// Copyright © SixtyFPS GmbH // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Slint-Royalty-free-2.0 OR LicenseRef-Slint-Software-3.0 /*! Generated with Qt5 and ```sh bindgen /usr/include/qt/QtCore/qnamespace.h --whitelist-type Qt::Key --whitelist-type Qt::KeyboardModifier --whitelist-type Qt::AlignmentFlag --whitelist-type Qt::TextFlag --whitelist-type Qt::FillRule --whitelist-type Qt::CursorShape -o internal/backends/qt/key_generated.rs -- -I /usr/include/qt -xc++ ``` then add license header and this doc */ #![allow(unused)] #![allow(non_camel_case_types)] #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] /* automatically generated by rust-bindgen 0.59.1 */ pub const Qt_KeyboardModifier_NoModifier: Qt_KeyboardModifier = 0; pub const Qt_KeyboardModifier_ShiftModifier: Qt_KeyboardModifier = 33554432; pub const Qt_KeyboardModifier_ControlModifier: Qt_KeyboardModifier = 67108864; pub const Qt_KeyboardModifier_AltModifier: Qt_KeyboardModifier = 134217728; pub const Qt_KeyboardModifier_MetaModifier: Qt_KeyboardModifier = 268435456; pub const Qt_KeyboardModifier_KeypadModifier: Qt_KeyboardModifier = 536870912; pub const Qt_KeyboardModifier_GroupSwitchModifier: Qt_KeyboardModifier = 1073741824; pub const Qt_KeyboardModifier_KeyboardModifierMask: Qt_KeyboardModifier = 4261412864; pub type Qt_KeyboardModifier = ::std::os::raw::c_uint; pub const Qt_AlignmentFlag_AlignLeft: Qt_AlignmentFlag = 1; pub const Qt_AlignmentFlag_AlignLeading: Qt_AlignmentFlag = 1; pub const Qt_AlignmentFlag_AlignRight: Qt_AlignmentFlag = 2; pub const Qt_AlignmentFlag_AlignTrailing: Qt_AlignmentFlag = 2; pub const Qt_AlignmentFlag_AlignHCenter: Qt_AlignmentFlag = 4; pub const Qt_AlignmentFlag_AlignJustify: Qt_AlignmentFlag = 8; pub const Qt_AlignmentFlag_AlignAbsolute: Qt_AlignmentFlag = 16; pub const Qt_AlignmentFlag_AlignHorizontal_Mask: Qt_AlignmentFlag = 31; pub const Qt_AlignmentFlag_AlignTop: Qt_AlignmentFlag = 32; pub const Qt_AlignmentFlag_AlignBottom: Qt_AlignmentFlag = 64; pub const Qt_AlignmentFlag_AlignVCenter: Qt_AlignmentFlag = 128; pub const Qt_AlignmentFlag_AlignBaseline: Qt_AlignmentFlag = 256; pub const Qt_AlignmentFlag_AlignVertical_Mask: Qt_AlignmentFlag = 480; pub const Qt_AlignmentFlag_AlignCenter: Qt_AlignmentFlag = 132; pub type Qt_AlignmentFlag = ::std::os::raw::c_uint; pub const Qt_TextFlag_TextSingleLine: Qt_TextFlag = 256; pub const Qt_TextFlag_TextDontClip: Qt_TextFlag = 512; pub const Qt_TextFlag_TextExpandTabs: Qt_TextFlag = 1024; pub const Qt_TextFlag_TextShowMnemonic: Qt_TextFlag = 2048; pub const Qt_TextFlag_TextWordWrap: Qt_TextFlag = 4096; pub const Qt_TextFlag_TextWrapAnywhere: Qt_TextFlag = 8192; pub const Qt_TextFlag_TextDontPrint: Qt_TextFlag = 16384; pub const Qt_TextFlag_TextIncludeTrailingSpaces: Qt_TextFlag = 134217728; pub const Qt_TextFlag_TextHideMnemonic: Qt_TextFlag = 32768; pub const Qt_TextFlag_TextJustificationForced: Qt_TextFlag = 65536; pub const Qt_TextFlag_TextForceLeftToRight: Qt_TextFlag = 131072; pub const Qt_TextFlag_TextForceRightToLeft: Qt_TextFlag = 262144; pub const Qt_TextFlag_TextLongestVariant: Qt_TextFlag = 524288; pub const Qt_TextFlag_TextBypassShaping: Qt_TextFlag = 1048576; pub type Qt_TextFlag = ::std::os::raw::c_uint; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Escape: Qt_Key = 16777216; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Tab: Qt_Key = 16777217; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Backtab: Qt_Key = 16777218; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Backspace: Qt_Key = 16777219; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Return: Qt_Key = 16777220; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Enter: Qt_Key = 16777221; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Insert: Qt_Key = 16777222; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Delete: Qt_Key = 16777223; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Pause: Qt_Key = 16777224; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Print: Qt_Key = 16777225; pub const Qt_Key_Key_SysReq: Qt_Key = 16777226; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Clear: Qt_Key = 16777227; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Home: Qt_Key = 16777232; pub const Qt_Key_Key_End: Qt_Key = 16777233; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Left: Qt_Key = 16777234; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Up: Qt_Key = 16777235; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Right: Qt_Key = 16777236; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Down: Qt_Key = 16777237; pub const Qt_Key_Key_PageUp: Qt_Key = 16777238; pub const Qt_Key_Key_PageDown: Qt_Key = 16777239; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Shift: Qt_Key = 16777248; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Control: Qt_Key = 16777249; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Meta: Qt_Key = 16777250; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Alt: Qt_Key = 16777251; pub const Qt_Key_Key_CapsLock: Qt_Key = 16777252; pub const Qt_Key_Key_NumLock: Qt_Key = 16777253; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ScrollLock: Qt_Key = 16777254; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F1: Qt_Key = 16777264; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F2: Qt_Key = 16777265; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F3: Qt_Key = 16777266; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F4: Qt_Key = 16777267; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F5: Qt_Key = 16777268; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F6: Qt_Key = 16777269; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F7: Qt_Key = 16777270; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F8: Qt_Key = 16777271; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F9: Qt_Key = 16777272; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F10: Qt_Key = 16777273; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F11: Qt_Key = 16777274; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F12: Qt_Key = 16777275; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F13: Qt_Key = 16777276; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F14: Qt_Key = 16777277; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F15: Qt_Key = 16777278; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F16: Qt_Key = 16777279; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F17: Qt_Key = 16777280; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F18: Qt_Key = 16777281; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F19: Qt_Key = 16777282; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F20: Qt_Key = 16777283; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F21: Qt_Key = 16777284; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F22: Qt_Key = 16777285; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F23: Qt_Key = 16777286; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F24: Qt_Key = 16777287; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F25: Qt_Key = 16777288; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F26: Qt_Key = 16777289; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F27: Qt_Key = 16777290; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F28: Qt_Key = 16777291; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F29: Qt_Key = 16777292; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F30: Qt_Key = 16777293; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F31: Qt_Key = 16777294; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F32: Qt_Key = 16777295; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F33: Qt_Key = 16777296; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F34: Qt_Key = 16777297; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F35: Qt_Key = 16777298; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Super_L: Qt_Key = 16777299; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Super_R: Qt_Key = 16777300; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Menu: Qt_Key = 16777301; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hyper_L: Qt_Key = 16777302; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hyper_R: Qt_Key = 16777303; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Help: Qt_Key = 16777304; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Direction_L: Qt_Key = 16777305; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Direction_R: Qt_Key = 16777312; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Space: Qt_Key = 32; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Any: Qt_Key = 32; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Exclam: Qt_Key = 33; pub const Qt_Key_Key_QuoteDbl: Qt_Key = 34; pub const Qt_Key_Key_NumberSign: Qt_Key = 35; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dollar: Qt_Key = 36; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Percent: Qt_Key = 37; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Ampersand: Qt_Key = 38; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Apostrophe: Qt_Key = 39; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ParenLeft: Qt_Key = 40; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ParenRight: Qt_Key = 41; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Asterisk: Qt_Key = 42; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Plus: Qt_Key = 43; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Comma: Qt_Key = 44; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Minus: Qt_Key = 45; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Period: Qt_Key = 46; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Slash: Qt_Key = 47; pub const Qt_Key_Key_0: Qt_Key = 48; pub const Qt_Key_Key_1: Qt_Key = 49; pub const Qt_Key_Key_2: Qt_Key = 50; pub const Qt_Key_Key_3: Qt_Key = 51; pub const Qt_Key_Key_4: Qt_Key = 52; pub const Qt_Key_Key_5: Qt_Key = 53; pub const Qt_Key_Key_6: Qt_Key = 54; pub const Qt_Key_Key_7: Qt_Key = 55; pub const Qt_Key_Key_8: Qt_Key = 56; pub const Qt_Key_Key_9: Qt_Key = 57; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Colon: Qt_Key = 58; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Semicolon: Qt_Key = 59; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Less: Qt_Key = 60; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Equal: Qt_Key = 61; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Greater: Qt_Key = 62; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Question: Qt_Key = 63; pub const Qt_Key_Key_At: Qt_Key = 64; pub const Qt_Key_Key_A: Qt_Key = 65; pub const Qt_Key_Key_B: Qt_Key = 66; pub const Qt_Key_Key_C: Qt_Key = 67; pub const Qt_Key_Key_D: Qt_Key = 68; pub const Qt_Key_Key_E: Qt_Key = 69; pub const Qt_Key_Key_F: Qt_Key = 70; pub const Qt_Key_Key_G: Qt_Key = 71; pub const Qt_Key_Key_H: Qt_Key = 72; pub const Qt_Key_Key_I: Qt_Key = 73; pub const Qt_Key_Key_J: Qt_Key = 74; pub const Qt_Key_Key_K: Qt_Key = 75; pub const Qt_Key_Key_L: Qt_Key = 76; pub const Qt_Key_Key_M: Qt_Key = 77; pub const Qt_Key_Key_N: Qt_Key = 78; pub const Qt_Key_Key_O: Qt_Key = 79; pub const Qt_Key_Key_P: Qt_Key = 80; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Q: Qt_Key = 81; pub const Qt_Key_Key_R: Qt_Key = 82; pub const Qt_Key_Key_S: Qt_Key = 83; pub const Qt_Key_Key_T: Qt_Key = 84; pub const Qt_Key_Key_U: Qt_Key = 85; pub const Qt_Key_Key_V: Qt_Key = 86; pub const Qt_Key_Key_W: Qt_Key = 87; pub const Qt_Key_Key_X: Qt_Key = 88; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Y: Qt_Key = 89; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Z: Qt_Key = 90; pub const Qt_Key_Key_BracketLeft: Qt_Key = 91; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Backslash: Qt_Key = 92; pub const Qt_Key_Key_BracketRight: Qt_Key = 93; pub const Qt_Key_Key_AsciiCircum: Qt_Key = 94; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Underscore: Qt_Key = 95; pub const Qt_Key_Key_QuoteLeft: Qt_Key = 96; pub const Qt_Key_Key_BraceLeft: Qt_Key = 123; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Bar: Qt_Key = 124; pub const Qt_Key_Key_BraceRight: Qt_Key = 125; pub const Qt_Key_Key_AsciiTilde: Qt_Key = 126; pub const Qt_Key_Key_nobreakspace: Qt_Key = 160; pub const Qt_Key_Key_exclamdown: Qt_Key = 161; pub const Qt_Key_Key_cent: Qt_Key = 162; pub const Qt_Key_Key_sterling: Qt_Key = 163; pub const Qt_Key_Key_currency: Qt_Key = 164; pub const Qt_Key_Key_yen: Qt_Key = 165; pub const Qt_Key_Key_brokenbar: Qt_Key = 166; pub const Qt_Key_Key_section: Qt_Key = 167; pub const Qt_Key_Key_diaeresis: Qt_Key = 168; pub const Qt_Key_Key_copyright: Qt_Key = 169; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ordfeminine: Qt_Key = 170; pub const Qt_Key_Key_guillemotleft: Qt_Key = 171; pub const Qt_Key_Key_notsign: Qt_Key = 172; pub const Qt_Key_Key_hyphen: Qt_Key = 173; pub const Qt_Key_Key_registered: Qt_Key = 174; pub const Qt_Key_Key_macron: Qt_Key = 175; pub const Qt_Key_Key_degree: Qt_Key = 176; pub const Qt_Key_Key_plusminus: Qt_Key = 177; pub const Qt_Key_Key_twosuperior: Qt_Key = 178; pub const Qt_Key_Key_threesuperior: Qt_Key = 179; pub const Qt_Key_Key_acute: Qt_Key = 180; pub const Qt_Key_Key_mu: Qt_Key = 181; pub const Qt_Key_Key_paragraph: Qt_Key = 182; pub const Qt_Key_Key_periodcentered: Qt_Key = 183; pub const Qt_Key_Key_cedilla: Qt_Key = 184; pub const Qt_Key_Key_onesuperior: Qt_Key = 185; pub const Qt_Key_Key_masculine: Qt_Key = 186; pub const Qt_Key_Key_guillemotright: Qt_Key = 187; pub const Qt_Key_Key_onequarter: Qt_Key = 188; pub const Qt_Key_Key_onehalf: Qt_Key = 189; pub const Qt_Key_Key_threequarters: Qt_Key = 190; pub const Qt_Key_Key_questiondown: Qt_Key = 191; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Agrave: Qt_Key = 192; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Aacute: Qt_Key = 193; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Acircumflex: Qt_Key = 194; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Atilde: Qt_Key = 195; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Adiaeresis: Qt_Key = 196; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Aring: Qt_Key = 197; pub const Qt_Key_Key_AE: Qt_Key = 198; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Ccedilla: Qt_Key = 199; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Egrave: Qt_Key = 200; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Eacute: Qt_Key = 201; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Ecircumflex: Qt_Key = 202; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Ediaeresis: Qt_Key = 203; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Igrave: Qt_Key = 204; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Iacute: Qt_Key = 205; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Icircumflex: Qt_Key = 206; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Idiaeresis: Qt_Key = 207; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ETH: Qt_Key = 208; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Ntilde: Qt_Key = 209; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Ograve: Qt_Key = 210; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Oacute: Qt_Key = 211; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Ocircumflex: Qt_Key = 212; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Otilde: Qt_Key = 213; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Odiaeresis: Qt_Key = 214; pub const Qt_Key_Key_multiply: Qt_Key = 215; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Ooblique: Qt_Key = 216; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Ugrave: Qt_Key = 217; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Uacute: Qt_Key = 218; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Ucircumflex: Qt_Key = 219; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Udiaeresis: Qt_Key = 220; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Yacute: Qt_Key = 221; pub const Qt_Key_Key_THORN: Qt_Key = 222; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ssharp: Qt_Key = 223; pub const Qt_Key_Key_division: Qt_Key = 247; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ydiaeresis: Qt_Key = 255; pub const Qt_Key_Key_AltGr: Qt_Key = 16781571; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Multi_key: Qt_Key = 16781600; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Codeinput: Qt_Key = 16781623; pub const Qt_Key_Key_SingleCandidate: Qt_Key = 16781628; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MultipleCandidate: Qt_Key = 16781629; pub const Qt_Key_Key_PreviousCandidate: Qt_Key = 16781630; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Mode_switch: Qt_Key = 16781694; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Kanji: Qt_Key = 16781601; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Muhenkan: Qt_Key = 16781602; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Henkan: Qt_Key = 16781603; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Romaji: Qt_Key = 16781604; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hiragana: Qt_Key = 16781605; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Katakana: Qt_Key = 16781606; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hiragana_Katakana: Qt_Key = 16781607; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Zenkaku: Qt_Key = 16781608; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hankaku: Qt_Key = 16781609; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Zenkaku_Hankaku: Qt_Key = 16781610; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Touroku: Qt_Key = 16781611; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Massyo: Qt_Key = 16781612; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Kana_Lock: Qt_Key = 16781613; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Kana_Shift: Qt_Key = 16781614; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Eisu_Shift: Qt_Key = 16781615; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Eisu_toggle: Qt_Key = 16781616; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hangul: Qt_Key = 16781617; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hangul_Start: Qt_Key = 16781618; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hangul_End: Qt_Key = 16781619; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hangul_Hanja: Qt_Key = 16781620; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hangul_Jamo: Qt_Key = 16781621; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hangul_Romaja: Qt_Key = 16781622; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hangul_Jeonja: Qt_Key = 16781624; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hangul_Banja: Qt_Key = 16781625; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hangul_PreHanja: Qt_Key = 16781626; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hangul_PostHanja: Qt_Key = 16781627; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hangul_Special: Qt_Key = 16781631; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Grave: Qt_Key = 