use ibn_battuta::algorithms::utils::Solver; use ibn_battuta::algorithms::*; use ibn_battuta::parser::TspBuilder; use rayon::prelude::*; use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions}; use std::io::Write; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; // Define a struct to hold TSP instance data #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct TspInstance { pub path: String, pub best_known: f64, } // Define a struct to hold benchmark results #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct BenchmarkResult { pub instance_name: String, pub algorithm_name: String, pub execution_time: Duration, pub total_cost: f64, pub best_known: f64, pub solution_quality: f64, pub solution: Vec, } fn run_parallel_benchmarks( instances: &[TspInstance], algorithms: &[Solver], params: &[Vec], num_threads: usize, _csv_file: Arc>, ) { // println!("Starting parallel benchmarks with {} threads", num_threads); let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(num_threads).build().unwrap(); pool.install(|| { instances.par_iter().for_each(|instance| { // println!("Processing instance: {}", instance.path); algorithms.par_iter().enumerate().for_each(|(idx, algorithm)| { let params = ¶ms[idx]; // println!("> Benchmarking {} on instance: {}", algorithm, instance.path); let result = run_benchmark_multiple(instance, *algorithm, params.clone(), 10); // println!("< Finished benchmarking {} on instance: {}", algorithm, instance.path); // Write result to CSV file immediately // write_result_to_csv(&result, &csv_file); print_benchmark_result(&result); }); }); }); // println!("Finished all parallel benchmarks"); } fn _write_result_to_csv(result: &BenchmarkResult, csv_file: &Arc>) { let mut file = csv_file.lock().unwrap(); writeln!( file, "{},{},{},{:.2},{:.2},{:.2},\"{}\"", result.instance_name, result.algorithm_name, result.execution_time.as_millis(), result.total_cost, result.best_known, result.solution_quality, result.solution.iter().map(|&x| x.to_string()).collect::>().join(" ") ).expect("Unable to write to file"); } fn run_benchmark_multiple( instance: &TspInstance, algorithm: Solver, params: Vec, num_runs: usize, ) -> BenchmarkResult { // println!("Starting {} runs for {} on instance {}", num_runs, algorithm, instance.path); let results: Vec = (0..num_runs).into_par_iter().map(|_i| { // println!("Benchmarking {} on instance {} run {} ", algorithm, instance.path, i); let tsp = Arc::new({ match TspBuilder::parse_path(&instance.path) { Ok(tsp) => tsp, Err(e) => { eprintln!("Error parsing TSP instance {} :{}", instance.path, e); std::process::exit(1); } } }); let start = Instant::now(); let mut solver = build_solver(instance.path.clone(), algorithm, ¶ms); let solution = solver.solve(); let duration = start.elapsed(); let quality = (solution.length - instance.best_known) / instance.best_known * 100.0; // println!("Finished run {} for {} on instance {}", i, algorithm, instance.path); BenchmarkResult { instance_name:, algorithm_name: format!("{}", solver), execution_time: duration, total_cost: solution.length, best_known: instance.best_known, solution_quality: quality, solution: solution.tour, } }).collect(); let best_result = results.iter().min_by(|a, b| a.solution_quality.partial_cmp(&b.solution_quality).unwrap()).unwrap().clone(); let total_duration: Duration = results.iter().map(|r| r.execution_time).sum(); let mut final_result = best_result; final_result.execution_time = total_duration / num_runs as u32; // Average execution time // println!