// Copyright © SixtyFPS GmbH // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Slint-commercial #![warn(missing_docs)] /*! This module contains the event loop implementation using winit, as well as the [PlatformWindow] trait used by the generated code and the run-time to change aspects of windows on the screen. */ use corelib::items::PointerEventButton; use i_slint_core as corelib; use corelib::graphics::Point; use corelib::input::{KeyEvent, KeyEventType, KeyboardModifiers, MouseEvent}; use corelib::{window::*, Color}; use corelib::{Coord, SharedString}; use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell}; use std::rc::{Rc, Weak}; use winit::event::WindowEvent; #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] use winit::platform::run_return::EventLoopExtRunReturn; pub trait WinitWindow: PlatformWindow { fn runtime_window(&self) -> Rc; fn currently_pressed_key_code(&self) -> &Cell>; fn current_keyboard_modifiers(&self) -> &Cell; fn draw(self: Rc); fn with_window_handle(&self, callback: &mut dyn FnMut(&winit::window::Window)); fn constraints(&self) -> (corelib::layout::LayoutInfo, corelib::layout::LayoutInfo); fn set_constraints( &self, constraints: (corelib::layout::LayoutInfo, corelib::layout::LayoutInfo), ); /// Get the size of the window. Unlike [`winit::window::Window::inner_size()`], this property does not /// hold the most recent window size as known by the OS but the latest size that has been processed /// as a [`WindowEvent::Resized`] by [`process_window_event()`]. fn size(&self) -> winit::dpi::LogicalSize; /// Set the size of the window. Unlike [`winit::window::Window::set_inner_size()`], this property does not /// hold the most recent window size as known by the OS but the latest size that has been processed /// as a [`WindowEvent::Resized`] by [`process_window_event()`]. fn set_size(&self, size: winit::dpi::LogicalSize); fn set_background_color(&self, color: Color); fn set_icon(&self, icon: corelib::graphics::Image); fn apply_constraints( &self, constraints_horizontal: corelib::layout::LayoutInfo, constraints_vertical: corelib::layout::LayoutInfo, ) { self.with_window_handle(&mut |winit_window| { // If we're in fullscreen state, don't try to resize the window but maintain the surface // size we've been assigned to from the windowing system. Weston/Wayland don't like it // when we create a surface that's bigger than the screen due to constraints (#532). if winit_window.fullscreen().is_some() { return; } if (constraints_horizontal, constraints_vertical) != self.constraints() { let min_width = constraints_horizontal.min.min(constraints_horizontal.max) as f32; let min_height = constraints_vertical.min.min(constraints_vertical.max) as f32; let max_width = constraints_horizontal.max.max(constraints_horizontal.min) as f32; let max_height = constraints_vertical.max.max(constraints_vertical.min) as f32; let sf = self.runtime_window().scale_factor(); winit_window.set_min_inner_size(if min_width > 0. || min_height > 0. { Some(winit::dpi::PhysicalSize::new(min_width * sf, min_height * sf)) } else { None }); winit_window.set_max_inner_size( if max_width < i32::MAX as f32 || max_height < i32::MAX as f32 { Some(winit::dpi::PhysicalSize::new( (max_width * sf).min(65535.), (max_height * sf).min(65535.), )) } else { None }, ); winit_window.set_resizable(true); self.set_constraints((constraints_horizontal, constraints_vertical)); winit_window.set_resizable(min_width < max_width || min_height < max_height); #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] { // set_max_inner_size / set_min_inner_size don't work on wasm, so apply the size manually let existing_size: winit::dpi::LogicalSize = winit_window.inner_size().to_logical(sf as f64); if !(min_width..=max_width).contains(&(existing_size.width)) || !(min_height..