNumber), } pub(crate) struct ConversionValueData { pub base: Symbol, pub relationship: TypeConversionRelationship, pub optional: bool, pub target: Symbol, } pub(crate) enum ReferenceValueKind { Xml { base: Symbol, qualifier: Option, key: Symbol, }, Dynamic { base: Symbol, qualifier: Option, key: Symbol, }, Static { base: Symbol, property: Symbol, }, Instance { base: Symbol, property: Symbol, }, Proxy { base: Symbol, proxy: Symbol, }, Tuple { base: Symbol, index: usize, }, Scope { base: Symbol, property: Symbol, }, DynamicScope { base: Symbol, qualifier: Option, key: Symbol, }, Package { base: Symbol, property: Symbol, }, } /// Unresolved symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_unresolved()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Unresolved(pub Symbol); impl Deref for Unresolved { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_unresolved()); &self.0 } } /// Type symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_type()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `includes_undefined()` /// * `includes_null()` /// * `property_is_visible()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Type(pub Symbol); impl Deref for Type { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_type()); &self.0 } } /// Any type (`*`) symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_type()` /// * `is_any_type()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `includes_undefined()` — Returns `true`. /// * `includes_null()` — Returns `true`. /// * `property_is_visible()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct AnyType(pub Symbol); impl Deref for AnyType { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_any_type()); &self.0 } } /// Void type (`void`) symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_type()` /// * `is_void_type()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `includes_undefined()` — Returns `true`. /// * `includes_null()` — Returns `false`. /// * `property_is_visible()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct VoidType(pub Symbol); impl Deref for VoidType { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_void_type()); &self.0 } } /// Class type symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_type()` /// * `is_class_type()` /// * `fully_qualified_name()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `is_abstract()` /// * `set_is_abstract()` /// * `is_final()` /// * `set_is_final()` /// * `is_static()` /// * `set_is_static()` /// * `allow_literal()` /// * `set_allow_literal()` /// * `implements()` — Implements list of the class. /// * `name()` — Unqualified name. /// * `parent_definition()` /// * `set_parent_definition()` /// * `extends_class()` /// * `set_extends_class()` /// * `type_parameters()` /// * `set_type_parameters()` /// * `static_properties()` /// * `constructor_function()` /// * `set_constructor_function()` /// * `prototype()` /// * `proxies()` /// * `list_of_to_proxies()` /// * `limited_subclasses()` /// * `plain_metadata()` /// * `visibility()` /// * `set_visibility()` /// * `jetdoc()` /// * `set_jetdoc()` /// * `includes_undefined()` — Returns `false`. /// * `includes_null()` — Returns `false`. /// * `property_is_visible()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ClassType(pub Symbol); impl Deref for ClassType { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_class_type()); &self.0 } } /// Enumeration type symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_type()` /// * `is_enum_type()` /// * `fully_qualified_name()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `is_set_enumeration()` /// * `enumeration_representation_type()` /// * `set_enumeration_representation_type()` /// * `name()` — Unqualified name. /// * `parent_definition()` /// * `set_parent_definition()` /// * `extends_class()` /// * `static_properties()`` /// * `prototype()` /// * `enumeration_members()` /// * `proxies()` /// * `list_of_to_proxies()` /// * `plain_metadata()` /// * `visibility()` /// * `set_visibility()` /// * `jetdoc()` /// * `set_jetdoc()` /// * `includes_undefined()` — Returns `false`. /// * `includes_null()` — Returns `false`. /// * `property_is_visible()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct EnumType(pub Symbol); impl Deref for EnumType { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_enum_type()); &self.0 } } /// Interface type symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_type()` /// * `is_interface_type()` /// * `fully_qualified_name()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `name()` — Unqualified name. /// * `parent_definition()` /// * `set_parent_definition()` /// * `extends_interfaces()` — Extends list of the interface. /// * `type_parameters()` /// * `set_type_parameters()` /// * `prototype()` /// * `limited_implementors()` /// * `plain_metadata()` /// * `visibility()` /// * `set_visibility()` /// * `jetdoc()` /// * `set_jetdoc()` /// * `includes_undefined()` — Returns `false`. /// * `includes_null()` — Returns `false`. /// * `property_is_visible()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct