HyperDB Rust Client =================== Author: **[Afaan Bilal](https://afaan.dev)** ## Introduction **HyperDB Rust** is a Rust client crate for the [HyperDB server](https://github.com/AfaanBilal/hyperdb). ## Installation ```` cargo add hyperdb-rs ```` ## Example usage ````rs use hyperdb_rs; let mut hyper = hyperdb_rs::HyperClient::new(String::from("http://localhost:8765")); // Ping the server let mut r = hyper.ping().expect("failed"); println!("{}", r); // PONG // Get the version number r = hyper.version().expect("failed"); println!("{}", r); // "[HyperDB v0.2.0 (https://afaan.dev)]" // Set a value r = hyper.set("test", "value").expect("failed"); println!("{}", r); // value // Check if a key is present r = hyper.has("test").expect("failed"); println!("{}", r); // YES // Get a value r = hyper.get("test").expect("failed"); println!("{}", r); // value // Get all stored data r = hyper.all().expect("failed"); println!("{}", r); // {"test": "value"} // Remove a key r = hyper.delete("test").expect("failed"); println!("{}", r); // OK // Delete all stored data r = hyper.clear().expect("failed"); println!("{}", r); // OK // Check if the store is empty r = hyper.empty().expect("failed"); println!("{}", r); // YES // Persist the store to disk r = hyper.save().expect("failed"); println!("{}", r); // OK // Reload the store from disk r = hyper.reload().expect("failed"); println!("{}", r); // OK // Delete all store data from memory and disk r = hyper.reset().expect("failed"); println!("{}", r); // OK ```` ## Test ```` cargo test ```` ## Contributing All contributions are welcome. Please create an issue first for any feature request or bug. Then fork the repository, create a branch and make any changes to fix the bug or add the feature and create a pull request. That's it! Thanks! ## License **HyperDB Rust** is released under the MIT License. Check out the full license [here](LICENSE).