("Completed all runs for {} on instance {}", algorithm, instance.path); final_result } fn build_solver<'a>(instance: String, algorithm: Solver, params: &Vec) -> Box { let tsp = TspBuilder::parse_path(&instance).unwrap(); match algorithm { Solver::GeneticAlgorithm => { let population_size = params[0] as usize; let elite_size = params[1] as usize; let crossover_rate = params[2]; let mutation_rate = params[3]; let max_generations = params[4] as usize; Box::new(GeneticAlgorithm::with_options(tsp, population_size, elite_size, crossover_rate, mutation_rate, max_generations, )) } Solver::GeneticAlgorithm2Opt => { let population_size = params[0] as usize; let elite_size = params[1] as usize; let crossover_rate = params[2]; let mutation_rate = params[3]; let max_generations = params[4] as usize; Box::new(GA2Opt::with_options(tsp, population_size, elite_size, crossover_rate, mutation_rate, max_generations, )) } Solver::NearestNeighbor => { Box::new(NearestNeighbor::new(tsp)) } Solver::TwoOpt => { Box::new(TwoOpt::new(tsp)) } Solver::LinKernighan => { let mut nn = NearestNeighbor::new(tsp.clone()); let base_tour = nn.solve().tour; Box::new(LinKernighan::with_options(tsp, base_tour, true, 1000)) } Solver::SimulatedAnnealing => { // let initial_temperature = params[0]; // let cooling_rate = params[1]; // let min_temperature = params[2]; // let max_iterations = params[3] as usize; // let cycles_per_temperature = params[4] as usize; Box::new(SimulatedAnnealing::new(tsp)) } Solver::SimulatedAnnealing2Opt => { // let initial_temperature = params[0]; // let cooling_rate = params[1]; // let min_temperature = params[2]; // let max_iterations = params[3] as usize; // let cycles_per_temperature = params[4] as usize; Box::new(SA2Opt::new(tsp)) } Solver::AntColonySystem => { let alpha = params[0]; let beta = params[1]; let rho = params[2]; let q0 = params[3]; let max_iterations = params[4] as usize; let candidate_list_size = params[5] as usize; let num_ants = 10; Box::new(AntColonySystem::with_options(tsp, alpha, beta, rho, q0, num_ants, max_iterations, candidate_list_size)) } Solver::AntColonySystem2Opt => { let alpha = params[0]; let beta = params[1]; let rho = params[2]; let q0 = params[3]; let max_iterations = params[4] as usize; let candidate_list_size = params[5] as usize; let num_ants = 10; Box::new(ACS2Opt::with_options(tsp, alpha, beta, rho, q0, num_ants, max_iterations, candidate_list_size)) } Solver::RedBlackAntColonySystem => { let alpha = params[0]; let beta = params[1]; let rho_red = params[2]; let rho_black = params[3]; let q0 = params[4]; let num_ants = 10; let max_iterations = params[5] as usize; let candidate_list_size = params[6] as usize; Box::new(RedBlackACS::new(tsp, alpha, beta, rho_red, rho_black, q0, num_ants, max_iterations, candidate_list_size)) } Solver::RedBlackAntColonySystem2Opt => { let alpha = params[0]; let beta = params[1]; let rho_red = params[2]; let rho_black = params[3]; let q0 = params[4]; let num_ants = 10; let max_iterations = params[5] as usize; let candidate_list_size = params[6] as usize; Box::new(RBACS2Opt::with_options(tsp, alpha, beta, rho_red, rho_black, q0, num_ants, max_iterations, candidate_list_size)) } Solver::AntSystem => { let alpha = params[0]; let beta = params[1]; let rho = params[2]; let max_iterations = params[4] as usize; let num_ants = 20; Box::new(AntSystem::with_options(tsp, alpha, beta, rho, num_ants, max_iterations)) } _ => unimplemented!(), } } fn benchmark(solvers: &[Solver], params: &[Vec], num_threads: usize) { // println!