InterfaceType(pub Symbol); impl Deref for InterfaceType { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_interface_type()); &self.0 } } /// Function type symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_type()` /// * `is_function_type()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `parameters()` /// * `result_type()` /// * `includes_undefined()` — Returns `false`. /// * `includes_null()` — Returns `false`. /// * `property_is_visible()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct FunctionType(pub Symbol); impl Deref for FunctionType { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_function_type()); &self.0 } } /// Parameter of a function type. pub struct ParameterOfFunctionType { pub kind: ParameterKind, pub name: String, /// Static type of the parameter. It is never `Unresolved` as /// function types are only created after all compound types are resolved. pub static_type: Symbol, } impl ParameterOfFunctionType { pub fn type_substitution(&self, host: &SymbolHost, type_parameters: &SharedArray, substitute_types: &SharedArray) -> Self { ParameterOfFunctionType { kind: self.kind, name:, static_type: TypeSubstitution(host).execute(&self.static_type, type_parameters, substitute_types), } } } /// Tuple type symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_type()` /// * `is_tuple_type()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `element_types()` /// * `includes_undefined()` — Returns `false`. /// * `includes_null()` — Returns `false`. /// * `property_is_visible()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct TupleType(pub Symbol); impl Deref for TupleType { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_tuple_type()); &self.0 } } /// Nullable type symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_type()` /// * `is_nullable_type()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `base()` /// * `includes_undefined()` — Returns `false`. /// * `includes_null()` — Returns `true`. /// * `property_is_visible()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct NullableType(pub Symbol); impl Deref for NullableType { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_nullable_type()); &self.0 } } /// Type parameter type symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_type()` /// * `is_type_parameter_type()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `name()` /// * `includes_undefined()` — Returns `false`. /// * `includes_null()` — Returns `false`. /// * `property_is_visible()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct TypeParameterType(pub Symbol); impl Deref for TypeParameterType { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_type_parameter_type()); &self.0 } } /// Symbol for a type after an explicit type substitution. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_type()` /// * `is_type_after_explicit_type_substitution()` /// * `is_class_type()` /// * `is_interface_type()` /// * `fully_qualified_name()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `origin()` /// * `substitute_types()` /// * `is_abstract()` /// * `is_final()` /// * `is_static()` /// * `allow_literal()` /// * `implements()` — Implements list of a class. /// * `extends_interfaces()` — Extends list of an interface. /// * `name()` — Unqualified name. /// * `parent_definition()` /// * `extends_class()` /// * `static_properties()` /// * `constructor_function()` /// * `prototype()` /// * `proxies()` /// * `list_of_to_proxies()` /// * `plain_metadata()` /// * `visibility()` /// * `jetdoc()` /// * `includes_undefined()` — Returns `false`. /// * `includes_null()` — Returns `false`. /// * `property_is_visible()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution(pub Symbol); impl Deref for TypeAfterExplicitTypeSubstitution { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_type_after_explicit_type_substitution()); &self.0 } } /// Alias symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_alias()` /// * `name()` /// * `fully_qualified_name()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `visibility()` /// * `set_visibility()` /// * `alias_of()` — The aliased symbol, possibly `Unresolved`. /// * `set_alias_of()` /// * `parent_definition()` /// * `set_parent_definition()` /// * `plain_metadata()` /// * `jetdoc()` /// * `set_jetdoc()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Alias(pub Symbol); impl Deref for Alias { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_alias()); &self.0 } } /// Package symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_package()` /// * `name()` /// * `fully_qualified_name()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `parent_definition()` /// * `set_parent_definition()` /// * `properties()` /// * `redirect_packages()` /// * `subpackages()` /// * `jetdoc()` /// * `set_jetdoc()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Package(pub Symbol); impl Deref for Package { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_package()); &self.0 } } /// Package set symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_package_set()` /// * `name()` /// * `fully_qualified_name()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `parent_definition()` /// * `set_parent_definition()` /// * `visibility()` /// * `set_visibility()` /// * `packages()` /// * `jetdoc()` /// * `set_jetdoc()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct PackageSet(pub Symbol); impl Deref for PackageSet { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_package_set()); &self.0 } } /// Variable property symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_variable_property()` /// * `is_origin_variable_property()` — Returns `true`. /// * `name()` /// * `fully_qualified_name()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `parent_definition()` /// * `set_parent_definition()` /// * `visibility()` /// * `set_visibility()` /// * `static_type()` /// * `set_static_type()` /// * `read_only()` /// * `set_read_only()` /// * `constant_initializer()` /// * `set_constant_initializer()` /// * `plain_metadata()` /// * `jetdoc()` /// * `set_jetdoc()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct VariableProperty(pub Symbol); impl Deref for VariableProperty { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_variable_property()); &self.0 } } /// Symbol for variable property after indirect type substitution. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_variable_property()` /// * `is_origin_variable_property()` — Returns `false`. /// * `is_variable_property_after_indirect_type_substitution()` /// * `name()` /// * `fully_qualified_name()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `parent_definition()` /// * `origin()` — The original variable property. /// * `indirect_type_parameters()` — Type parameters from indirect symbol. /// * `indirect_substitute_types()` — Substitute types from indirect symbol. /// * `visibility()` /// * `static_type()` /// * `read_only()` /// * `plain_metadata()` /// * `jetdoc()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(pub Symbol); impl Deref for VariablePropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_variable_property_after_indirect_type_substitution()); &self.0 } } /// Virtual property symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_virtual_property()` /// * `is_origin_virtual_property()` — Returns `true`. /// * `name()` /// * `fully_qualified_name()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `parent_definition()` /// * `set_parent_definition()` /// * `visibility()` /// * `set_visibility()` /// * `static_type()` /// * `read_only()` /// * `write_only()` /// * `getter()` /// * `set_getter()` /// * `setter()` /// * `set_setter()` /// * `jetdoc()` /// * `set_jetdoc()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct VirtualProperty(pub Symbol); impl Deref for VirtualProperty { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_virtual_property()); &self.0 } } /// Symbol for virtual property after indirect type substitution. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_virtual_property()` /// * `is_origin_virtual_property()` — Returns `false`. /// * `is_virtual_property_after_indirect_type_substitution()` /// * `origin()` /// * `indirect_type_parameters()` /// * `indirect_substitute_types()` /// * `name()` /// * `fully_qualified_name()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `parent_definition()` /// * `visibility()` /// * `static_type()` /// * `read_only()` /// * `write_only()` /// * `getter()` /// * `setter()` /// * `jetdoc()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution(pub Symbol); impl Deref for VirtualPropertyAfterIndirectTypeSubstitution { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_virtual_property_after_indirect_type_substitution()); &self.0 } } /// Function symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_function()` /// * `is_origin_function()` — Returns `true`. /// * `name()` — The function name. The name may be empty for special functions. /// * `fully_qualified_name()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `parent_definition()` /// * `set_parent_definition()` /// * `visibility()` /// * `set_visibility()` /// * `jetdoc()` /// * `set_jetdoc()` /// * `plain_metadata()` /// * `is_generator()` /// * `is_async()` /// * `is_native()` /// * `is_optional_interface_method()` /// * `is_overriding()` /// * `is_final()` /// * `is_abstract()` /// * `is_constructor()` /// * `set_is_generator()` /// * `set_is_async()` /// * `set_is_native()` /// * `set_is_optional_interface_method()` /// * `set_is_overriding()` /// * `set_is_final()` /// * `set_is_abstract()` /// * `set_is_constructor()` /// * `signature()` /// * `set_signature()` /// * `type_parameters()` /// * `set_type_parameters()` /// * `of_virtual_property()` /// * `set_of_virtual_property()` /// * `overriden_by()` — List of function symbols used to override the function symbol. /// * `overrides_method()` — Indicates an overriden method. /// * `set_overrides_method()` /// * `activation_scope()` — Activation scope, present for /// non `abstract` non `native` functions and required interface methods. /// * `set_activation_scope()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct FunctionSymbol(pub Symbol); impl Deref for FunctionSymbol { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_function()); &self.0 } } /// Function symbol after explicit or indirect type substitution. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_function()` /// * `is_origin_function()` — Returns `false`. /// * `is_function_after_explicit_or_indirect_type_substitution()` — Returns `true`. /// * `name()` — The function name. The name may be empty for special functions. /// * `fully_qualified_name()` /// * `to_string()` /// * `parent_definition()` /// * `visibility()` /// * `jetdoc()` /// * `plain_metadata()` /// * `is_generator()` /// * `is_async()` /// * `is_native()` /// * `is_optional_interface_method()` /// * `is_overriding()` /// * `is_final()` /// * `is_abstract()` /// * `is_constructor()` /// * `set_is_overriding()` /// * `signature()` /// * `of_virtual_property()` /// * `overriden_by()` — List of function symbols used to override the function symbol. /// * `overrides_method()` — Indicates an overriden method. /// * `set_overrides_method()` /// * `origin()` /// * `explicit_or_indirect_type_parameters()` /// * `explicit_or_indirect_substitute_types()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution(pub Symbol); impl Deref for FunctionAfterExplicitOrIndirectTypeSubstitution { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_function_after_explicit_or_indirect_type_substitution()); &self.0 } } /// Scope symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_scope()` /// * `parent_scope()` /// * `set_parent_scope()` /// * `properties()` /// * `imports()` /// * `open_packages()` /// * `package_aliases()` /// * `local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `set_local_variable_scope_count()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Scope(pub Symbol); impl Deref for Scope { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_scope()); &self.0 } } /// `with` scope symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `Scope` inherited methods /// * `is_scope()` /// * `parent_scope()` /// * `set_parent_scope()` /// * `properties()` /// * `imports()` /// * `open_packages()` /// * `package_aliases()` /// * `local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `set_local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `is_with_scope()` /// * `object()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct WithScope(pub Symbol); impl Deref for WithScope { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_with_scope()); &self.0 } } /// Filter operator scope symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `Scope` inherited methods /// * `is_scope()` /// * `parent_scope()` /// * `set_parent_scope()` /// * `properties()` /// * `imports()` /// * `open_packages()` /// * `package_aliases()` /// * `local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `set_local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `is_filter_operator_scope()` /// * `base()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct FilterOperatorScope(pub Symbol); impl Deref for FilterOperatorScope { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_filter_operator_scope()); &self.0 } } /// Activation scope symbol. /// /// Properties within an activation may be captured by subsequent /// activations, therefore yielding `activation.property_has_capture(p) == true`. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `Scope` inherited methods /// * `is_scope()` /// * `parent_scope()` /// * `set_parent_scope()` /// * `properties()` /// * `imports()` /// * `open_packages()` /// * `package_aliases()` /// * `local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `set_local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `is_activation_scope()` /// * `function()` /// * `this()` /// * `set_this()` /// * `property_has_capture()` — Indicates whether an activation's property has been captured by a subsequent activation. /// Properties range from the activation scope to the innermost scope of an activation. /// * `set_property_has_capture()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ActivationScope(pub Symbol); impl Deref for ActivationScope { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_activation_scope()); &self.0 } } /// `class` scope symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `Scope` inherited methods /// * `is_scope()` /// * `parent_scope()` /// * `set_parent_scope()` /// * `properties()` /// * `imports()` /// * `open_packages()` /// * `package_aliases()` /// * `local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `set_local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `is_class_scope()` /// * `class()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ClassScope(pub Symbol); impl Deref for ClassScope { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_class_scope()); &self.0 } } /// `enum` scope symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `Scope` inherited methods /// * `is_scope()` /// * `parent_scope()` /// * `set_parent_scope()` /// * `properties()` /// * `imports()` /// * `open_packages()` /// * `package_aliases()` /// * `local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `set_local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `is_enum_scope()` /// * `class()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct EnumScope(pub Symbol); impl Deref for EnumScope { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_enum_scope()); &self.0 } } /// Interface scope symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `Scope` inherited methods /// * `is_scope()` /// * `parent_scope()` /// * `set_parent_scope()` /// * `properties()` /// * `imports()` /// * `open_packages()` /// * `package_aliases()` /// * `local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `set_local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `is_interface_scope()` /// * `interface()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct InterfaceScope(pub Symbol); impl Deref for InterfaceScope { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_interface_scope()); &self.0 } } /// Package scope symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `Scope` inherited methods /// * `is_scope()` /// * `parent_scope()` /// * `set_parent_scope()` /// * `properties()` /// * `imports()` /// * `open_packages()` /// * `package_aliases()` /// * `local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `set_local_variable_scope_count()` /// * `is_package_scope()` /// * `package()` #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct PackageScope(pub Symbol); impl Deref for PackageScope { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_package_scope()); &self.0 } } /// Value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_value()` /// * `static_type()` /// * `set_static_type()` /// * `read_only()` /// * `write_only()` /// * `property_is_visible()` pub struct Value(pub Symbol); impl Deref for Value { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_value()); &self.0 } } /// `import.meta` value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_import_meta()` pub struct ImportMetaSymbol(pub Symbol); impl Deref for ImportMetaSymbol { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_import_meta()); &self.0 } } /// `import.meta.output` value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_import_meta_output()` pub struct ImportMetaOutputSymbol(pub Symbol); impl Deref for ImportMetaOutputSymbol { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_import_meta_output()); &self.0 } } /// `import.meta.env` value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_import_meta_env()` pub struct ImportMetaEnvSymbol(pub Symbol); impl Deref for ImportMetaEnvSymbol { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_import_meta_env()); &self.0 } } /// Undefined constant value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_constant()` /// * `is_undefined_constant()` pub struct UndefinedConstant(pub Symbol); impl Deref for UndefinedConstant { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_undefined_constant()); &self.0 } } /// Null constant value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_constant()` /// * `is_null_constant()` pub struct NullConstant(pub Symbol); impl Deref for NullConstant { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_null_constant()); &self.0 } } /// String constant value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_constant()` /// * `is_string_constant()` /// * `string_value()` pub struct StringConstant(pub Symbol); impl Deref for StringConstant { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_string_constant()); &self.0 } } /// `Char` constant value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_constant()` /// * `is_char_constant()` /// * `char_value()` pub struct CharConstant(pub Symbol); impl Deref for CharConstant { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_char_constant()); &self.0 } } /// `CharIndex` constant value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_constant()` /// * `is_char_index_constant()` /// * `char_index_value()` — Returns (*string*, *index*). pub struct CharIndexConstant(pub Symbol); impl Deref for CharIndexConstant { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_char_index_constant()); &self.0 } } /// `Boolean` constant value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_constant()` /// * `is_boolean_constant()` /// * `boolean_value()` pub struct BooleanConstant(pub Symbol); impl Deref for BooleanConstant { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_boolean_constant()); &self.0 } } /// Numeric constant value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_constant()` /// * `is_number_constant()` /// * `number_value()` — The `AbstractRangeNumber` representing the numeric value. pub struct NumberConstant(pub Symbol); impl Deref for NumberConstant { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_number_constant()); &self.0 } } /// `enum` constant value symbol. The static type of this constant /// is either `T` or `T?` where `T` is an `enum`. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_constant()` /// * `is_enum_constant()` /// * `number_value()` — The `AbstractRangeNumber` representing the `enum` value. pub struct EnumConstant(pub Symbol); impl Deref for EnumConstant { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_enum_constant()); &self.0 } } /// `this` value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_this_value()` pub struct ThisValue(pub Symbol); impl Deref for ThisValue { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_this_value()); &self.0 } } /// Conversion value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_conversion_value()` /// * `base()` — Original value. /// * `conversion_relationship()` /// * `conversion_is_optional()` — Indicates whether the conversion is optional (`v as T` versus `T(v)`) /// and whether the static type of the `ConversionValue` has been nullified. /// * `conversion_target()` — Conversion target type, without being nullified in the case of the `as` operator. pub struct ConversionValue(pub Symbol); impl Deref for ConversionValue { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_conversion_value()); &self.0 } } /// Reference value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_reference_value()` /// * `is_xml_reference_value()` /// * `base()` /// * `qualifier()` /// * `key()` pub struct XMLReferenceValue(pub Symbol); impl Deref for XMLReferenceValue { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_xml_reference_value()); &self.0 } } /// Reference value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_reference_value()` /// * `is_dynamic_reference_value()` /// * `base()` /// * `qualifier()` /// * `key()` pub struct DynamicReferenceValue(pub Symbol); impl Deref for DynamicReferenceValue { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_dynamic_reference_value()); &self.0 } } /// Reference value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_reference_value()` /// * `is_static_reference_value()` /// * `base()` /// * `property()` pub struct StaticReferenceValue(pub Symbol); impl Deref for StaticReferenceValue { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_static_reference_value()); &self.0 } } /// Reference value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_reference_value()` /// * `is_instance_reference_value()` /// * `base()` /// * `property()` pub struct InstanceReferenceValue(pub Symbol); impl Deref for InstanceReferenceValue { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_instance_reference_value()); &self.0 } } /// Reference value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_reference_value()` /// * `is_proxy_reference_value()` /// * `base()` /// * `proxy()` — The `getProperty` proxy. pub struct ProxyReferenceValue(pub Symbol); impl Deref for ProxyReferenceValue { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_proxy_reference_value()); &self.0 } } /// Reference value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_reference_value()` /// * `is_tuple_reference_value()` /// * `base()` /// * `tuple_index()` pub struct TupleReferenceValue(pub Symbol); impl Deref for TupleReferenceValue { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_tuple_reference_value()); &self.0 } } /// Reference value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_reference_value()` /// * `is_scope_reference_value()` /// * `base()` /// * `property()` pub struct ScopeReferenceValue(pub Symbol); impl Deref for ScopeReferenceValue { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_scope_reference_value()); &self.0 } } /// Reference value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_reference_value()` /// * `is_dynamic_scope_reference_value()` /// * `base()` /// * `qualifier()` /// * `key()` pub struct DynamicScopeReferenceValue(pub Symbol); impl Deref for DynamicScopeReferenceValue { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_dynamic_scope_reference_value()); &self.0 } } /// Reference value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_reference_value()` /// * `is_package_reference_value()` /// * `base()` /// * `property()` pub struct PackageReferenceValue(pub Symbol); impl Deref for PackageReferenceValue { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_package_reference_value()); &self.0 } } /// Function value symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * Inherits methods from [`Value`]. /// * `is_function_value()` /// * `activation_scope()` pub struct FunctionValue(pub Symbol); impl Deref for FunctionValue { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_function_value()); &self.0 } } /// Block statement symbol. /// /// # Supported methods /// /// * `is_block_statement()` /// * `plain_metadata()` pub struct BlockStatementSymbol(pub Symbol); impl Deref for BlockStatementSymbol { type Target = Symbol; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { assert!(self.0.is_block_statement()); &self.0 } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::ns::*; #[test] fn creating_packages() { let host = SymbolHost::new(); let p = host.factory().create_package(["y", "n"]); println!("{}", p.fully_qualified_name()); } }