use std::env; use std::net::TcpStream; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; use std::thread; use std::time; fn examples_dir() -> PathBuf { let target_dir: PathBuf = env::var("CARGO_TARGET_DIR") .unwrap_or_else(|_| "target".to_string()) .into(); target_dir .join("debug") .join("examples") } fn server_command() -> Command { Command::new(examples_dir().join("server")) } fn client_command() -> Command { Command::new(examples_dir().join("client")) } fn wait_for_server(addr: &str) { for i in 0..10 { if TcpStream::connect(addr).is_ok() { return; } thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(i * 100)); } panic!("failed to connect to {:?} after 10 tries", addr); } #[test] fn client() { let rc = client_command() .arg("") .output() .expect("cannot run client example"); assert!(rc.status.success()); } #[test] fn server() { let mut srv = server_command() .arg("1337") .spawn() .expect("cannot run server example"); let addr = "localhost:1337"; wait_for_server(addr); let output = Command::new("curl") .arg("--insecure") .arg("--http1.0") .arg(format!("https://{}", addr)) .output() .expect("cannot run curl"); srv.kill().unwrap(); if !output.status.success() { let version_stdout = Command::new("curl") .arg("--version") .output() .expect("cannot run curl to collect --version") .stdout; println!("curl version: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&version_stdout)); println!("curl stderr:\n{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr)); } assert_eq!(String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), "Try POST /echo\n"); } #[test] fn custom_ca_store() { let mut srv = server_command() .arg("1338") .spawn() .expect("cannot run server example"); let addr = "localhost:1338"; wait_for_server(addr); let rc = client_command() .arg(format!("https://{}", addr)) .arg("examples/sample.pem") .output() .expect("cannot run client example"); srv.kill().unwrap(); if !rc.status.success() { assert_eq!(String::from_utf8_lossy(&rc.stdout), ""); } }