/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Hisilicon Limited. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hns_roce_u.h" static void hns_roce_free_context(struct ibv_context *ibctx); #ifndef PCI_VENDOR_ID_HUAWEI #define PCI_VENDOR_ID_HUAWEI 0x19E5 #endif static const struct verbs_match_ent hca_table[] = { VERBS_PCI_MATCH(PCI_VENDOR_ID_HUAWEI, 0xA222, &hns_roce_u_hw_v2), VERBS_PCI_MATCH(PCI_VENDOR_ID_HUAWEI, 0xA223, &hns_roce_u_hw_v2), VERBS_PCI_MATCH(PCI_VENDOR_ID_HUAWEI, 0xA224, &hns_roce_u_hw_v2), VERBS_PCI_MATCH(PCI_VENDOR_ID_HUAWEI, 0xA225, &hns_roce_u_hw_v2), VERBS_PCI_MATCH(PCI_VENDOR_ID_HUAWEI, 0xA226, &hns_roce_u_hw_v2), VERBS_PCI_MATCH(PCI_VENDOR_ID_HUAWEI, 0xA227, &hns_roce_u_hw_v2), VERBS_PCI_MATCH(PCI_VENDOR_ID_HUAWEI, 0xA228, &hns_roce_u_hw_v2), VERBS_PCI_MATCH(PCI_VENDOR_ID_HUAWEI, 0xA22F, &hns_roce_u_hw_v2), {} }; static const struct verbs_context_ops hns_common_ops = { .alloc_mw = hns_roce_u_alloc_mw, .alloc_pd = hns_roce_u_alloc_pd, .bind_mw = hns_roce_u_bind_mw, .cq_event = hns_roce_u_cq_event, .create_cq = hns_roce_u_create_cq, .create_cq_ex = hns_roce_u_create_cq_ex, .create_qp = hns_roce_u_create_qp, .create_qp_ex = hns_roce_u_create_qp_ex, .dealloc_mw = hns_roce_u_dealloc_mw, .dealloc_pd = hns_roce_u_free_pd, .dereg_mr = hns_roce_u_dereg_mr, .destroy_cq = hns_roce_u_destroy_cq, .modify_cq = hns_roce_u_modify_cq, .query_device_ex = hns_roce_u_query_device, .query_port = hns_roce_u_query_port, .query_qp = hns_roce_u_query_qp, .reg_mr = hns_roce_u_reg_mr, .rereg_mr = hns_roce_u_rereg_mr, .create_srq = hns_roce_u_create_srq, .create_srq_ex = hns_roce_u_create_srq_ex, .modify_srq = hns_roce_u_modify_srq, .query_srq = hns_roce_u_query_srq, .destroy_srq = hns_roce_u_destroy_srq, .free_context = hns_roce_free_context, .create_ah = hns_roce_u_create_ah, .destroy_ah = hns_roce_u_destroy_ah, .open_xrcd = hns_roce_u_open_xrcd, .close_xrcd = hns_roce_u_close_xrcd, .open_qp = hns_roce_u_open_qp, .get_srq_num = hns_roce_u_get_srq_num, }; static uint32_t calc_table_shift(uint32_t entry_count, uint32_t size_shift) { uint32_t count_shift = hr_ilog32(entry_count); return count_shift > size_shift ? count_shift - size_shift : 0; } static int set_context_attr(struct hns_roce_device *hr_dev, struct hns_roce_context *context, struct hns_roce_alloc_ucontext_resp *resp) { struct ibv_device_attr dev_attrs; int i; if (!resp->cqe_size) context->cqe_size = HNS_ROCE_CQE_SIZE; else if (resp->cqe_size <= HNS_ROCE_V3_CQE_SIZE) context->cqe_size = resp->cqe_size; else context->cqe_size = HNS_ROCE_V3_CQE_SIZE; context->config = resp->config; if (resp->config & HNS_ROCE_RSP_EXSGE_FLAGS) context->max_inline_data = resp->max_inline_data; context->qp_table_shift = calc_table_shift(resp->qp_tab_size, HNS_ROCE_QP_TABLE_BITS); context->qp_table_mask = (1 << context->qp_table_shift) - 1; for (i = 0; i < HNS_ROCE_QP_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) context->qp_table[i].refcnt = 0; context->srq_table_shift = calc_table_shift(resp->srq_tab_size, HNS_ROCE_SRQ_TABLE_BITS); context->srq_table_mask = (1 << context->srq_table_shift) - 1; for (i = 0; i < HNS_ROCE_SRQ_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) context->srq_table[i].refcnt = 0; if (hns_roce_u_query_device(&context->ibv_ctx.context, NULL, container_of(&dev_attrs, struct ibv_device_attr_ex, orig_attr), sizeof(dev_attrs))) return EIO; hr_dev->hw_version = dev_attrs.hw_ver; hr_dev->congest_cap = resp->congest_type; context->max_qp_wr = dev_attrs.max_qp_wr; context->max_sge = dev_attrs.max_sge; context->max_cqe = dev_attrs.max_cqe; context->max_srq_wr = dev_attrs.max_srq_wr; context->max_srq_sge = dev_attrs.max_srq_sge; return 0; } static int hns_roce_init_context_lock(struct hns_roce_context *context) { int ret; ret = pthread_spin_init(&context->uar_lock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE); if (ret) return ret; ret = pthread_mutex_init(&context->qp_table_mutex, NULL); if (ret) goto destroy_uar_lock; ret = pthread_mutex_init(&context->srq_table_mutex, NULL); if (ret) goto destroy_qp_mutex; ret = pthread_mutex_init(&context->db_list_mutex, NULL); if (ret) goto destroy_srq_mutex; return 0; destroy_srq_mutex: pthread_mutex_destroy(&context->srq_table_mutex); destroy_qp_mutex: pthread_mutex_destroy(&context->qp_table_mutex); destroy_uar_lock: pthread_spin_destroy(&context->uar_lock); return ret; } static void hns_roce_destroy_context_lock(struct hns_roce_context *context) { pthread_spin_destroy(&context->uar_lock); pthread_mutex_destroy(&context->qp_table_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&context->srq_table_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&context->db_list_mutex); } static struct verbs_context *hns_roce_alloc_context(struct ibv_device *ibdev, int cmd_fd, void *private_data) { struct hns_roce_device *hr_dev = to_hr_dev(ibdev); struct hns_roce_alloc_ucontext_resp resp = {}; struct hns_roce_alloc_ucontext cmd = {}; struct hns_roce_context *context; context = verbs_init_and_alloc_context(ibdev, cmd_fd, context, ibv_ctx, RDMA_DRIVER_HNS); if (!context) return NULL; cmd.config |= HNS_ROCE_EXSGE_FLAGS | HNS_ROCE_RQ_INLINE_FLAGS | HNS_ROCE_CQE_INLINE_FLAGS; if (ibv_cmd_get_context(&context->ibv_ctx, &cmd.ibv_cmd, sizeof(cmd), &resp.ibv_resp, sizeof(resp))) goto err_ibv_cmd; if (hns_roce_init_context_lock(context)) goto err_ibv_cmd; if (set_context_attr(hr_dev, context, &resp)) goto err_set_attr; context->uar = mmap(NULL, hr_dev->page_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, cmd_fd, 0); if (context->uar == MAP_FAILED) goto err_set_attr; verbs_set_ops(&context->ibv_ctx, &hns_common_ops); verbs_set_ops(&context->ibv_ctx, &hr_dev->u_hw->hw_ops); return &context->ibv_ctx; err_set_attr: hns_roce_destroy_context_lock(context); err_ibv_cmd: verbs_uninit_context(&context->ibv_ctx); free(context); return NULL; } static void hns_roce_free_context(struct ibv_context *ibctx) { struct hns_roce_device *hr_dev = to_hr_dev(ibctx->device); struct hns_roce_context *context = to_hr_ctx(ibctx); munmap(context->uar, hr_dev->page_size); hns_roce_destroy_context_lock(context); verbs_uninit_context(&context->ibv_ctx); free(context); } static void hns_uninit_device(struct verbs_device *verbs_device) { struct hns_roce_device *dev = to_hr_dev(&verbs_device->device); free(dev); } static struct verbs_device *hns_device_alloc(struct verbs_sysfs_dev *sysfs_dev) { struct hns_roce_device *dev; dev = calloc(1, sizeof(*dev)); if (!dev) return NULL; dev->u_hw = sysfs_dev->match->driver_data; dev->hw_version = dev->u_hw->hw_version; dev->page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); return &dev->ibv_dev; } static const struct verbs_device_ops hns_roce_dev_ops = { .name = "hns", .match_min_abi_version = 0, .match_max_abi_version = INT_MAX, .match_table = hca_table, .alloc_device = hns_device_alloc, .uninit_device = hns_uninit_device, .alloc_context = hns_roce_alloc_context, }; bool is_hns_dev(struct ibv_device *device) { struct verbs_device *verbs_device = verbs_get_device(device); return verbs_device->ops == &hns_roce_dev_ops; } bool hnsdv_is_supported(struct ibv_device *device) { return is_hns_dev(device); } PROVIDER_DRIVER(hns, hns_roce_dev_ops);