# Inline KDL [![Crate release version](https://flat.badgen.net/crates/v/i-kdl)](https://crates.io/crates/i-kdl) [![Crate license: Parity 7.0.0](https://flat.badgen.net/badge/license/Parity%207.0.0)][license] [![Uses Caretaker Maintainership](https://flat.badgen.net/badge/Caretaker/Maintainership%20👥%20/purple)][caretaker] [KDL](https://github.com/kdl-org/kdl) is a document language with xml-like semantics that looks like you're invoking a bunch of CLI commands! [Inline KDL](https://github.com/passcod/i-kdl) (short: i-kdl, extension: ikdl, pronounced: i cuddle) is an extension of KDL where KDL fragments can be embedded in a larger text document. i-kdl uses `<` and `>` to indicate a KDL fragment. An i-kdl document is a list of zero or more Texts interspersed with zero or more Nodes. - [API documentation][docs] - Licensed with [Parity 7.0.0][license] - Uses [Caretaker Maintainership][caretaker] - Supported Rust version: latest stable [caretaker]: ./CARETAKERS.md [docs]: https://docs.rs/i-kdl [license]: ./LICENSE.md ## Examples Simple: ```ikdl Hic voluptatem eum et repudiandae nisi cum qui sed. Voluptatum molestiae recusa quod quas suscipit reprehenderit eos commodi. Dolores earum iste tempore culpa ut nostrum. ``` Can span multiple lines (remembering to use KDL line continuations where appropriate): ```ikdl Inflection of quī (“who, which”), Proto-Indo-European *kʷod, whence also . ``` KDL fragment can contain `<>` in strings etc. ```ikdl i-kdl uses and "> to indicate a KDL fragment. ``` You can escape a `<` in text with `\\`: ```ikdl Escaping \< is possible: . ``` ## License The code in this repository is covered by [the Parity License](LICENSE.md), a strong copyleft license. That means that you can only use this project if you're working on an open source-licensed product (MIT/Apache projects are ok!)