16781904; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Acute: Qt_Key = 16781905; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Circumflex: Qt_Key = 16781906; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Tilde: Qt_Key = 16781907; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Macron: Qt_Key = 16781908; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Breve: Qt_Key = 16781909; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Abovedot: Qt_Key = 16781910; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Diaeresis: Qt_Key = 16781911; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Abovering: Qt_Key = 16781912; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Doubleacute: Qt_Key = 16781913; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Caron: Qt_Key = 16781914; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Cedilla: Qt_Key = 16781915; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Ogonek: Qt_Key = 16781916; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Iota: Qt_Key = 16781917; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Voiced_Sound: Qt_Key = 16781918; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Semivoiced_Sound: Qt_Key = 16781919; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Belowdot: Qt_Key = 16781920; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Hook: Qt_Key = 16781921; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Horn: Qt_Key = 16781922; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Stroke: Qt_Key = 16781923; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Abovecomma: Qt_Key = 16781924; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Abovereversedcomma: Qt_Key = 16781925; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Doublegrave: Qt_Key = 16781926; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Belowring: Qt_Key = 16781927; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Belowmacron: Qt_Key = 16781928; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Belowcircumflex: Qt_Key = 16781929; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Belowtilde: Qt_Key = 16781930; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Belowbreve: Qt_Key = 16781931; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Belowdiaeresis: Qt_Key = 16781932; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Invertedbreve: Qt_Key = 16781933; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Belowcomma: Qt_Key = 16781934; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Currency: Qt_Key = 16781935; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_a: Qt_Key = 16781952; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_A: Qt_Key = 16781953; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_e: Qt_Key = 16781954; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_E: Qt_Key = 16781955; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_i: Qt_Key = 16781956; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_I: Qt_Key = 16781957; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_o: Qt_Key = 16781958; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_O: Qt_Key = 16781959; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_u: Qt_Key = 16781960; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_U: Qt_Key = 16781961; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Small_Schwa: Qt_Key = 16781962; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Capital_Schwa: Qt_Key = 16781963; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Greek: Qt_Key = 16781964; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Lowline: Qt_Key = 16781968; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Aboveverticalline: Qt_Key = 16781969; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Belowverticalline: Qt_Key = 16781970; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Dead_Longsolidusoverlay: Qt_Key = 16781971; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Back: Qt_Key = 16777313; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Forward: Qt_Key = 16777314; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Stop: Qt_Key = 16777315; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Refresh: Qt_Key = 16777316; pub const Qt_Key_Key_VolumeDown: Qt_Key = 16777328; pub const Qt_Key_Key_VolumeMute: Qt_Key = 16777329; pub const Qt_Key_Key_VolumeUp: Qt_Key = 16777330; pub const Qt_Key_Key_BassBoost: Qt_Key = 16777331; pub const Qt_Key_Key_BassUp: Qt_Key = 16777332; pub const Qt_Key_Key_BassDown: Qt_Key = 16777333; pub const Qt_Key_Key_TrebleUp: Qt_Key = 16777334; pub const Qt_Key_Key_TrebleDown: Qt_Key = 16777335; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MediaPlay: Qt_Key = 