# i3quitdialog A simple quit dialog for [i3wm](https://i3wm.org/). ## Build and install ```sh cargo install i3quitdialog ``` ## Settings The “`Exit`” button works out of the box. In order to allow users to halt and reboot the system, add them to the `power` group. You can just call it: ```sh i3quitdialog ``` However, if you are setting a [blocklet](https://vivien.github.io/i3blocks/#_i3blocks_properties) to launch I3 Quit Dialog, prefer using `i3-msg`: ```ini [Logoff] command=i3-msg -q -- exec --no-startup-id i3quitdialog color=#ff0000 full_text=⏻ text=⏻ interval=0 #signal=10 # uncomment this line to capture `pkill -SIGRTMIN+10 i3blocks` ``` ### `.XResources` support I3 Quit Dialog supports the following keys from `xrdb` (case sensitive): - `i3quitdialog.Title.foreground`: window colour - `i3quitdialog.Title.background`: window background colour - `i3quitdialog.ExitButton.color`: exit button colour - `i3quitdialog.CancelButton.color`: cancel button colour - `i3quitdialog.HaltButton.color`: halt button colour - `i3quitdialog.RebootButton.color`: halt button colour Acceptable values: - Hexadecimal RGB (`#0000ff`) - One of the following strings: - `Black` - `Blue` - `DarkBlue` - `Cyan` - `DarkCyan` - `Green` - `DarkGreen` - `Magenta` - `DarkMagenta` - `Red` - `DarkRed` - `White` - `Yellow` - `DarkYellow` License: BSD-3-Clause