=max_height).contains(&(existing_size.height)) { let new_size = winit::dpi::LogicalSize::new( existing_size.width.min(max_width).max(min_width), existing_size.height.min(max_height).max(min_height), ); winit_window.set_inner_size(new_size); } } } }); } fn apply_window_properties( &self, window_item: core::pin::Pin<&i_slint_core::items::WindowItem>, ) { let background = window_item.background(); let title = window_item.title(); let no_frame = window_item.no_frame(); let icon = window_item.icon(); let mut width = window_item.width() as f32; let mut height = window_item.height() as f32; self.set_background_color(background); self.set_icon(icon); let mut must_resize = false; self.with_window_handle(&mut |winit_window| { winit_window.set_title(&title); if no_frame && winit_window.fullscreen().is_none() { winit_window.set_decorations(false); } else { winit_window.set_decorations(true); } let existing_size = self.size(); if width <= 0. { width = existing_size.width; must_resize = true; } if height <= 0. { height = existing_size.height; must_resize = true; } if (existing_size.width as f32 - width).abs() > 1. || (existing_size.height as f32 - height).abs() > 1. { // If we're in fullscreen state, don't try to resize the window but maintain the surface // size we've been assigned to from the windowing system. Weston/Wayland don't like it // when we create a surface that's bigger than the screen due to constraints (#532). if winit_window.fullscreen().is_none() { winit_window.set_inner_size(winit::dpi::LogicalSize::new(width, height)); } } }); if must_resize { self.runtime_window().set_window_item_geometry(width as _, height as _) } } /// Return true if the proxy element used for input method has the focus fn input_method_focused(&self) -> bool { false } } struct NotRunningEventLoop { instance: winit::event_loop::EventLoop, event_loop_proxy: winit::event_loop::EventLoopProxy, } impl NotRunningEventLoop { fn new() -> Self { let instance = winit::event_loop::EventLoop::with_user_event(); let event_loop_proxy = instance.create_proxy(); Self { instance, event_loop_proxy } } } struct RunningEventLoop<'a> { event_loop_target: &'a winit::event_loop::EventLoopWindowTarget, event_loop_proxy: &'a winit::event_loop::EventLoopProxy, } pub(crate) trait EventLoopInterface { fn event_loop_target(&self) -> &winit::event_loop::EventLoopWindowTarget; fn event_loop_proxy(&self) -> &winit::event_loop::EventLoopProxy; } impl EventLoopInterface for NotRunningEventLoop { fn event_loop_target(&self) -> &winit::event_loop::EventLoopWindowTarget { &*self.instance } fn event_loop_proxy(&self) -> &winit::event_loop::EventLoopProxy { &self.event_loop_proxy } } impl<'a> EventLoopInterface for RunningEventLoop<'a> { fn event_loop_target(&self) -> &winit::event_loop::EventLoopWindowTarget { self.event_loop_target } fn event_loop_proxy(&self) -> &winit::event_loop::EventLoopProxy { self.event_loop_proxy } } thread_local! { static ALL_WINDOWS: RefCell>> = RefCell::new(std::collections::HashMap::new()); static MAYBE_LOOP_INSTANCE: RefCell> = RefCell::new(Some(NotRunningEventLoop::new())); } scoped_tls_hkt::scoped_thread_local!(static CURRENT_WINDOW_TARGET : for<'a> &'a RunningEventLoop<'a>); pub(crate) enum GlobalEventLoopProxyOrEventQueue { Proxy(winit::event_loop::EventLoopProxy), Queue(Vec), } impl GlobalEventLoopProxyOrEventQueue { pub(crate) fn send_event(&mut self, event: CustomEvent) { match self { GlobalEventLoopProxyOrEventQueue::Proxy(proxy) => proxy.send_event(event).ok().unwrap(), GlobalEventLoopProxyOrEventQueue::Queue(queue) => { queue.push(event); } }; } fn set_proxy(&mut self, proxy: winit::event_loop::EventLoopProxy) { match self { GlobalEventLoopProxyOrEventQueue::Proxy(_) => {} GlobalEventLoopProxyOrEventQueue::Queue(queue) => { std::mem::take(queue) .into_iter() .for_each(|event| proxy.send_event(event).ok().unwrap()); *self = GlobalEventLoopProxyOrEventQueue::Proxy(proxy); } } } } impl Default for GlobalEventLoopProxyOrEventQueue { fn default() -> Self { Self::Queue(Vec::new()) } } #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] pub(crate) static GLOBAL_PROXY: once_cell::sync::OnceCell< std::sync::Mutex, > = once_cell::sync::OnceCell::new(); #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] thread_local! { pub(crate) static GLOBAL_PROXY: RefCell> = RefCell::new(None) } pub(crate) fn with_window_target(callback: impl FnOnce(&dyn EventLoopInterface) -> T) -> T { if CURRENT_WINDOW_TARGET.is_set() { CURRENT_WINDOW_TARGET.with(|current_target| callback(current_target)) } else { MAYBE_LOOP_INSTANCE.with(|loop_instance| { if loop_instance.borrow().is_none() { *loop_instance.borrow_mut() = Some(NotRunningEventLoop::new()); } callback(loop_instance.borrow().as_ref().unwrap()) }) } } pub fn register_window(id: winit::window::WindowId, window: Rc) { ALL_WINDOWS.with(|windows| { windows.borrow_mut().insert(id, Rc::downgrade(&window)); }) } pub fn unregister_window(id: winit::window::WindowId) { ALL_WINDOWS.with(|windows| { windows.borrow_mut().remove(&id); }) } fn window_by_id(id: winit::window::WindowId) -> Option> { ALL_WINDOWS.with(|windows| windows.borrow().get(&id).and_then(|weakref| weakref.upgrade())) } /// This enum captures run-time specific events that can be dispatched to the event loop in /// addition to the winit events. pub enum CustomEvent { /// Request for the event loop to wake up and redraw all windows. This is used on the /// web for example to request an animation frame. #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] RedrawAllWindows, /// On wasm request_redraw doesn't wake the event loop, so we need to manually send an event /// so that the event loop can run #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] WakeEventLoopWorkaround, UpdateWindowProperties(winit::window::WindowId), UserEvent(Box), /// Called from `GLWindow::hide` so that we can check if we should quit the event loop WindowHidden, Exit, } impl std::fmt::Debug for CustomEvent { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] Self::RedrawAllWindows => write!(f, "RedrawAllWindows"), #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] Self::WakeEventLoopWorkaround => write!(f, "WakeEventLoopWorkaround"), Self::UpdateWindowProperties(e) => write!(f, "UpdateWindowProperties({:?})", e), Self::UserEvent(_) => write!(f, "UserEvent"), Self::WindowHidden => write!(f, "WindowHidden"), Self::Exit => write!(f, "Exit"), } } } #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] fn redraw_all_windows() { let all_windows_weak = ALL_WINDOWS.with(|windows| windows.borrow().values().cloned().collect::>()); for window_weak in all_windows_weak { if let Some(window) = window_weak.upgrade() { window.request_redraw(); } } } mod key_codes { macro_rules! winit_key_to_string_fn { ($($char:literal # $name:ident # $($_qt:ident)|* # $($winit:ident)|* ;)*) => { pub fn winit_key_to_string(virtual_keycode: winit::event::VirtualKeyCode) -> Option { let char = match(virtual_keycode) { $($(winit::event::VirtualKeyCode::$winit => $char,)*)* _ => return None, }; let mut buffer = [0; 6]; Some(i_slint_core::SharedString::from(char.encode_utf8(&mut buffer) as &str)) } }; } i_slint_common::for_each_special_keys!