# hyper-hello-world Rust Hyper's hello world example with explanations for C devs [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](https://mit-license.org/) ## Purpose When I saw Hyper's hello world example, I wondered what all those closures and futures were doing, so I rewrote in a more traditional style and stripped out the syntax sugar. In this repo are four source files, beginning with the original hello world in `base.rs` and progressivley explicating parts until reaching `full.rs`. ## Building and Running ~~~ # Build all four binaries cargo build # Run each binary, from original example to most explicit cargo run --bin base cargo run --bin fn cargo run --bin fn-error cargo run --bin full # Check server for response curl ~~~ ## TODO - Can it print the startup message after starting? - Not-unit test?