# ic-solidity-bindgen This is a tool to generate Rust bindings for Solidity contracts to use with the Internet Computer. ## Usage ```rust contract_abis!("../abi"); thread_local! { static ORACLE_ADDRESSES: RefCell<BTreeMap<SupportedNetwork,Address>> = RefCell::new(BTreeMap::new()); } #[update] #[candid_method(update)] async fn set_value(symbol: String, value: WrappedU256) { struct Dist { nw: SupportedNetwork, addr: Address, } for d in ORACLE_ADDRESSES.with(|addresses| { addresses .borrow() .iter() .map(|(&k, &v)| Dist { nw: k, addr: v }) .collect::<Vec<Dist>>() }) { let context = ctx(d.nw).unwrap(); let oracle = IPriceOracle::new(d.addr.clone(), &context); // This is the generated binding let res = oracle .set_price( symbol.to_string().clone(), value.value(), Some(call_options()), ) .await.unwrap(); ic_cdk::println!("set_value: {:?}", res); } } fn call_options() -> Options { let call_options = CallOptionsBuilder::default() .transform(Some(TransformContext { function: TransformFunc(candid::Func { principal: ic_cdk::api::id(), method: "transform_request".to_string(), }), context: vec![], })) .max_resp(None) .cycles(None) .build() .unwrap(); let mut opts = Options::default(); opts.call_options = Some(call_options); opts } ```