# Upstream This feature could easily be upstream to i3. This could be added as new option to the [`focus` command](https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#_focusing_moving_containers), such as `focus last`. Example usage would be: ``` bindsym $mod+Tab focus last ``` # CLI flags Add flags for: - Debug mode, shows when mark is set - Mark name, allows renaming the `_back` mark name # Stack-based switcher (This is just an idea, and may not be possible to implement with i3's current binding system.) I believe it would be possible to store the history of focus to allow using the `i3-back switch` command multiple times in a row, which would match how Alt+Tab works on other desktop environments. Considerations: - It would be nice to know when `$mod` is released, which would reset the history index. This limitation makes it likely not possible. Alternatively, use a delay.