// Copyright © SixtyFPS GmbH // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Slint-Royalty-free-2.0 OR LicenseRef-Slint-Software-3.0 /*! This module contains the builtin Path related items. When adding an item or a property, it needs to be kept in sync with different place. Lookup the [`crate::items`] module documentation. */ use super::{FillRule, Item, ItemConsts, ItemRc, ItemRendererRef, RenderingResult}; use crate::graphics::{Brush, PathData, PathDataIterator}; use crate::input::{ FocusEvent, FocusEventResult, InputEventFilterResult, InputEventResult, KeyEvent, KeyEventResult, MouseEvent, }; use crate::item_rendering::CachedRenderingData; use crate::layout::{LayoutInfo, Orientation}; use crate::lengths::{ LogicalBorderRadius, LogicalLength, LogicalSize, LogicalVector, PointLengths, RectLengths, }; #[cfg(feature = "rtti")] use crate::rtti::*; use crate::window::WindowAdapter; use crate::{Coord, Property}; use alloc::rc::Rc; use const_field_offset::FieldOffsets; use core::pin::Pin; use euclid::num::Zero; use i_slint_core_macros::*; /// The implementation of the `Path` element #[repr(C)] #[derive(FieldOffsets, Default, SlintElement)] #[pin] pub struct Path { pub elements: Property, pub fill: Property, pub fill_rule: Property, pub stroke: Property, pub stroke_width: Property, pub viewbox_x: Property, pub viewbox_y: Property, pub viewbox_width: Property, pub viewbox_height: Property, pub clip: Property, pub cached_rendering_data: CachedRenderingData, } impl Item for Path { fn init(self: Pin<&Self>, _self_rc: &ItemRc) {} fn layout_info( self: Pin<&Self>, _orientation: Orientation, _window_adapter: &Rc, ) -> LayoutInfo { LayoutInfo { stretch: 1., ..LayoutInfo::default() } } fn input_event_filter_before_children( self: Pin<&Self>, event: MouseEvent, _window_adapter: &Rc, self_rc: &ItemRc, ) -> InputEventFilterResult { if let Some(pos) = event.position() { let geometry = self_rc.geometry(); if self.clip() && (pos.x < 0 as _ || pos.y < 0 as _ || pos.x_length() > geometry.width_length() || pos.y_length() > geometry.height_length()) { return InputEventFilterResult::Intercept; } } InputEventFilterResult::ForwardAndIgnore } fn input_event( self: Pin<&Self>, _: MouseEvent, _window_adapter: &Rc, _self_rc: &ItemRc, ) -> InputEventResult { InputEventResult::EventIgnored } fn key_event( self: Pin<&Self>, _: &KeyEvent, _window_adapter: &Rc, _self_rc: &ItemRc, ) -> KeyEventResult { KeyEventResult::EventIgnored } fn focus_event( self: Pin<&Self>, _: &FocusEvent, _window_adapter: &Rc, _self_rc: &ItemRc, ) -> FocusEventResult { FocusEventResult::FocusIgnored } fn render( self: Pin<&Self>, backend: &mut ItemRendererRef, self_rc: &ItemRc, size: LogicalSize, ) -> RenderingResult { let clip = self.clip(); if clip { (*backend).save_state(); (*backend).combine_clip( size.into(), LogicalBorderRadius::zero(), LogicalLength::zero(), ); } (*backend).draw_path(self, self_rc, size); if clip { (*backend).restore_state(); } RenderingResult::ContinueRenderingChildren } } impl Path { /// Returns an iterator of the events of the path and an offset, so that the /// shape fits into the width/height of the path while respecting the stroke /// width. pub fn fitted_path_events( self: Pin<&Self>, self_rc: &ItemRc, ) -> Option<(LogicalVector, PathDataIterator)> { let mut elements_iter = self.elements().iter()?; let stroke_width = self.stroke_width(); let geometry = self_rc.geometry(); let bounds_width = (geometry.width_length() - stroke_width).max(LogicalLength::zero()); let bounds_height = (geometry.height_length() - stroke_width).max(LogicalLength::zero()); let offset = LogicalVector::from_lengths(stroke_width / 2 as Coord, stroke_width / 2 as Coord); let viewbox_width = self.viewbox_width(); let viewbox_height = self.viewbox_height(); let maybe_viewbox = if viewbox_width > 0. && viewbox_height > 0. { Some( euclid::rect(self.viewbox_x(), self.viewbox_y(), viewbox_width, viewbox_height) .to_box2d(), ) } else { None }; elements_iter.fit(bounds_width.get() as _, bounds_height.get() as _, maybe_viewbox); (offset, elements_iter).into() } } impl ItemConsts for Path { const cached_rendering_data_offset: const_field_offset::FieldOffset = Path::FIELD_OFFSETS.cached_rendering_data.as_unpinned_projection(); }