# ICHelper Another program to help FIB students with IC, this time in Rust! ## To-do - [x] **IMPORTANT** In SISA to binary modify NOT instruction to only receive 2 registers - [x] Convert binary to SISA - [x] Convert hex to SISA (hex to binary and then call converter binary -> SISA) - [x] Convert SISA to binary (control unit) - [x] Convert SISA to binary (processing unit) - [ ] Add license info - [ ] Restructure files - [ ] Create TUI - [ ] Refactor bad programmed functions --- ## Related projects - [ICHelper (prototype)](https://github.com/raulgilabert/IC-helper-prototype) - [mr.r0bot-kt.v](https://github.com/arnxxau/mr.r0bot-kt.v) - [SisaProgram](https://github.com/JoanK11/SisaProgram)