// Copyright 2017 rust-multipart-rfc7578 Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or the MIT license , at your option. This file may not be // copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. // use hyper_multipart_rfc7578 as hyper_multipart; use hyper::{body::Body, Request, Uri}; use hyper_multipart::client::multipart; use hyper_util::{ client::legacy::{connect::HttpConnector, Builder, Client}, rt::TokioExecutor, }; use std::{future::poll_fn, pin::pin}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let addr = Uri::from_static(""); let client = Builder::new(TokioExecutor::new()).build_http(); println!("note: this must be run in the root of the project repository"); println!("note: run this with the example server running"); println!("connecting to {}...", addr); let mut form = multipart::Form::default(); form.add_text("filename", file!()); form.add_file("input", file!()) .expect("source file path should exist"); let req_builder = Request::post(addr); let req = form.set_body::(req_builder).unwrap(); if let Err(err) = send_request(&client, req).await { eprintln!("an error occurred: {:?}", err); }; } async fn send_request( client: &Client, req: Request, ) -> Result<(), Box> { let res = client.request(req).await?; println!("receiving body"); let mut body = pin!(res.into_body()); while let Some(_) = poll_fn(|cx| body.as_mut().poll_frame(cx)) .await .transpose()? {} println!("done..."); Ok(()) }