#![deny(warnings)] use tokio::fs::File; use tokio_util::codec::{BytesCodec, FramedRead}; use hyper::service::{make_service_fn, service_fn}; use hyper::{Body, Method, Request, Response, Result, Server, StatusCode}; static INDEX: &str = "examples/send_file_index.html"; static NOTFOUND: &[u8] = b"Not Found"; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { pretty_env_logger::init(); let addr = "".parse().unwrap(); let make_service = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, hyper::Error>(service_fn(response_examples)) }); let server = Server::bind(&addr).serve(make_service); println!("Listening on http://{}", addr); if let Err(e) = server.await { eprintln!("server error: {}", e); } } async fn response_examples(req: Request) -> Result> { match (req.method(), req.uri().path()) { (&Method::GET, "/") | (&Method::GET, "/index.html") => simple_file_send(INDEX).await, (&Method::GET, "/no_file.html") => { // Test what happens when file cannot be be found simple_file_send("this_file_should_not_exist.html").await } _ => Ok(not_found()), } } /// HTTP status code 404 fn not_found() -> Response { Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND) .body(NOTFOUND.into()) .unwrap() } async fn simple_file_send(filename: &str) -> Result> { // Serve a file by asynchronously reading it by chunks using tokio-util crate. if let Ok(file) = File::open(filename).await { let stream = FramedRead::new(file, BytesCodec::new()); let body = Body::wrap_stream(stream); return Ok(Response::new(body)); } Ok(not_found()) }