(winit_key_to_string_fn); } fn process_window_event( window: Rc, event: WindowEvent, cursor_pos: &mut Point, pressed: &mut bool, ) { fn key_event( event_type: KeyEventType, text: SharedString, modifiers: KeyboardModifiers, ) -> KeyEvent { let mut event = KeyEvent { event_type, text, modifiers }; let tab = String::from(corelib::input::key_codes::Tab); // map Shift-Tab into (Shift) Backtab to have a similar behavior as Qt backend if event.text == tab && modifiers.shift { event.text = SharedString::from(String::from(corelib::input::key_codes::Backtab)); } event } let runtime_window = window.runtime_window(); match event { WindowEvent::Resized(size) => { let size = size.to_logical(runtime_window.scale_factor() as f64); runtime_window.set_window_item_geometry(size.width, size.height); window.set_size(size); } WindowEvent::CloseRequested => { if runtime_window.request_close() { window.hide(); } } WindowEvent::ReceivedCharacter(ch) => { // On Windows, X11 and Wayland sequences like Ctrl+C will send a ReceivedCharacter after the pressed keyboard input event, // with a control character. We choose not to forward those but try to use the current key code instead. // // We do not want to change the text to the value of the key press when that was a // control key itself: We already sent that event when handling the KeyboardInput. let text: Option = if ch.is_control() { window .currently_pressed_key_code() .take() .and_then(winit_key_code_to_string) .filter(|key_text| !key_text.starts_with(char::is_control)) } else { Some(ch.to_string().into()) }; let text = match text { Some(text) => text, None => return, }; let modifiers = window.current_keyboard_modifiers().get(); let mut event = key_event(KeyEventType::KeyPressed, text, modifiers); runtime_window.clone().process_key_input(&event); event.event_type = KeyEventType::KeyReleased; runtime_window.process_key_input(&event); } WindowEvent::Focused(have_focus) => { let have_focus = have_focus || window.input_method_focused(); // We don't render popups as separate windows yet, so treat // focus to be the same as being active. if have_focus != runtime_window.active() { runtime_window.set_active(have_focus); runtime_window.set_focus(have_focus); } } WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { ref input, .. } => { window.currently_pressed_key_code().set(match input.state { winit::event::ElementState::Pressed => input.virtual_keycode, _ => None, }); if let Some(text) = input.virtual_keycode.and_then(key_codes::winit_key_to_string) { #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut modifiers = window.current_keyboard_modifiers().get(); // On wasm, the WindowEvent::ModifiersChanged event is not received #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] #[allow(deprecated)] { modifiers.shift |= input.modifiers.shift(); modifiers.control |= input.modifiers.ctrl(); modifiers.meta |= input.modifiers.logo(); modifiers.alt |= input.modifiers.alt(); } let event = key_event( match input.state { winit::event::ElementState::Pressed => KeyEventType::KeyPressed, winit::event::ElementState::Released => KeyEventType::KeyReleased, }, text, modifiers, ); runtime_window.process_key_input(&event); }; } WindowEvent::ModifiersChanged(state) => { // To provide an easier cross-platform behavior, we map the command key to control // on macOS, and control to meta. #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] let (control, meta) = (state.logo(), state.ctrl()); #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] let (control, meta) = (state.ctrl(), state.logo()); let modifiers = KeyboardModifiers { shift: state.shift(), alt: state.alt(), control, meta }; window.current_keyboard_modifiers().set(modifiers); } WindowEvent::CursorMoved { position, .. } => { let position = position.to_logical(runtime_window.scale_factor() as f64); *cursor_pos = euclid::point2(position.x, position.y); runtime_window.process_mouse_input(MouseEvent::MouseMoved { pos: *cursor_pos }); } WindowEvent::CursorLeft { .. } => { // On the html canvas, we don't get the mouse move or release event when outside the canvas. So we have no choice but canceling the event if cfg!(target_arch = "wasm32") || !