use _util::wait_for_localhost_port; use anyhow::Result; use futures::Future; use futures_lite::stream::StreamExt; use hypercore::SigningKey; use hypercore::{ Hypercore, HypercoreBuilder, PartialKeypair, RequestBlock, RequestUpgrade, Storage, VerifyingKey, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH, SECRET_KEY_LENGTH, }; use instant::Duration; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::path::Path; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::Once; #[cfg(feature = "tokio")] use async_compat::CompatExt; #[cfg(feature = "async-std")] use async_std::{ fs::{metadata, File}, io::{prelude::BufReadExt, BufReader, BufWriter, WriteExt}, net::{TcpListener, TcpStream}, sync::Mutex, task::{self, sleep}, test as async_test, }; use test_log::test; #[cfg(feature = "tokio")] use tokio::{ fs::{metadata, File}, io::{AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncWriteExt, BufReader, BufWriter}, net::{TcpListener, TcpStream}, sync::Mutex, task, test as async_test, time::sleep, }; use hypercore_protocol::schema::*; use hypercore_protocol::{discovery_key, Channel, Event, Message, ProtocolBuilder}; pub mod _util; mod js; use js::{cleanup, install, js_run_client, js_start_server, prepare_test_set}; static INIT: Once = Once::new(); fn init() { INIT.call_once(|| { // run initialization here cleanup(); install(); }); } const TEST_SET_NODE_CLIENT_NODE_SERVER: &str = "ncns"; const TEST_SET_RUST_CLIENT_NODE_SERVER: &str = "rcns"; const TEST_SET_NODE_CLIENT_RUST_SERVER: &str = "ncrs"; const TEST_SET_RUST_CLIENT_RUST_SERVER: &str = "rcrs"; const TEST_SET_SERVER_WRITER: &str = "sw"; const TEST_SET_CLIENT_WRITER: &str = "cw"; const TEST_SET_SIMPLE: &str = "simple"; #[test(async_test)] #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "js_interop_tests"), ignore)] async fn js_interop_ncns_simple_server_writer() -> Result<()> { js_interop_ncns_simple(true, 8101).await?; Ok(()) } #[test(async_test)] #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "js_interop_tests"), ignore)] async fn js_interop_ncns_simple_client_writer() -> Result<()> { js_interop_ncns_simple(false, 8102).await?; Ok(()) } #[test(async_test)] #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "js_interop_tests"), ignore)] async fn js_interop_rcns_simple_server_writer() -> Result<()> { js_interop_rcns_simple(true, 8103).await?; Ok(()) } #[test(async_test)] //#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "js_interop_tests"), ignore)] #[ignore] // FIXME this tests hangs sporadically async fn js_interop_rcns_simple_client_writer() -> Result<()> { js_interop_rcns_simple(false, 8104).await?; Ok(()) } #[test(async_test)] #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "js_interop_tests"), ignore)] async fn js_interop_ncrs_simple_server_writer() -> Result<()> { js_interop_ncrs_simple(true, 8105).await?; Ok(()) } #[test(async_test)] #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "js_interop_tests"), ignore)] async fn js_interop_ncrs_simple_client_writer() -> Result<()> { js_interop_ncrs_simple(false, 8106).await?; Ok(()) } #[test(async_test)] #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "js_interop_tests"), ignore)] async fn js_interop_rcrs_simple_server_writer() -> Result<()> { js_interop_rcrs_simple(true, 8107).await?; Ok(()) } #[test(async_test)] //#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "js_interop_tests"), ignore)] #[ignore] // FIXME this tests hangs sporadically async fn js_interop_rcrs_simple_client_writer() -> Result<()> { js_interop_rcrs_simple(false, 8108).await?; Ok(()) } async fn js_interop_ncns_simple(server_writer: bool, port: u32) -> Result<()> { init(); let test_set = format!( "{}_{}_{}", TEST_SET_NODE_CLIENT_NODE_SERVER, if server_writer { TEST_SET_SERVER_WRITER } else { TEST_SET_CLIENT_WRITER }, TEST_SET_SIMPLE ); let (result_path, _writer_path, _reader_path) = prepare_test_set(&test_set); let item_count = 4; let item_size = 4; let data_char = '1'; let _server = js_start_server( server_writer, port, item_count, item_size, data_char, test_set.clone(), ) .await?; js_run_client( !server_writer, port, item_count, item_size, data_char, &test_set, ) .await; assert_result(result_path, item_count, item_size, data_char).await?; Ok(()) } async fn js_interop_rcns_simple(server_writer: bool, port: u32) -> Result<()> { init(); let test_set = format!