use crate::ns::*; #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct VerifierFunctionPartials(Rc); impl VerifierFunctionPartials { pub fn new(activation: &Thingy, name_span: &Location) -> Self { Self(Rc::new(VerifierFunctionPartials1 { name_span: name_span.clone(), activation: activation.clone(), params: RefCell::new(None), result_type: RefCell::new(None), signature: RefCell::new(None), })) } pub fn activation(&self) -> Thingy { self.0.activation.clone() } pub fn name_span(&self) -> Location { self.0.name_span.clone() } pub fn params(&self) -> std::cell::Ref>>> { self.0.params.borrow() } pub fn set_params(&self, list: Option>>) { self.0.params.replace(list); } pub fn result_type(&self) -> Option { self.0.result_type.borrow().as_ref().cloned() } pub fn set_result_type(&self, thingy: Option) { self.0.result_type.replace(thingy); } pub fn signature(&self) -> Option { self.0.signature.borrow().as_ref().cloned() } pub fn set_signature(&self, thingy: Option) { self.0.signature.replace(thingy); } } struct VerifierFunctionPartials1 { pub activation: Thingy, pub name_span: Location, pub params: RefCell>>>, pub result_type: RefCell>, pub signature: RefCell>, } pub(crate) struct FunctionCommonSubverifier; impl FunctionCommonSubverifier { pub fn verify_function_exp_common(verifier: &mut Subverifier, common: &Rc, partials: &VerifierFunctionPartials) -> Result<(), DeferError> { let host =; let activation = partials.activation(); let method = activation.of_method(); verifier.set_scope(&activation); let name_span = partials.name_span(); // Attempt to create signature let mut signature: Option = None; if partials.signature().is_none() && partials.result_type().is_some() { let mut result_type = partials.result_type().unwrap(); if common.contains_await && !result_type.promise_result_type(&host)?.is_some() { verifier.add_verify_error(&name_span, FxDiagnosticKind::ReturnTypeDeclarationMustBePromise, diagarg![]); result_type = host.promise_type().defer()?.type_substitution(&host, &host.promise_type().defer()?.type_params().unwrap(), &shared_array![host.invalidation_thingy()]) } let signature1 = host.factory().create_function_type(partials.params().as_ref().unwrap().clone(), result_type); partials.set_signature(Some(signature1.clone())); signature = Some(signature1); } // Set the activation method's signature to the last obtained signature if any. if let Some(signature) = signature.clone() { method.set_signature(&signature); } // Resolve directives and then statements, or just the expression body. match &common.body { Some(FunctionBody::Block(block)) => { let block_scope = host.factory().create_scope(); verifier.inherit_and_enter_scope(&block_scope); DirectiveSubverifier::verify_directives(verifier, &block.directives)?; StatementSubverifier::verify_statements(verifier, &block.directives); verifier.exit_scope(); }, Some(FunctionBody::Expression(exp)) => { if let Some(result_type) = partials.result_type() { verifier.imp_coerce_exp(exp, &result_type)?; } else { verifier.verify_expression(exp, &default())?; } }, None => {}, } // Analyse the control flow (for block only). if let Some(FunctionBody::Block(block)) = &common.body { ControlFlowAnalyser::analyse_directives(&block.directives, &activation.control_flow_graph(), &mut vec![], &[]); } // If the signature is fully resolved, ensure all code paths return a value. // Result types that do not require a return value are // `*`, `void`, `Promise.<*>`, and `Promise.`. if let Some(_signature) = partials.signature() { ControlFlowAnalysisIsUnimplemented::unimplemented(); // If the signature is not fully resolved due to unknown result type, // collect the result value types returned from all code paths, // ensure the result of all code paths implicitly coerce to the first code path's // result's type, and construct the signature into the signature local. // // If the result type does not match a Promise for an asynchronous method, // change it to Promise. and report an error. } else { let promise_type = host.promise_type().defer()?; // let mut result_type = Self::deduce_result_type(verifier, None); verifier.add_warning(&name_span, FxDiagnosticKind::ReturnTypeInferenceIsNotImplemented, diagarg![]); let mut result_type = if common.contains_await { host.promise_type_of_any()? } else { host.any_type() }; if common.contains_await { if { result_type = promise_type.type_substitution(&host, &promise_type.type_params().unwrap(), &shared_array![host.invalidation_thingy()]); } else if result_type.promise_result_type(&host)?.is_none() { verifier.add_verify_error(&name_span, FxDiagnosticKind::ReturnTypeDeclarationMustBePromise, diagarg![]); result_type = promise_type.type_substitution(&host, &promise_type.type_params().unwrap(), &shared_array![host.invalidation_thingy()]); } } signature = Some(host.factory().create_function_type(partials.params().as_ref().unwrap().clone(), result_type)); } // Set the activation method's signature to the last obtained signature. method.set_signature(&signature.unwrap()); // Cleanup the VerifierFunctionPartials cache from Subverifier. verifier.deferred_function_exp.remove(&NodeAsKey(common.clone())); Ok(()) } fn deduce_result_type(_verifier: &mut Subverifier, _first_result_type: Option) -> Thingy { todo!(); } }