import httpx import jwt from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime from mock_server import app, queue import asyncio gateway_port = 54321 mock_port = 54320 @app.get("/test1") async def test_appkey_service(): print("=============TESTING MIDDLEWARES=========================") headers = { 'Authorization': "toberemoved", 'X-APP-KEY': "9cf3319cbd254202cf882a79a755ba6e", } async with httpx.AsyncClient(base_url=f"http://localhost:{gateway_port}") as ac: # test header modification url = "/mws/api/user/hello" resp = await ac.get(url, headers=headers) assert resp.status_code == 200 assert resp.headers.get('powered-by') == 'hyperapi' assert resp.headers.get('server') is None assert resp.headers.get('X-UPSTREAM-ID') is None received = await queue.get() request_header = received.headers assert request_header.get('X-TEST') == 'test-header' assert request_header.get('Authorization') is None queue.task_done() # test acl url = "/mws/api/not-found" resp = await ac.get(url, headers=headers) assert resp.status_code == 404 assert queue.empty() # no request received, blocked by gateway # test rate limit url = "/mws/error/200" print("drain token bucket") for i in range(10): resp = await ac.get(url, headers=headers) resp = await ac.get(url, headers=headers) assert resp.status_code == 429 print("wait token refill") await asyncio.sleep(3) for i in range(5): resp = await ac.get(url, headers=headers) assert resp.status_code == 200 resp = await ac.get(url, headers=headers) assert resp.status_code == 429 print("wait token bucket full") await asyncio.sleep(10) for i in range(10): resp = await ac.get(url, headers=headers) assert resp.status_code == 200 resp = await ac.get(url, headers=headers) assert resp.status_code == 429 return {"result": "Pass"} @app.get("/test2") async def test_jwt_service(): print("=============TESTING MIDDLEWARES=========================") privkey = """-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgTlPYH5pUJVTlfekJ\nb5EgvrLxWo2rk+Qstt+sFJ59xvmhRANCAARHGnZpdfSXb/LbLfaGeT5OwlqSOp3Y\nMHjXjM76RvWZ3Ezau2r+PdbCgoSdx3fVTA4Qxs2V3+umI/mj+yCJNST2\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----""" ts = int( payload = {'sub': 'test/client', 'exp': ts + 3600, 'iat': ts} token = jwt.encode(payload, privkey, 'ES256') headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}", } async with httpx.AsyncClient(base_url=f"http://localhost:{gateway_port}") as ac: print('--------------test jwt auth') url = "/upstream/error/400" resp = await ac.get(url, headers=headers) assert resp.status_code == 400 print('--------------test timeout') url = "/upstream/timeout/4" resp = await, headers=headers) print(resp.content) assert resp.status_code == 504 url = "/upstream/timeout/2" resp = await ac.put(url, headers=headers) assert resp.status_code == 200 print('--------------test circuit breaker') url = "/upstream/error/543" for _i in range(3): # trigger circurt breaker resp = await, headers=headers) print(resp.headers) resp = await, headers=headers) # CB is OPEN print(resp.headers) assert resp.status_code == 502 print('wait retry delay, and failed') await asyncio.sleep(4) # retry delay resp = await, headers=headers) print(resp.headers) assert resp.status_code == 543 print('go back to OPEN state') resp = await, headers=headers) print(resp.headers) assert resp.status_code == 502 print('wait retry delay, and success') await asyncio.sleep(4) # retry delay url = "/upstream/error/200" resp = await, headers=headers) print(resp.headers) assert resp.status_code == 200 # change to CLOSE state url = "/upstream/error/543" resp = await, headers=headers) assert resp.status_code == 543 print('--------------test concurrent limit') url = "/upstream/timeout/2" reqs = [ac.get(url, headers=headers) for i in range(20)] resps = await asyncio.gather(*reqs) print([r.content for r in resps]) assert len([s for s in resps if s.status_code == 200]) == 10 assert len([s for s in resps if s.status_code == 502]) == 10 return {"result": "Pass"} @app.get("/test3") async def test_load_balance(): print("=============TESTING LOAD BALANCE=========================") headers = { 'X-APP-KEY': "9cf3319cbd254202cf882a79a755ba6e", 'X-LB-HASH': "test", } async with httpx.AsyncClient(base_url=f"http://localhost:{gateway_port}") as ac: print('------------test random lb------------') url = "/lb1/error/200" counter = defaultdict(int) for i in range(200): resp = await ac.get(url, headers=headers) assert resp.status_code == 200 upstream = resp.headers.get('x-upstream-id') counter[upstream] += 1 print(counter) print("load distribution should be roughly 10:1") assert (counter['11'] + counter['12']) == 200 assert 7 < (counter['11'] / counter['12']) < 15 print('------------test hash lb------------') url = "/lb2/error/200" counter = defaultdict(int) for i in range(50): resp = await ac.get(url, headers=headers) assert resp.status_code == 200 upstream = resp.headers.get('x-upstream-id') counter[upstream] += 1 print(counter) assert len(counter) == 1 print("all traffic goes to one upstream") assert counter.get('22') is None or counter.get('21') is None print('------------test connection based lb------------') url = "/lb_conn" concurrent = [runner(ac, url, headers, 50) for i in range(10)] counters = await asyncio.gather(*concurrent) counter = defaultdict(list) for c in counters: for usid in c.keys(): counter[usid].extend(c[usid]) lb_result = [(x, len(counter[x]), sum(counter[x]), sum(counter[x])/len(counter[x])) for x in counter.keys()] print("(upstream_id, request_count, total_time, average_latency)") for row in lb_result: print(row) print("total time should be roughly the same") assert 0.8 < (lb_result[0][2] / lb_result[1][2]) < 1.2 print('------------test latency based lb------------') url = "/lb_load" counter = await runner(ac, url, headers, 200) lb_result =[(x, len(counter[x]), sum(counter[x]), sum(counter[x])/len(counter[x])) for x in counter.keys()] print("(upstream_id, request_count, total_time, average_latency)") for row in lb_result: print(row) print("total request count to faster backend should be roughly 4 times of slower backend") sorted(lb_result, key=lambda x: x[2]) assert 3 < (lb_result[0][1] / lb_result[1][1]) < 8 return {"result": "Pass"} async def runner(ac, url, headers, counts): counter = defaultdict(list) for i in range(counts): start = resp = await ac.get(url, headers=headers) end = upstream = resp.headers.get('x-upstream-id') counter[upstream].append(end - start) return counter def run_test(): import subprocess import time gateway = subprocess.Popen(["../target/debug/hyperapi", "--listen", f"{gateway_port}", "--config", "sample_config.yaml"]) fastapi = subprocess.Popen(["uvicorn", "--port", f"{mock_port}", "gateway_test:app"]) time.sleep(3) try: print("request test endpoint, middleware test, appkey auth") resp = httpx.get(f"http://localhost:{mock_port}/test1", timeout=None) assert resp.status_code == 200 print("request test endpoint, upstream test, jwt auth") resp = httpx.get(f"http://localhost:{mock_port}/test2", timeout=None) assert resp.status_code == 200 print("request test endpoint, load balance test, appkey auth") resp = httpx.get(f"http://localhost:{mock_port}/test3", timeout=None) assert resp.status_code == 200 finally: gateway.kill() fastapi.kill() if __name__ == '__main__': run_test()