("Starting benchmark process"); let instances_names = vec![ ("eil51", 426.0), ("berlin52", 7542.0), ("st70", 675.0), ("pr76", 108159.0), ("eil76", 538.0), ("lin105", 14379.0), ("pr124", 59030.0), ("d198", 15780.0), ("a280", 2579.0), ("lin318", 42029.0), ("u574", 36905.0), ("rat575", 6773.0), ("p654", 34643.0), ("d657", 48912.0), ("rat783", 8806.0), ("pr1002", 259045.0), ("pcb1173", 56892.0), ("fl1577", 22249.0), ("d1655", 62128.0), ("d2103", 80450.0), ("u2319", 234256.0), ("rl5915", 565530.0), ]; let instances: Vec = instances_names.iter().map(|(name, best_known)| TspInstance { path: format!("data/tsplib/{}.tsp", name), best_known: *best_known, }).collect(); // println!("Prepared {} instances for benchmarking", instances.len()); let csv_file = Arc::new(Mutex::new(create_csv_file("Parallel-TSP-Benchmark.csv"))); // Write CSV header { let mut file = csv_file.lock().unwrap(); writeln!(file, "Instance,Algorithm,Time_ms,Length,Optimum,Gap,Solution").expect("Unable to write to file"); println!("instance,algorithm,time_ms,length,optimum,gap,solution"); } // println!("Starting parallel benchmarks"); run_parallel_benchmarks(&instances, solvers, params, num_threads, csv_file.clone()); // println!("Benchmarking complete. Results saved to Parallel-TSP-Benchmark.csv"); } fn create_csv_file(filename: &str) -> std::fs::File { OpenOptions::new().write(true).create(true).truncate(true).open(filename).expect("Unable to create file") } #[allow(dead_code)] fn print_benchmark_result(result: &BenchmarkResult) { println!( "{},{},{},{:.2},{:.2},{:.2},\"{}\"", result.instance_name, result.algorithm_name, result.execution_time.as_millis(), result.total_cost, result.best_known, result.solution_quality, result.solution.iter().map(|&x| x.to_string()).collect::>().join(" ") ); } #[allow(dead_code)] fn save_results_to_csv(results: &[BenchmarkResult], filename: &str) { let mut file = File::create(filename).expect("Unable to create file"); writeln!(file, "Instance,Algorithm,Time (ms),Found Tour Length,Best Known Length,Gap (%),Solution").expect("Unable to write to file"); for result in results { writeln!( file, "{},{},{},{:.2},{:.2},{:.2},\"{}\"", result.instance_name, result.algorithm_name, result.execution_time.as_millis(), result.total_cost, result.best_known, result.solution_quality, result.solution.iter().map(|&x| x.to_string()).collect::>().join(" ") ).expect("Unable to write to file"); } } fn main() { // println!("Starting TSP benchmark program"); let solvers = vec![ Solver::NearestNeighbor, Solver::TwoOpt, Solver::SimulatedAnnealing, Solver::SimulatedAnnealing2Opt, Solver::GeneticAlgorithm, Solver::GeneticAlgorithm2Opt, Solver::AntColonySystem, Solver::AntColonySystem2Opt, Solver::RedBlackAntColonySystem, Solver::RedBlackAntColonySystem2Opt, // Solver::AntSystem, ]; let params = vec![ vec![], // NN vec![], // NN+2-OPT vec![1000.0, 0.999, 0.0001, 1000.0, 100.0], // SA vec![1000.0, 0.999, 0.0001, 1000.0, 100.0], // SA-2OPT vec![100.0, 5.0, 0.7, 0.01, 500.0], // GA vec![100.0, 5.0, 0.7, 0.01, 500.0], // GA-2OPT vec![0.1, 2.0, 0.1, 0.9, 1000.0, 15.0], // ACS vec![0.1, 2.0, 0.1, 0.9, 1000.0, 15.0], // ACS-2OPT vec![0.1, 2.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.9, 1000.0, 15.0], // RB-ACS vec![0.1, 2.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.9, 1000.0, 15.0], // RB-ACS-2OPT // vec![0.1, 2.0, 0.1, 15.0, 1000.0], // AS ]; let num_threads = 108; // println!("Configured {} solvers with {} threads", solvers.len(), num_threads); benchmark(&solvers, ¶ms, num_threads); eprintln!("Benchmark program completed"); }