( "{}_{}_{}", TEST_SET_RUST_CLIENT_NODE_SERVER, if server_writer { TEST_SET_SERVER_WRITER } else { TEST_SET_CLIENT_WRITER }, TEST_SET_SIMPLE ); let (result_path, writer_path, reader_path) = prepare_test_set(&test_set); let item_count = 4; let item_size = 4; let data_char = '1'; let server = js_start_server( server_writer, port, item_count, item_size, data_char, test_set.clone(), ) .await?; run_client( !server_writer, port, item_count, item_size, data_char, if server_writer { &reader_path } else { &writer_path }, &result_path, ) .await?; assert_result(result_path, item_count, item_size, data_char).await?; drop(server); Ok(()) } async fn js_interop_ncrs_simple(server_writer: bool, port: u32) -> Result<()> { init(); let test_set = format!( "{}_{}_{}", TEST_SET_NODE_CLIENT_RUST_SERVER, if server_writer { TEST_SET_SERVER_WRITER } else { TEST_SET_CLIENT_WRITER }, TEST_SET_SIMPLE ); let (result_path, writer_path, reader_path) = prepare_test_set(&test_set); let item_count = 4; let item_size = 4; let data_char = '1'; let _server = start_server( server_writer, port, item_count, item_size, data_char, if server_writer { &writer_path } else { &reader_path }, &result_path, ) .await?; js_run_client( !server_writer, port, item_count, item_size, data_char, &test_set.clone(), ) .await; assert_result(result_path, item_count, item_size, data_char).await?; Ok(()) } async fn js_interop_rcrs_simple(server_writer: bool, port: u32) -> Result<()> { init(); let test_set = format!( "{}_{}_{}", TEST_SET_RUST_CLIENT_RUST_SERVER, if server_writer { TEST_SET_SERVER_WRITER } else { TEST_SET_CLIENT_WRITER }, TEST_SET_SIMPLE ); let (result_path, writer_path, reader_path) = prepare_test_set(&test_set); let item_count = 4; let item_size = 4; let data_char = '1'; let _server = start_server( server_writer, port, item_count, item_size, data_char, if server_writer { &writer_path } else { &reader_path }, &result_path, ) .await?; run_client( !server_writer, port, item_count, item_size, data_char, if server_writer { &reader_path } else { &writer_path }, &result_path, ) .await?; assert_result(result_path, item_count, item_size, data_char).await?; Ok(()) } async fn assert_result( result_path: String, item_count: usize, item_size: usize, data_char: char, ) -> Result<()> { // First we need to wait for the file to be ready loop { let path = Path::new(&result_path); if path.exists() { let metadata = metadata(path).await?; // There's a index + space + line feed if metadata.len() >= (item_count * (3 + item_size)) as u64 { break; } } sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; } let mut reader = BufReader::new(File::open(result_path).await?); let mut i: usize = 0; let expected_value = data_char.to_string().repeat(item_size); let mut line = String::new(); while reader.read_line(&mut line).await? != 0 { assert_eq!(line, format!("{} {}\n", i, expected_value)); i += 1; line = String::new(); } assert_eq!(i, item_count); Ok(()) } async fn run_client( is_writer: bool, port: u32, data_count: usize, data_size: usize, data_char: char, data_path: &str, result_path: &str, ) -> Result<()> { let hypercore = if is_writer { create_writer_hypercore(data_count, data_size, data_char, data_path).await? } else { create_reader_hypercore(data_path).await? }; let hypercore_wrapper = HypercoreWrapper::from_disk_hypercore( hypercore, if is_writer { None } else { Some(result_path.to_string()) }, ); tcp_client(port, on_replication_connection, Arc::new(hypercore_wrapper)).await?; Ok(()) } async fn start_server( is_writer: bool, port: u32, item_count: usize, item_size: usize, data_char: char, data_path: &str, result_path: &str, ) -> Result { let hypercore = if is_writer { create_writer_hypercore(item_count, item_size, data_char, data_path).await? } else { create_reader_hypercore(data_path).await? }; let hypercore_wrapper = HypercoreWrapper::from_disk_hypercore( hypercore, if is_writer { None } else { Some(result_path.to_string()) }, ); let mut server = RustServer::new();, port).await; Ok(server) } async fn create_writer_hypercore( data_count: usize, data_size: usize, data_char: char, path: &str, ) -> Result { let path = Path::new(path).to_owned(); let key_pair = get_test_key_pair(true); let storage = Storage::new_disk(&path, false).await?; let mut hypercore = HypercoreBuilder::new(storage) .key_pair(key_pair) .build() .await?; for _ in 0..data_count { let value = vec![data_char as u8; data_size]; hypercore.append(&value).await?; } Ok(hypercore) } async fn create_reader_hypercore(path: &str) -> Result { let path = Path::new(path).to_owned(); let key_pair = get_test_key_pair(false); let storage = Storage::new_disk(&path, false).await?; Ok(HypercoreBuilder::new(storage) .key_pair(key_pair) .build() .await?) } const TEST_PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES: [u8; PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH] = [ 0x97, 0x60, 0x6c, 0xaa, 0xd2, 0xb0, 0x8c, 0x1d, 0x5f, 0xe1, 0x64, 0x2e, 0xee, 0xa5, 0x62, 0xcb, 0x91, 0xd6, 0x55, 0xe2, 0x00, 0xc8, 0xd4, 0x3a, 0x32, 0x09, 0x1d, 0x06, 0x4a, 0x33, 0x1e, 0xe3, ]; // NB: In the javascript version this is 64 bytes, but that's because sodium appends the the public // key after the secret key for some reason. Only the first 32 bytes are actually used in // javascript side too for signing. const TEST_SECRET_KEY_BYTES: [u8; SECRET_KEY_LENGTH] = [ 0x27, 0xe6, 0x74, 0x25, 0xc1, 0xff, 0xd1, 0xd9, 0xee, 0x62, 0x5c, 0x96, 0x2b, 0x57, 0x13, 0xc3, 0x51, 0x0b, 0x71, 0x14, 0x15, 0xf3, 0x31, 0xf6, 0xfa, 0x9e, 0xf2, 0xbf, 0x23, 0x5f, 0x2f, 0xfe, ]; pub fn get_test_key_pair(include_secret: bool) -> PartialKeypair { let public = VerifyingKey::from_bytes(&TEST_PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES).unwrap(); let secret = if include_secret { let signing_key = SigningKey::from_bytes(&TEST_SECRET_KEY_BYTES); assert_eq!( TEST_PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES, signing_key.verifying_key().to_bytes() ); Some(signing_key) } else { None }; PartialKeypair { public, secret } } #[cfg(feature = "async-std")] async fn on_replication_connection( stream: TcpStream, is_initiator: bool, hypercore: Arc, ) -> Result<()> { let mut protocol = ProtocolBuilder::new(is_initiator).connect(stream); while let Some(event) = { let event = event?; match event { Event::Handshake(_) => { if is_initiator {*hypercore.key()).await?; } } Event::DiscoveryKey(dkey) => { if hypercore.discovery_key == dkey {*hypercore.key()).await?; } else { panic!("Invalid discovery key"); } } Event::Channel(channel) => { hypercore.on_replication_peer(channel); } Event::Close(_dkey) => { break; } _ => {} } } Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "tokio")] async fn on_replication_connection( stream: TcpStream, is_initiator: bool, hypercore: Arc, ) -> Result<()> { let mut protocol = ProtocolBuilder::new(is_initiator).connect(stream.compat()); while let Some(event) = { let event = event?; match event { Event::Handshake(_) => { if is_initiator {*hypercore.key()).await?; } } Event::DiscoveryKey(dkey) => { if hypercore.discovery_key == dkey {*hypercore.key()).await?; } else { panic!("Invalid discovery key"); } } Event::Channel(channel) => { hypercore.on_replication_peer(channel); } Event::Close(_dkey) => { break; } _ => {} } } Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct HypercoreWrapper { discovery_key: [u8; 32], key: [u8; 32], hypercore: Arc>, result_path: Option, } impl HypercoreWrapper { pub fn from_disk_hypercore(hypercore: Hypercore, result_path: Option) -> Self { let key = hypercore.key_pair().public.to_bytes(); HypercoreWrapper { key, discovery_key: discovery_key(&key), hypercore: Arc::new(Mutex::new(hypercore)), result_path, } } pub fn key(&self) -> &[u8; 32] { &self.key } pub fn on_replication_peer(&self, mut channel: Channel) { let mut peer_state = PeerState::default(); let mut hypercore = self.hypercore.clone(); let result_path = self.result_path.clone(); task::spawn(async move { let info = { let hypercore = hypercore.lock().await; }; if info.fork != peer_state.remote_fork { peer_state.can_upgrade = false; } let remote_length = if info.fork == peer_state.remote_fork { peer_state.remote_length } else { 0 }; let sync_msg = Synchronize { fork: info.fork, length: info.length, remote_length, can_upgrade: peer_state.can_upgrade, uploading: true, downloading: true, }; if info.contiguous_length > 0 { let range_msg = Range { drop: false, start: 0, length: info.contiguous_length, }; channel .send_batch(&[Message::Synchronize(sync_msg), Message::Range(range_msg)]) .await .unwrap(); } else { channel.send(Message::Synchronize(sync_msg)).await.unwrap(); } while let Some(message) = { let ready = on_replication_message( &mut hypercore, &mut peer_state, result_path.clone(), &mut channel, message, ) .await .expect("on_replication_message should return Ok"); if ready { channel.close().await.expect("Should be able to close"); break; } } }); } } async fn on_replication_message( hypercore: &mut Arc>, peer_state: &mut PeerState, result_path: Option, channel: &mut Channel, message: Message, ) -> Result { match message { Message::Synchronize(message) => { let length_changed = message.length != peer_state.remote_length; let first_sync = !peer_state.remote_synced; let info = { let hypercore = hypercore.lock().await; }; let same_fork = message.fork == info.fork; peer_state.remote_fork = message.fork; peer_state.remote_length = message.length; peer_state.remote_can_upgrade = message.can_upgrade; peer_state.remote_uploading = message.uploading; peer_state.remote_downloading = message.downloading; peer_state.remote_synced = true; peer_state.length_acked = if same_fork { message.remote_length } else { 0 }; let mut messages = vec![]; if first_sync { // Need to send another sync back that acknowledges the received sync let msg = Synchronize { fork: info.fork, length: info.length, remote_length: peer_state.remote_length, can_upgrade: peer_state.can_upgrade, uploading: true, downloading: true, }; messages.push(Message::Synchronize(msg)); } if peer_state.remote_length > info.length && peer_state.length_acked == info.length && length_changed { let msg = Request { id: 1, fork: info.fork, hash: None, block: None, seek: None, upgrade: Some(RequestUpgrade { start: info.length, length: peer_state.remote_length - info.length, }), }; messages.push(Message::Request(msg)); } channel.send_batch(&messages).await?; } Message::Request(message) => { let (info, proof) = { let mut hypercore = hypercore.lock().await; let proof = hypercore .create_proof(message.block, message.hash,, message.upgrade) .await?; (, proof) }; if let Some(proof) = proof { let msg = Data { request:, fork: info.fork, hash: proof.hash, block: proof.block, seek:, upgrade: proof.upgrade, }; channel.send(Message::Data(msg)).await?; } else { panic!("Could not create proof from {:?}",; } } Message::Data(message) => { let (old_info, applied, new_info, request_block, synced) = { let mut hypercore = hypercore.lock().await; let old_info =; let proof = message.clone().into_proof(); let applied = hypercore.verify_and_apply_proof(&proof).await?; let new_info =; let request_block: Option = if let Some(upgrade) = &message.upgrade { // When getting the initial upgrade, send a request for the first missing block if old_info.length < upgrade.length { let request_index = old_info.length; let nodes = hypercore.missing_nodes(request_index).await?; Some(RequestBlock { index: request_index, nodes, }) } else { None } } else if let Some(block) = &message.block { // When receiving a block, ask for the next, if there are still some missing if block.index < peer_state.remote_length - 1 { let request_index = block.index + 1; let nodes = hypercore.missing_nodes(request_index).await?; Some(RequestBlock { index: request_index, nodes, }) } else { None } } else { None }; let synced = new_info.contiguous_length == new_info.length; (old_info, applied, new_info, request_block, synced) }; assert!