*pressed { *pressed = false; runtime_window.process_mouse_input(MouseEvent::MouseExit); } } WindowEvent::MouseWheel { delta, .. } => { let delta = match delta { winit::event::MouseScrollDelta::LineDelta(lx, ly) => { euclid::point2(lx * 60., ly * 60.) } winit::event::MouseScrollDelta::PixelDelta(d) => { let d = d.to_logical(runtime_window.scale_factor() as f64); euclid::point2(d.x, d.y) } } .cast::(); runtime_window.process_mouse_input(MouseEvent::MouseWheel { pos: *cursor_pos, delta }); } WindowEvent::MouseInput { state, button, .. } => { let button = match button { winit::event::MouseButton::Left => PointerEventButton::left, winit::event::MouseButton::Right => PointerEventButton::right, winit::event::MouseButton::Middle => PointerEventButton::middle, winit::event::MouseButton::Other(_) => PointerEventButton::none, }; let ev = match state { winit::event::ElementState::Pressed => { *pressed = true; MouseEvent::MousePressed { pos: *cursor_pos, button } } winit::event::ElementState::Released => { *pressed = false; MouseEvent::MouseReleased { pos: *cursor_pos, button } } }; runtime_window.process_mouse_input(ev); } WindowEvent::Touch(touch) => { let location = touch.location.to_logical(runtime_window.scale_factor() as f64); let pos = euclid::point2(location.x, location.y); let ev = match touch.phase { winit::event::TouchPhase::Started => { *pressed = true; MouseEvent::MousePressed { pos, button: PointerEventButton::left } } winit::event::TouchPhase::Ended | winit::event::TouchPhase::Cancelled => { *pressed = false; MouseEvent::MouseReleased { pos, button: PointerEventButton::left } } winit::event::TouchPhase::Moved => MouseEvent::MouseMoved { pos }, }; runtime_window.process_mouse_input(ev); } WindowEvent::ScaleFactorChanged { scale_factor, new_inner_size: size } => { if std::env::var("SLINT_SCALE_FACTOR").is_err() { let size = size.to_logical(scale_factor); runtime_window.set_window_item_geometry(size.width, size.height); runtime_window.set_scale_factor(scale_factor as f32); } } _ => {} } } /// Runs the event loop and renders the items in the provided `component` in its /// own window. #[allow(unused_mut)] // mut need changes for wasm pub fn run(quit_behavior: i_slint_core::backend::EventLoopQuitBehavior) { use winit::event::Event; use winit::event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoopWindowTarget}; let not_running_loop_instance = MAYBE_LOOP_INSTANCE.with(|loop_instance| { loop_instance.borrow_mut().take().unwrap_or_else(NotRunningEventLoop::new) }); let event_loop_proxy = not_running_loop_instance.event_loop_proxy; #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] GLOBAL_PROXY.get_or_init(Default::default).lock().unwrap().set_proxy(event_loop_proxy.clone()); #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] GLOBAL_PROXY.with(|global_proxy| { global_proxy .borrow_mut() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .set_proxy(event_loop_proxy.clone()) }); let mut winit_loop = not_running_loop_instance.instance; // last seen cursor position, (physical coordinate) let mut cursor_pos = Point::default(); let mut pressed = false; let mut run_fn = move |event: Event, event_loop_target: &EventLoopWindowTarget, control_flow: &mut ControlFlow| { let running_instance = RunningEventLoop { event_loop_target, event_loop_proxy: &event_loop_proxy }; CURRENT_WINDOW_TARGET.set(&running_instance, || { // MainEventsCleared and RedrawEventsCleared are passed after flush of the event loop // by winit. Make sure not to overwrite a previously set ControlFlow::Poll in that process. if !matches!