16777344; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MediaStop: Qt_Key = 16777345; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MediaPrevious: Qt_Key = 16777346; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MediaNext: Qt_Key = 16777347; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MediaRecord: Qt_Key = 16777348; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MediaPause: Qt_Key = 16777349; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MediaTogglePlayPause: Qt_Key = 16777350; pub const Qt_Key_Key_HomePage: Qt_Key = 16777360; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Favorites: Qt_Key = 16777361; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Search: Qt_Key = 16777362; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Standby: Qt_Key = 16777363; pub const Qt_Key_Key_OpenUrl: Qt_Key = 16777364; pub const Qt_Key_Key_LaunchMail: Qt_Key = 16777376; pub const Qt_Key_Key_LaunchMedia: Qt_Key = 16777377; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Launch0: Qt_Key = 16777378; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Launch1: Qt_Key = 16777379; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Launch2: Qt_Key = 16777380; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Launch3: Qt_Key = 16777381; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Launch4: Qt_Key = 16777382; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Launch5: Qt_Key = 16777383; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Launch6: Qt_Key = 16777384; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Launch7: Qt_Key = 16777385; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Launch8: Qt_Key = 16777386; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Launch9: Qt_Key = 16777387; pub const Qt_Key_Key_LaunchA: Qt_Key = 16777388; pub const Qt_Key_Key_LaunchB: Qt_Key = 16777389; pub const Qt_Key_Key_LaunchC: Qt_Key = 16777390; pub const Qt_Key_Key_LaunchD: Qt_Key = 16777391; pub const Qt_Key_Key_LaunchE: Qt_Key = 16777392; pub const Qt_Key_Key_LaunchF: Qt_Key = 16777393; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MonBrightnessUp: Qt_Key = 16777394; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MonBrightnessDown: Qt_Key = 16777395; pub const Qt_Key_Key_KeyboardLightOnOff: Qt_Key = 16777396; pub const Qt_Key_Key_KeyboardBrightnessUp: Qt_Key = 16777397; pub const Qt_Key_Key_KeyboardBrightnessDown: Qt_Key = 16777398; pub const Qt_Key_Key_PowerOff: Qt_Key = 16777399; pub const Qt_Key_Key_WakeUp: Qt_Key = 16777400; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Eject: Qt_Key = 16777401; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ScreenSaver: Qt_Key = 16777402; pub const Qt_Key_Key_WWW: Qt_Key = 16777403; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Memo: Qt_Key = 16777404; pub const Qt_Key_Key_LightBulb: Qt_Key = 16777405; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Shop: Qt_Key = 16777406; pub const Qt_Key_Key_History: Qt_Key = 16777407; pub const Qt_Key_Key_AddFavorite: Qt_Key = 16777408; pub const Qt_Key_Key_HotLinks: Qt_Key = 16777409; pub const Qt_Key_Key_BrightnessAdjust: Qt_Key = 16777410; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Finance: Qt_Key = 16777411; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Community: Qt_Key = 16777412; pub const Qt_Key_Key_AudioRewind: Qt_Key = 16777413; pub const Qt_Key_Key_BackForward: Qt_Key = 16777414; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ApplicationLeft: Qt_Key = 16777415; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ApplicationRight: Qt_Key = 16777416; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Book: Qt_Key = 16777417; pub const Qt_Key_Key_CD: Qt_Key = 16777418; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Calculator: Qt_Key = 16777419; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ToDoList: Qt_Key = 16777420; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ClearGrab: Qt_Key = 16777421; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Close: Qt_Key = 16777422; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Copy: Qt_Key = 16777423; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Cut: Qt_Key = 16777424; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Display: Qt_Key = 16777425; pub const Qt_Key_Key_DOS: Qt_Key = 16777426; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Documents: Qt_Key = 16777427; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Excel: Qt_Key = 16777428; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Explorer: Qt_Key = 16777429; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Game: Qt_Key = 16777430; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Go: Qt_Key = 16777431; pub const Qt_Key_Key_iTouch: Qt_Key = 16777432; pub const Qt_Key_Key_LogOff: Qt_Key = 16777433; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Market: Qt_Key = 16777434; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Meeting: Qt_Key = 16777435; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MenuKB: Qt_Key = 16777436; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MenuPB: Qt_Key = 16777437; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MySites: Qt_Key = 16777438; pub const Qt_Key_Key_News: Qt_Key = 16777439; pub const Qt_Key_Key_OfficeHome: Qt_Key = 16777440; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Option: Qt_Key = 16777441; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Paste: Qt_Key = 16777442; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Phone: Qt_Key = 16777443; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Calendar: Qt_Key = 16777444; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Reply: Qt_Key = 16777445; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Reload: Qt_Key = 16777446; pub const Qt_Key_Key_RotateWindows: Qt_Key = 16777447; pub const Qt_Key_Key_RotationPB: Qt_Key = 16777448; pub const Qt_Key_Key_RotationKB: Qt_Key = 16777449; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Save: Qt_Key = 16777450; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Send: Qt_Key = 16777451; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Spell: Qt_Key = 16777452; pub const Qt_Key_Key_SplitScreen: Qt_Key = 16777453; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Support: Qt_Key = 16777454; pub const Qt_Key_Key_TaskPane: Qt_Key = 16777455; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Terminal: Qt_Key = 16777456; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Tools: Qt_Key = 16777457; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Travel: Qt_Key = 16777458; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Video: Qt_Key = 16777459; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Word: Qt_Key = 16777460; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Xfer: Qt_Key = 16777461; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ZoomIn: Qt_Key = 16777462; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ZoomOut: Qt_Key = 16777463; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Away: Qt_Key = 16777464; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Messenger: Qt_Key = 16777465; pub const Qt_Key_Key_WebCam: Qt_Key = 16777466; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MailForward: Qt_Key = 16777467; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Pictures: Qt_Key = 16777468; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Music: Qt_Key = 16777469; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Battery: Qt_Key = 16777470; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Bluetooth: Qt_Key = 16777471; pub const Qt_Key_Key_WLAN: Qt_Key = 16777472; pub const Qt_Key_Key_UWB: Qt_Key = 16777473; pub const Qt_Key_Key_AudioForward: Qt_Key = 16777474; pub const Qt_Key_Key_AudioRepeat: Qt_Key = 16777475; pub const Qt_Key_Key_AudioRandomPlay: Qt_Key = 16777476; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Subtitle: Qt_Key = 16777477; pub const Qt_Key_Key_AudioCycleTrack: Qt_Key = 16777478; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Time: Qt_Key = 16777479; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hibernate: Qt_Key = 16777480; pub const Qt_Key_Key_View: Qt_Key = 16777481; pub const Qt_Key_Key_TopMenu: Qt_Key = 16777482; pub const Qt_Key_Key_PowerDown: Qt_Key = 16777483; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Suspend: Qt_Key = 16777484; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ContrastAdjust: Qt_Key = 16777485; pub const Qt_Key_Key_LaunchG: Qt_Key = 16777486; pub const Qt_Key_Key_LaunchH: Qt_Key = 16777487; pub const Qt_Key_Key_TouchpadToggle: Qt_Key = 16777488; pub const Qt_Key_Key_TouchpadOn: Qt_Key = 16777489; pub const Qt_Key_Key_TouchpadOff: Qt_Key = 16777490; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MicMute: Qt_Key = 16777491; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Red: Qt_Key = 16777492; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Green: Qt_Key = 16777493; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Yellow: Qt_Key = 16777494; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Blue: Qt_Key = 16777495; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ChannelUp: Qt_Key = 16777496; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ChannelDown: Qt_Key = 16777497; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Guide: Qt_Key = 16777498; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Info: Qt_Key = 16777499; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Settings: Qt_Key = 16777500; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MicVolumeUp: Qt_Key = 16777501; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MicVolumeDown: Qt_Key = 16777502; pub const Qt_Key_Key_New: Qt_Key = 16777504; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Open: Qt_Key = 16777505; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Find: Qt_Key = 16777506; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Undo: Qt_Key = 16777507; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Redo: Qt_Key = 16777508; pub const Qt_Key_Key_MediaLast: Qt_Key = 16842751; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Select: Qt_Key = 16842752; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Yes: Qt_Key = 16842753; pub const Qt_Key_Key_No: Qt_Key = 16842754; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Cancel: Qt_Key = 16908289; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Printer: Qt_Key = 16908290; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Execute: Qt_Key = 16908291; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Sleep: Qt_Key = 16908292; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Play: Qt_Key = 16908293; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Zoom: Qt_Key = 16908294; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Exit: Qt_Key = 16908298; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Context1: Qt_Key = 17825792; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Context2: Qt_Key = 17825793; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Context3: Qt_Key = 17825794; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Context4: Qt_Key = 17825795; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Call: Qt_Key = 17825796; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Hangup: Qt_Key = 17825797; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Flip: Qt_Key = 17825798; pub const Qt_Key_Key_ToggleCallHangup: Qt_Key = 17825799; pub const Qt_Key_Key_VoiceDial: Qt_Key = 17825800; pub const Qt_Key_Key_LastNumberRedial: Qt_Key = 17825801; pub const Qt_Key_Key_Camera: Qt_Key = 17825824; pub const Qt_Key_Key_CameraFocus: Qt_Key = 17825825; pub const Qt_Key_Key_unknown: Qt_Key = 33554431; pub type Qt_Key = ::std::os::raw::c_uint; pub const Qt_CursorShape_ArrowCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 0; pub const Qt_CursorShape_UpArrowCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 1; pub const Qt_CursorShape_CrossCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 2; pub const Qt_CursorShape_WaitCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 3; pub const Qt_CursorShape_IBeamCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 4; pub const Qt_CursorShape_SizeVerCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 5; pub const Qt_CursorShape_SizeHorCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 6; pub const Qt_CursorShape_SizeBDiagCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 7; pub const Qt_CursorShape_SizeFDiagCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 8; pub const Qt_CursorShape_SizeAllCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 9; pub const Qt_CursorShape_BlankCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 10; pub const Qt_CursorShape_SplitVCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 11; pub const Qt_CursorShape_SplitHCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 12; pub const Qt_CursorShape_PointingHandCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 13; pub const Qt_CursorShape_ForbiddenCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 14; pub const Qt_CursorShape_WhatsThisCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 15; pub const Qt_CursorShape_BusyCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 16; pub const Qt_CursorShape_OpenHandCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 17; pub const Qt_CursorShape_ClosedHandCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 18; pub const Qt_CursorShape_DragCopyCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 19; pub const Qt_CursorShape_DragMoveCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 20; pub const Qt_CursorShape_DragLinkCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 21; pub const Qt_CursorShape_LastCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 21; pub const Qt_CursorShape_BitmapCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 24; pub const Qt_CursorShape_CustomCursor: Qt_CursorShape = 25; pub type Qt_CursorShape = ::std::os::raw::c_uint; pub const Qt_FillRule_OddEvenFill: Qt_FillRule = 0; pub const Qt_FillRule_WindingFill: Qt_FillRule = 1; pub type Qt_FillRule = ::std::os::raw::c_uint;