use std::{env, path::PathBuf}; use quote::{format_ident, quote}; use regex::Regex; #[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize)] struct Record { country_code: String, //country_name: String, //domestic_example: String, //bban_example: String, //bban_format_swift: String, //bban_format_regex: String, //bban_length: usize, //iban_example: String, iban_format_swift: String, //iban_format_regex: String, iban_length: usize, bban_bankid_start_offset: Option, bban_bankid_stop_offset: Option, bban_branchid_start_offset: Option, bban_branchid_stop_offset: Option, //registry_edition: String, //country_sepa: String, //swift_official: String, bban_checksum_start_offset: Option, bban_checksum_stop_offset: Option, //country_code_iana: String, //country_code_iso3166_1_alpha2: String, //parent_registrar: String, //currency_iso4217: String, //central_bank_url: String, //central_bank_name: String, //membership: String, } fn main() { println!(""); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=registry.txt"); let mut reader = csv::ReaderBuilder::new() .delimiter(b'|') .has_headers(true) .from_path("./registry.txt") .expect("failed to create csv reader for registry.txt"); // TODO: `\d+(a|n|c|i)` is also valid, and specifies a maximum length, rather than a fixed length. let pattern = Regex::new(r"(\d+)!(a|n|c|i)").expect("regex should be valid"); let countries = reader .deserialize() .map(|record| record.expect("valid record")) .map( |Record { country_code, iban_format_swift, iban_length, bban_bankid_start_offset, bban_bankid_stop_offset, bban_branchid_start_offset, bban_branchid_stop_offset, bban_checksum_start_offset, bban_checksum_stop_offset, }| { let captures = pattern .captures_iter(&iban_format_swift[2..]) .map(|captures| { ( captures[1].parse::().unwrap(), format_ident!( "{}", captures[2] .parse::() .unwrap() .to_ascii_uppercase() .to_string() ), ) }) .map(|(len, char)| quote! { (#len, CharacterType::#char) }); let captures = iban_format_swift[..2] .as_bytes() .iter() .map(|byte| (1usize, byte.to_ascii_uppercase())) .map(|(len, char)| quote! { (#len, CharacterType::S(#char)) }) .chain(captures); let bankid_offset = if let (Some(start), Some(end)) = (bban_bankid_start_offset, bban_bankid_stop_offset) { quote! { Some((#start, #end + 1)) } } else { quote! { None } }; let branch_offset = if let (Some(start), Some(end)) = (bban_branchid_start_offset, bban_branchid_stop_offset) { quote! { Some((#start, #end + 1)) } } else { quote! { None } }; let checksum_offset = if let (Some(start), Some(end)) = (bban_checksum_start_offset, bban_checksum_stop_offset) { quote! { Some((#start, #end + 1)) } } else { quote! { None } }; ( country_code, quote! { ( #iban_length, &[#(#captures),*], #bankid_offset, #branch_offset, #checksum_offset, ) }, ) }, ) .collect::>(); let mut map = phf_codegen::Map::new(); for (key, value) in &countries { map.entry(key.as_str(), value.to_string().as_str()); } let countries =; let out_path = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); std::fs::write( out_path.join(""), format!( "#[allow(clippy::type_complexity, clippy::unreadable_literal, clippy::identity_op)]\nstatic COUNTRIES: ::phf::Map<&'static str, (usize, &'static [(usize, CharacterType)], Option<(usize, usize)>, Option<(usize, usize)>, Option<(usize, usize)>)> = {countries};\n", ), ) .expect("failed to write countries file"); }