( event, winit::event::Event::MainEventsCleared | winit::event::Event::RedrawEventsCleared ) { *control_flow = ControlFlow::Wait; } match event { winit::event::Event::WindowEvent { event, window_id } => { if let Some(window) = window_by_id(window_id) { process_window_event(window, event, &mut cursor_pos, &mut pressed); }; } winit::event::Event::RedrawRequested(id) => { if let Some(window) = window_by_id(id) { window.draw(); } } winit::event::Event::UserEvent(CustomEvent::UpdateWindowProperties(window_id)) => { if let Some(window) = window_by_id(window_id) { window.runtime_window().update_window_properties(); } } winit::event::Event::UserEvent(CustomEvent::WindowHidden) => match quit_behavior { corelib::backend::EventLoopQuitBehavior::QuitOnLastWindowClosed => { let window_count = ALL_WINDOWS.with(|windows| windows.borrow().len()); if window_count == 0 { *control_flow = winit::event_loop::ControlFlow::Exit; } } corelib::backend::EventLoopQuitBehavior::QuitOnlyExplicitly => {} }, winit::event::Event::UserEvent(CustomEvent::Exit) => { *control_flow = winit::event_loop::ControlFlow::Exit; } winit::event::Event::UserEvent(CustomEvent::UserEvent(user)) => { user(); } #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] winit::event::Event::UserEvent(CustomEvent::RedrawAllWindows) => { redraw_all_windows() } #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] winit::event::Event::UserEvent(CustomEvent::WakeEventLoopWorkaround) => { *control_flow = winit::event_loop::ControlFlow::Poll; } winit::event::Event::NewEvents(_) => { corelib::timers::TimerList::maybe_activate_timers(); corelib::animations::update_animations(); } _ => (), } if *control_flow != winit::event_loop::ControlFlow::Exit && corelib::animations::CURRENT_ANIMATION_DRIVER .with(|driver| driver.has_active_animations()) { *control_flow = ControlFlow::Poll; } if *control_flow == winit::event_loop::ControlFlow::Wait { if let Some(next_timer) = corelib::timers::TimerList::next_timeout() { *control_flow = winit::event_loop::ControlFlow::WaitUntil(next_timer.into()); } } }) }; #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] { winit_loop.run_return(run_fn); *GLOBAL_PROXY.get_or_init(Default::default).lock().unwrap() = Default::default(); } #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] { winit_loop.run(run_fn) } } // This function is called when we receive a control character via WindowEvent::ReceivedCharacter and // instead want to use the last virtual key code. That happens when for example pressing Ctrl+some_key // on Windows/X11/Wayland. This function may be missing mappings, it's trying to cover what we may be // getting when we're getting control character sequences. fn winit_key_code_to_string(virtual_keycode: winit::event::VirtualKeyCode) -> Option { use winit::event::VirtualKeyCode; Some( match virtual_keycode { VirtualKeyCode::Key1 => "1", VirtualKeyCode::Key2 => "2", VirtualKeyCode::Key3 => "3", VirtualKeyCode::Key4 => "4", VirtualKeyCode::Key5 => "5", VirtualKeyCode::Key6 => "6", VirtualKeyCode::Key7 => "7", VirtualKeyCode::Key8 => "8", VirtualKeyCode::Key9 => "9", VirtualKeyCode::Key0 => "0", VirtualKeyCode::A => "a", VirtualKeyCode::B => "b", VirtualKeyCode::C => "c", VirtualKeyCode::D => "d", VirtualKeyCode::E => "e", VirtualKeyCode::F => "f", VirtualKeyCode::G => "g", VirtualKeyCode::H => "h", VirtualKeyCode::I => "i", VirtualKeyCode::J => "j", VirtualKeyCode::K => "k", VirtualKeyCode::L => "l", VirtualKeyCode::M => "m", VirtualKeyCode::N => "n", VirtualKeyCode::O => "o", VirtualKeyCode::P => "p", VirtualKeyCode::Q => "q", VirtualKeyCode::R => "r", VirtualKeyCode::S => "s", VirtualKeyCode::T => "t", VirtualKeyCode::U => "u", VirtualKeyCode::V => "v", VirtualKeyCode::W => "w", VirtualKeyCode::X => "x", VirtualKeyCode::Y => "y", VirtualKeyCode::Z => "z", VirtualKeyCode::Space => " ", VirtualKeyCode::Caret => "^", VirtualKeyCode::Apostrophe => "'", VirtualKeyCode::Asterisk => "*", VirtualKeyCode::Backslash => "\\", VirtualKeyCode::Colon => ":", VirtualKeyCode::Comma => ",", VirtualKeyCode::Equals => "=", VirtualKeyCode::Grave => "`", VirtualKeyCode::Minus => "-", VirtualKeyCode::Period => ".", VirtualKeyCode::Plus => "+", VirtualKeyCode::Semicolon => ";", VirtualKeyCode::Slash => "/", VirtualKeyCode::Tab => "\t", _ => return None, } .into(), ) }