[changelog] header = """

All changes of this release are documented here.

![-----------------------------------------------------](https://github.com/pwnwriter/haylxon/blob/readme-assets/colored.png) > *Note*: ***The 🚨emoji indicates significant changes in the commit.*** """ body = """ {% for group, commits in commits | group_by(attribute="group") %} ## {{ group }} {% for commit in commits %} - [`{{ commit.id | truncate(length=7,end="") }}`](https://github.com/pwnwriter/hysp/commit/{{ commit.id }}): {% if commit.breaking %}🚨 {% endif %}{{ commit.message | upper_first }}. {% endfor %} {% endfor %} """ footer = """

""" [git] filter_commits = true commit_parsers = [ { message = "^feat", group = "🦁Features" }, { message = "^fix", group = "👨🏻‍🔧**Bug Fixes**" }, { message = "^docx", group = "Documentation" }, { message = "^perf", group = "🐶Performance" }, { message = "^refactor", group = "✨Refactor" }, { message = "^beautify", group = "🌈 Beautify" }, { message = "^test", group = "🌝Testing" }, { message = "^chore", group = "☃️ Miscellaneous Tasks"}, { message = "^enhan", group = "🍂Enhancements" } ]