(applied, "Could not apply proof"); let mut messages: Vec = vec![]; if let Some(upgrade) = &message.upgrade { let new_length = upgrade.length; let remote_length = if new_info.fork == peer_state.remote_fork { peer_state.remote_length } else { 0 }; messages.push(Message::Synchronize(Synchronize { fork: new_info.fork, length: new_length, remote_length, can_upgrade: false, uploading: true, downloading: true, })); } if let Some(block) = &message.block { // Send Range if the number of items changed, both for the single and // for the contiguous length if old_info.length < new_info.length { messages.push(Message::Range(Range { drop: false, start: block.index, length: 1, })); } if old_info.contiguous_length < new_info.contiguous_length { messages.push(Message::Range(Range { drop: false, start: 0, length: new_info.contiguous_length, })); } } if let Some(request_block) = request_block { messages.push(Message::Request(Request { id: request_block.index + 1, fork: new_info.fork, hash: None, block: Some(request_block), seek: None, upgrade: None, })); } let exit = if synced { if let Some(result_path) = result_path.as_ref() { let mut hypercore = hypercore.lock().await; let mut writer = BufWriter::new(File::create(result_path).await?); for i in 0..new_info.contiguous_length { let value = String::from_utf8(hypercore.get(i).await?.unwrap()).unwrap(); let line = format!("{} {}\n", i, value); writer.write(line.as_bytes()).await?; } writer.flush().await?; true } else { false } } else { false }; channel.send_batch(&messages).await.unwrap(); if exit { return Ok(true); } } Message::Range(message) => { if result_path.is_none() { let info = { let hypercore = hypercore.lock().await; }; if message.start == 0 && message.length == info.contiguous_length { // Let's sleep here for a while so that close messages can pass sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; return Ok(true); } } } _ => { panic!("Received unexpected message {:?}", message); } }; Ok(false) } #[derive(Debug)] struct PeerState { can_upgrade: bool, remote_fork: u64, remote_length: u64, remote_can_upgrade: bool, remote_uploading: bool, remote_downloading: bool, remote_synced: bool, length_acked: u64, } impl Default for PeerState { fn default() -> Self { PeerState { can_upgrade: true, remote_fork: 0, remote_length: 0, remote_can_upgrade: false, remote_uploading: true, remote_downloading: true, remote_synced: false, length_acked: 0, } } } pub(crate) struct RustServer { handle: Option>, } impl RustServer { pub fn new() -> RustServer { RustServer { handle: None } } pub async fn run(&mut self, hypercore: Arc, port: u32) { self.handle = Some(task::spawn(async move { tcp_server(port, on_replication_connection, hypercore) .await .expect("Server return ok"); })); wait_for_localhost_port(port).await; } } impl Drop for RustServer { fn drop(&mut self) { #[cfg(feature = "async-std")] if let Some(handle) = self.handle.take() { task::block_on(handle.cancel()); } } } #[cfg(feature = "async-std")] pub async fn tcp_server( port: u32, onconnection: impl Fn(TcpStream, bool, C) -> F + Send + Sync + Copy + 'static, context: C, ) -> Result<()> where F: Future> + Send, C: Clone + Send + 'static, { let listener = TcpListener::bind(&format!("localhost:{}", port)).await?; let mut incoming = listener.incoming(); while let Some(Ok(stream)) = { let context = context.clone(); let _peer_addr = stream.peer_addr().unwrap(); task::spawn(async move { onconnection(stream, false, context) .await .expect("Should return ok"); }); } Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "tokio")] pub async fn tcp_server( port: u32, onconnection: impl Fn(TcpStream, bool, C) -> F + Send + Sync + Copy + 'static, context: C, ) -> Result<()> where F: Future> + Send, C: Clone + Send + 'static, { let listener = TcpListener::bind(&format!("localhost:{}", port)).await?; while let Ok((stream, _peer_address)) = listener.accept().await { let context = context.clone(); task::spawn(async move { onconnection(stream, false, context) .await .expect("Should return ok"); }); } Ok(()) } pub async fn tcp_client( port: u32, onconnection: impl Fn(TcpStream, bool, C) -> F + Send + Sync + Copy + 'static, context: C, ) -> Result<()> where F: Future> + Send, C: Clone + Send + 'static, { let stream = TcpStream::connect(&format!("localhost:{}", port)).await?; onconnection(stream, true, context).await }