# rust-hyperdex Rust binding for [HyperDex](http://hyperdex.org/). ## Prerequisites This binding makes use of several experimental features including macros, which are only available on Rust Beta and Rust Nightly. [Refer to here for installing Rust](http://www.rust-lang.org/install.html). To compile the binding, you need to install the HyperDex development files. Assuming you are using Ubuntu and you have added HyperDex's PPA by following [these instructions](http://hyperdex.org/download/), you may simply install the following packages: sudo apt-get install libhyperdex-dev libhyperdex-client-dev libhyperdex-admin-dev ## Installation Using [Cargo](https://crates.io/), the Rust package manager, it's as easy as adding the following lines to your `Cargo.toml` file: [dependencies] hyperdex = "*" ## Documentation http://derekchiang.github.io/rust-hyperdex/ ## Examples The [tests](src/test.rs) are worth a look. ## Testing Most of the tests are included in the HyperDex repo itself. The repo also includes a few test cases. Before you run the tests, you need to start the HyperDex coordinator at `` and also start a daemon. Then, set the following environment variable to make the tests run in series: export RUST_TEST_THREADS=1 Now you may run the tests: cargo test --lib